Chapter 1, Episode 2.01
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles do not belong to me.
Jane opened her apartment door and Maura took one look at her and said, "You look terrible."
"Thank you," Jane said, moving out of the way to allow Maura to come inside.
"We're going to be late," Maura said.
Jane grabbed at her side as she took a seat on the couch and said, "I'm not going."
"You're still in pain?" Maura asked.
Jane shrugged and said, "Sometimes, yeah, a little I guess."
Maura went into Jane's bedroom and returned holding Jane's uniform. "Put this on."
Jane wrinkled her nose at the uniform, "It makes me look like a man."
Undeterred, Maura said, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
Jane looked away. "I'm not a hero. I did something stupid, not heroic."
Maura took a seat next to Jane on the couch and put her hand on Jane's leg. "The ceremony isn't for you. It's for your fellow officers, your parents, the community. You're a symbol. A flesh and blood reminder of the Thin Blue Line."
Jane smiled at Maura's earnestness before saying, "Nice try."
"Okay, the hard way." Maura grabbed Jane's hand and stood, pulling Jane up with her. "Come on," Maura said, pulling Jane toward the bedroom and holding the uniform in her other hand.
"Maura stop," Jane said and took hold of the uniform. "If it means this much to you, I will put on the damn uniform and go to the ceremony. Just go sit down on the couch and give me a few minutes to get ready."
Maura sat and waited. About five minutes later Jane did return and had her uniform on as promised. Maura eyes trailed up Jane's long legs, noting that Jane was wearing her own belt with a slightly flashier buckle, not the standard uniform utility belt. She watched Jane finish buttoning the shirt up to the collar and then button the cuffs of each sleeve.
Maura had never seen Jane in her uniform before and it was hard not to notice how good Jane looked in it. How the dark straight pants showed off Jane's long legs and the perfect curve of Jane's ass. The dark button down shirt highlighted the natural androgyny of Jane's body. The dark shirt buttoned up fully to the collar obscured Jane's already small chest and highlighted her flat stomach where the shirt tucked into the pants.
The black tie hung untied around Jane's neck. Jane took hold of it and held the ends out towards Maura, smirking slightly at the way Maura was now staring at her, and said, "Do you know how to tie this? I never do it right."
Maura stood and cleared her throat. "Yes, I can do it for you." Jane's hair was pinned up into a bun exposing her neck, and Maura couldn't stop her eyes from roaming over it while she worked on the tie. "What did you do about the tie when you were a patrol officer?"
Jane was watching Maura's hands, which also gave her a clear view of Maura's cleavage in the empire neckline of her black dress. "I had Ma tie it once and then tried to never untie it. I just loosened it and pulled it over my head."
Maura finished with the tie and without thinking about it, smoothed her hands over the top of Jane's chest and then over her shoulders and down her arms to Jane's hands which she held on to. Looking up into Jane's eyes, Maura said, "There. You look very...dapper."
Jane held Maura's gaze for a moment. "Are you sure we have to go?" Jane asked.
"No, I'm not sure. I mean, you are sort of correct. What you did was stupid. It was heroic, but it was also stupid and reckless and frightening."
"Maura," Jane said, squeezing Maura's hands.
"I'm gonna kiss you now."
Maura nodded, "Okay."
Jane bent her head and pressed her lips against Maura's lips and they both parted their lips slightly. Jane pulled back and took a breath, looking for any signs that she should stop, and then went back for more, this time they explored each other's mouths with their tongues. Maura brought a hand up to Jane's face. After another moment Maura pulled back and said, "I need to text Korsak and tell him we aren't coming."
"You can blame me. Say I'm not feeling well enough," Jane said as she took a seat on the couch.
Maura handed Jane her phone and said, "Here, you write it. I don't care what you tell him."
Jane typed out the message and passed the phone back to Maura, who then took a seat next to Jane and rubbed her hand down Jane's arm. "This uniform is really sexy...Actually, much of the uniform is rather unfortunate style-wise, but you wearing the uniform is really sexy."
Jane shook her head, "I can't believe this uniform is what's doing it for you."
They silently regarded each for a moment before Maura said, "Jane, why haven't we done this before?"
Jane looked down at her lap and thought about what she wanted to say. She took hold of one of Maura's hands and said, "Because before I hadn't almost died and you hadn't almost been shot to death in the morgue. After everything that's happened over the past few months it seems silly now to fight this...whatever this is between us, anymore. All of the reasons I told myself it wouldn't be a good idea to go down this path with you, they just aren't good enough reasons anymore."
"So I'm not the only one who has thought about how good we could be together?" Maura asked.
"No, you aren't the only one." Jane leaned toward Maura and kissed her again. When she pulled back she grimaced and gripped her side again.
"Are you really still having this much pain?" Maura asked.
"Sometimes," Jane answered.
"Based on normal healing time frame for a wound like yours, you shouldn't be still having that much pain. It may be psychosomatic. Brought on by stress or emotions."
"I just think that position wasn't a great idea. Will you just come up here," Jane patted her lap, "and I'll tell you if anything hurts. Just no big sudden movements, okay?"
"Okay" Maura said. She stood and hitched up her dress and carefully straddled Jane's lap.
Maura put her hand behind Jane's neck and said, "May I?" Jane nodded and Maura pulled Jane's hair out of the bun and ran her fingers through it, saying, "Even better." Maura laughed softly. "I have thought about being in this very position with you before, but I never imagined you in your uniform."
"And what are we doing in this position in your imagination?" Jane asked in a low voice as her fingers massaged the skin on Maura's legs, just under the hem of Maura's dress.
Maura blushed slightly, but she put her hands on Jane's shoulders and leaned forward, rising onto her knees to give Jane easier access to her legs. She kissed below Jane's ear and then said softly, "In my imagination," Maura started but paused as Jane's hands moved further up under her skirt. "This is a very accurate example of what happens in my imagination."
Maura's breathing hitched as Jane's left hand moved to her inner thigh and continued its ascent. Maura leaned back so she could see Jane's face and Jane asked, "Is this what you imagined too?"
"Yes. But this is much better than my imagination."
Jane's hand reached the top of Maura's legs and fingers swiped through wetness. "Dr. Isles, you aren't wearing any underwear," Jane said in surprise.
"Mmm, I didn't want panty lines and I don't really care for thongs." Jane's fingers continued tracing Maura's folds. Maura moaned and said, "Jane, please, don't tease me."
Jane pushed two fingers inside Maura and Maura moaned, "Oh, Jane."
Jane looked up in awe at Maura. She had closed her eyes but maintained her perfect posture as she rode Jane's hand. "Shit Maura, you feel so good."
Maura gripped Jane's shoulders tighter and bore down on Jane's hand as her body shuddered with her orgasm. Maura opened her eyes and then kissed Jane hard on the mouth.
"Mmm, Jane, I want to feel you," Maura said and started fumbling with Jane's belt.
Jane put her hands over Maura's to stop them and said, "I'm not quite up for that activity yet. Soon though. Very soon."
Maura's cell phone rang next to them on the couch. "I'm sorry. I'm on call tonight, I need to get that." Jane nodded and Maura answered the phone. After a moment she said, "Okay, I'm on my way." Maura ended the call and looked at Jane and said, "A car exploded outside the awards ceremony."