"Okay. I'm done waiting. Let's get going." Karkat let out a sigh, glancing around the group of trolls who had all sprawled on the floor, attempting to keep themselves entertained. Kanaya and Rose sat idle in the corner, whispering and giggling together. Nepeta was pouncing through the grass as Equius frantically chased her around. Sollux seemed to have grabbed every computer in the wagon, and was messing with each one individually, with Eridan hovering over him and generally being an annoying ass. Vriska, who had finally knocked over her arm rest, decided Tavros's next job was to be a pillow. She rested her head on his stomach as he struggled to sit up. "It's not like they'll be too confused. We'll just explain it when they get back."
Vriska opened her eyes for a moment, looking over at Karkat. "Oh thank Gog... Tavros is squirming too much for a good nap anyway..." She sat up, stretching a bit before turning to face the fallen bull. She let out a sigh, placing his wheelchair in upright position and then plopping him in it with only one little mumble of 'psh... useless..." She rolled her eyes as she focused on Karkat again. "So how are we gonna do this?" She sat on the armrest of Tavros's wheelchair, tossing an arm over one of Tav's horns.
Karkat glared at the two for a moment before turning to Gamzee, who was currently attempting to blow bubbles with sopor slime. It wasn't working very well. "Well, with the information Gamzee has given us, I think it's best if the trolls entering last were the ones who controlled you guys. We'll move in an invert from there so everyone is doing something simultaneously, speeding up the process. Sound good?" Trolls around the circle nodded. Gamzee let out a small laugh as he finally succeeded in making a small bubble. He snatched it out of the air with his teeth.
Vriska stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Okay so how do we start?"
"Oh thath thimple enough. While we were waiting, I inthtalled the therver and client thoftware on every top, tho we don't have to wait for that. Equiuth and Nepeta can take their computer, and jutht thart up and go. It thould be that thimple." As he spoke, he never looked up from his incessant typing.
"God your liTHHHHHHHHp is so annoying." Vriska taunted, rolling her eyes as she hopped off of Tavros's wheels, and spun to grab the handlebars. "But whatever. Where do you want us?" She pushed Tavros's wheelchair so it was popping a wheelie, and then wheeled him to the edge of the camp. Sollux glanced up for half a second, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose before closing the first top and tossing it to Equius.
"Oh it doethn't matter, really. There'th going two be a bunch of weird ath gadgeth around... EQ, Jutht open the therver program, and follow the directionth. God damnit, ED, get off my fuckin' back!" Sollux turned to face Eridan, who was constantly prodding and poking him, and shoved him backward. Eridan fell, and hissed at him. Sollux only laughed wryly, turning his attention back to Equius, who had opened the top, and had begun typing.
After a while, the first gizmo apparated out of thin air, and thunked to the ground, crushing flowers and small robot parts underneath it. The trolls flipped their shit for a few moments, freaking out about the random apparition of a random gizmo, and only calmed down after they were assured that it was supposed to happen. After that, each separate tool dropped consecutively and without problems(Albeit a lot of excitement the moment the alchemiter dropped). Due to the close proximity of every machine, and the incessant poking and prodding of Vriska wanting to get the show on the road, and irons in the fire, the first pair of trolls were in the medium within 2 minutes, them and their little circle of gizmos disappearing in a flash of white light, leaving a small crater behind. The remaining trolls stared at the crater, slightly awestruck at the hole in the ground, and the silence that followed the SpiderBitch leaving.
Oh the silence was heavenly.
"Yo hey we're back. I think Jade's pretty much off of her high now. Holy shit you shoulda' seen her though. She was flippin' bulges out there, screaming and raving about flowers, robots, glasses and shit. I swear, I thought we had entered some magic land of happiness and joy. She was all over the place, just fucking shit up and dancing like a fuckin' troll hippie. Hell, she'd make one bitch of a 'mirthful follower' with her crazy antics and high as fuck dancing. I mean, shit, she rivals Gamzee over there... It's just one large ass clown ride of facepaint between the two. Next thing ya' know, she's going to be wearing dog ears and chucking mini planets at us or some shit... I swear though- oh hey where'd that crater come from? Did you guys have a party without us? It looks like someone decided to drop some bombs down or some shit. Some very smooth, symetrical bombs. How the hell is that hole so fucking round? It's like someone came with a giant ass Tree-Fruit carver, and just popped a chunk from the ground. And where's Vris and Tavvey? They just decided to up and lea-"
"Oh for FUCKS SAKE CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET US EXPLAIN?" Karkat screamed, cutting Dave's rant short.
