Reviews for Deadly Desires
Guest chapter 16 . 3/17/2019
*reading this story while listening to "Gangsta" by Kehlani

Wow! What a ride!

I never expected myself to like dark Allen and Kanda, but I end up liking psychotic yullen as much as heroic yullen.

What makes this story eerily enticing is that I can actually SEE the original Allen and Kanda in the manga turning like this, given different choices and different circumstances. If Kanda is completely consumed by his resentment and hatred toward Black Order (which I think is justified; he is tortured and experimented on, forced to mutilate his best friend/past lover, and they make Kanda seem like the killer when in fact Alma was alive, kept hidden and experimented on AGAIN, until Kanda had to fight him for the second time), he would have become murderous and vindictive like in your story. If Allen let his resentment of the people who shunned him consume him (for God's sake, he was not given a name before he met Mana and was only referred as "red-arm" and had his fair share of abuse while working in the circus) and gets tired of putting a good act to be able to be accepted by people, he could have willingly turned to the dark side like he did in your story.

It's eerily enticing because by reading this, it's like I can see what Allen and Kanda could become if they choose to be on the side of evil instead of the side of good. They are already described as having some sort of darkness in Canon, it's like they only need a little push to go the wrong way. They're both strong, smart in their own way, and stubborn as a bull. If they put their mind on something, they're practically unstoppable, especially if they work together. Black Order should be grateful that they chose to work for them instead of against them.
Asura101 chapter 16 . 5/2/2018
Oh. My. God. I just started reading this today and i could not put it down! At night when i should be sleeping especially since i was really tired, i could not put it down! I was literally hanging off of my seat! This story...oh my god... I thought someone should make a movie like this cause then i now I'll be definitely watching forever! Even if i was sent down to hell, satan cannot stop me reading this and wishing it were a movie! I love it! Sequel!
HappyDragneel1DHHS chapter 16 . 2/7/2018
So I'm going to be honest... This story was great... It was sick and twisted but I didn't feel disgusted at all because it was written in such a way that made you see everything from the killers point of view... In other stories it's easy to hate the killer because it's usually written from the side of "justice"... But this story made me feel nothing but empathy for Kanda and Allen... I must say I felt a bit bad for Tyki... But oh well... I love the way Yoshi accepted his father's and says that he loves them unconditionally.. I also love the way Kanda just willingly stopped killing the moment Allen and his son were in danger... I loved this story :) xxx
cary99 chapter 1 . 10/23/2016
Cool chapter
LucyFire chapter 16 . 10/15/2016
I really love reading crazy Yullen and so I came to LOVE you for this masterpiece
And I LOVE Yoshinori 3
Nadejdaro chapter 16 . 8/2/2016
Love this to the moon and back. And Yoshinori having his own twisted side is perfect. Bless you. Bless you and this story.
Amelie chapter 16 . 7/5/2016
Oh my god.. oh my god! This is a really damn fucked up story, but i love it! Hahahaha That was so amazing! (I think my mind is fucked up too hahaha) Oh my goooood! i think you are so talented :)

Nice work!
Kyla-saurs-rex chapter 16 . 10/7/2015
I loved this so much it was really well written and was enticing to read! I heard this song that reminded me of this fic... Serial killer by Lana del Rey!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/10/2015
I wasn't so sure about this at first. I'm not by any means a squeamish person. After the first chapter I was absolutely hooked. I love ! Dark Kanda and ! Dark Allen. It's a nice twist. The cliff hangers were well placed. There were few errors in grammar and continuity. It got a little questionable near the end when the baby was introduced but it was a nice way to make them stop killing and a realistic way to get them to change their ways. I love it. Good job.
Fallingthroughthefolds chapter 1 . 4/28/2015
So I'm reading this story again because when I read it I had my friend read it with me and now like what? Two years later? Something like that, she was asking me about it and I remember how much I loved it and we're reading it all over again 3
XavierForest chapter 16 . 4/23/2015
(It was good...but...I'm gonna be mentally scarred)
Ente Isla chapter 12 . 2/11/2015
Uuuuuuugh! OMG! I cant take it anymore! This story is so messed up but sooooo HOT! I swear, this story is amazing! I love you! I love your stories, they are an amaing read and I cant help but be drawn into them! \\\ btw can you please explain what Lavi meant when he said "Why would you kill.."? Who was killed in that room with the baby? I was really confused. Anyway, love the story so far, but Im so afraid to keep reading because I really dont want them to get arrested and put in jail because I LOVE them (and also because the sex scenes are hot between them .) but at the same time they ARE killing alot of people. Im so conflicted on what to think
Guest chapter 16 . 12/13/2014
Love it!
kaoru12211991 chapter 16 . 10/6/2014
I am a sick and twisted person to having enjoyed every minute of this fic. So this is definitely one of my favourites, I'm feeling pretty good with the end so bravo to you, I know it can be hard to write a satisfying end to a story but you did a really good job, you managed to tie up the loose ends and still have a somewhat open ending to let us wonder how Yoshinori and Benigno will fight out who wins (though really Yoshinori is sooo going to win). So I'm happy, I might come back later and re-read the story, cause it was somewhat told in pieces which was good and not as confusing as you would think, but I want to go back just to re-read and actually know what certain things mean before it's explained after, so until then, thanks for the entertainment and keep up writing!
ForeverYorozuya chapter 15 . 7/30/2014
My review got cut off on the last chapter so ill just review on this one xD the story was so dark...I LOVED ITTT XDDD thank u!
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