Oh the silence was short lived.
Dave stared at Karkat through his shades, Jade asleep on his back, her arms slung haphazardly over his shoulders, her head lolling to the side. She squirmed a little at Karkat's yelling, but otherwise stayed still. Dave scrunched his nose at Karkat's yelling, and gently placed Jade on the ground before walking closer to Karkat, stopping only a foot away. He towered over the short troll, looking down at him. "Alright then." His voice was low and calm. "Care to explain?" Karkat quickly backed up, coughing awkwardly as he began his explanation. Dave only half listened the whole time, zoning out and staring at different things around the trolls' hang out place, the sleeping Jade, the random crater off to the left.
"...Just entered what Gamzee calls the medium. We decided that Gamzee and Jade are going to be the next to enter, and you, me, and Terezi are going to watch over them. Sound simple enough for your pea brain?" Karkat finished up, only gaining Dave's attention at the last moment. Dave looked up from staring at one flower.
"Oh. Uhh.. Yeah. Totally, dude. I got this shit in the bag. Brain's full of understanding. Don't worry, man, I got this. Let's get going! Now we just need to find Vriska and Tavros, and we'll be on our way, right?"
Karkat stared at him for a moment, his jaw dropping open. After about 2 seconds, he snapped it shut, his eyes narrowing into angry slits. His voice was low and pissed. "Were you even listening at all?"
"No not really."
"Same to you." Dave's wink was lost in translation. Or at least, lost behind his shades. Karkat tossed his hands into the air as he retreated to Sollux, grabbing his own computer. "Fuck this shit. I'll just do it all! Don't need your help. Fuck my life. Why do I get paired up with this douche?"
"Hey you got me too!" Terezi cut in, laughing a bit. Karkat only turned to face her, pointing an accusing finger at her face.
"You're just a... neh... AHH! Both of you!" He tossed his hands in the air, not realizing his previous sentence made no sense whatsoever. "I hate my life!" Terezi froze a bit, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.
"Gog, what climbed up your nook and died, Karkat?" Terezi followed behind Karkat as he walked his top to a corner of the field, and opened it, sitting down and folding his legs under him. She sat next to him and watched as he opened the server program.
Gizmos and gadgets began popping into existence, albiet a bit more angry than the previous ones. Karkat opened a few screens, and glanced around the computer's interface. "It looks like making this stuff costs Grist, like Gamzee said, and the game gave us enough to get two people in before we have to start earning it ourselves. So Vriska and Tavros are going to have to start killing some imps soon, and Gamzee." He turned to the troll who had gotten bored with blowing bubbles a while ago, and now was hovering over a sleeping Jade, poking her cheek. He glanced over.
"Yeah, bro?" He smiled.
Karkat only rolled his eyes. "When you and Jade enter, you need to start killing imps as soon as possible. We're going to need a lot of grist to keep going."
Gamzee's smile faded a bit. "Aww, bro, what did the imps ever do to you?"
"Just do it."
"Alright, bro, but their blood is on your hands." He grinned again as the final gizmo was dropped onto the ground.
The process was repeated, the other bored trolls picking up totem lathes and such and helping out until Gamzee had a sleeping Jade over one shoulder, and a glowing purple bottle of faygo in the other. He grinned, surrounded by the machines that had popped out of nowhere, and the magical faygo in his hand. He looked at the group of trolls impatiently waiting him to be off, and said his parting words. For shits and giggles.
"Mother fucking miracles, that's what this shit is. See you later!" He drank the Faygo, and with a flash of light, was gone.
A.N. Okay now that they are in the medium, I can start focusing on more individual things... the real story starts now XD