HAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahhahhahhahhhahahhaaaaaaaaaa. Don't hurt me! I'm sorry but I am finishing all of my stories so that I can upload them with minor tweeks and they will all be completed. No abandoning unless said otherwise. I'm in med school now guys!
Love ya'll
Chapter 6: Damn Fate and Harry Potter…
Marvolo awoke to sunlight peaking through his window, the contented feeling of a good sleep with a wonderful dream, the room at a perfect temperature and loud obnoxious knocking on his door. Dammit it all, why did he need to wake up again? Oh yeah school. School was unnecessary, no one needs education. Who needs knowledge? Not Marvolo, that's for sure.
And that's where the drowsy thoughts stopped and the alert ones began. What the hell was his brain talking about? Knowledge was power. Knowledge was the difference between two wizards of equal power. Knowledge was the factor that tipped the scales in favor of the magically weaker wizard. Did his brain, the brain that holds the knowledge of many places spanning millennia, suddenly forget that thirst for knowledge? God he was already thinking like a 22 year-old. Mornings should be early so that one can be productive. Mornings are...
Merlin, why hasn't that infernal racket stopped yet?
"Maaaarvoooooolooooooo!"There was the sound of light footsteps clamoring down the steps then a suspicious sliding noise, then the face of Adalia before he was tackled on his bed. For a thirteen-year-old girl she was a lot heavier than she looked. Or it could be because she body slammed this poor 70 something year old soul when he had just opened his eyes to the God forsaken sun. Marvolo's vision was starting to go fuzzy as his face steadily sank into the oh so therapeutic pillow. This was not the way to great a new day. Homicidal urges not yet forgotten started to rear their ugly (beautifully glorious) head. Someone or something would die this morning and since killing someone would get his soul dragged out of this body, probably in the most painful way there was, something would have to die.
"Get. Off. NOW!"
"Okay, Okay. I was just making sure you were up. Mom told me to get you. Breakfast is ready. No need to be so angry." The girl pouted in the most ridiculous way that made the child look like a puffer fish out of water. Appealing with cuteness to a former dark lord was not the way to get what you want.
"I don't believe I gave you permission to enter my room. You may knock and wait, but you may not enter. Now leave. I will be down soon."
As Marvolo watched the girl walk out the room with her shoulders slumped in an obvious sign of rejection. These old memories and emotions were playing havoc on his psyche. Now he had the urge to apologize, hug and comfort the little menace. It didn't matter though. Marvolo was better than his emotions. Comfort was for weaklings and hugs were for idiot who were not concerned about backstabbing. She could deal with her disappointment. Then the girl turns around and sticks her tongue out, running out of the room before Marvolo could send a stinging hex after her. Cheeky little brat.
Pretty harsh philosophy. That was most uncalled for towards your sister.
Marvolo almost squealed like a little girl in pigtails.
"What the hell are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you at the hospital."
Oh good heavens no! I may not be near you twenty-four seven but you are my most interesting project to date. Too much fun to annoy. So I'll drop by occasionally. You need someone to put some perspective and humility in your life.
And of course Fate would be the one to say something like that.
"Is there a reason why you're gracing me with your wonderfully profound presence?"
I'm going to ignore the sarcasm because what you said is true anyway. I'm just checking in with you before your big day. You know, I could made you stay in the dorms as a first year, but I figured you needed to be eased into the having friends and other people who love you thing. OOOOOh but I have a surprise for you once you get there. You'll get it in your 2nd …no 3rd class. Have fun!
Just like the wind, Fate was gone back to whatever hole she crawled from. Marvolo was surprised he didn't get whiplash from the blindsiding Fate has been doing to him these past few months. The now retired Dark Lord figured it would be impossible to create a ward that prevented Fate from taking her course. Fate was a pain in the ass chatterbox who got in the way. It wouldn't stop him from imagining wards springing up every time he heard that insufferable woman's voice...with functions to singe every inch of her body then throw her at least a kilometer away. Sweet Sweet fantasies.
Alas, Marvolo couldn't remain in bed reminiscing on the good old days and how he would torture Fate no matter how comforting those thoughts were. There were more important things to ponder on, like this school of higher learning situated in Greece he didn't know about. It rankled every nerve in his body not to know something as monumental as universities for magic. The amount of knowledge he could have obtained without jumping around the world... Granted Marvolo is unsure of what else he could learn from these so called professors then and now but it would have been a great location to indoctrinate new followers. It would be interesting nonetheless to see what turn the wizarding world had taken.
Marvolo slowly stretched as he rose sluggishly from the bed yawning while stretching his arms in the air. He shuffled his way to the door of magical colors and turned the knob to green. The bathroom still impressed him with its deep green tiles and sunlight streaming through the large wall sized window. The large amount of light in all rooms was much appreciated. The bath filled immediately upon approach with bubbles of soap gently rising and falling as the water started to pulsate.
Oh Merlin but this was heaven.
The original Marvolo most definitely was a hedonist. Unfortunately, the amount of time spent in the bath would have to be cut short in order to get to breakfast then to school on time. His clothes he found (once he had consulted the memories), were in a closet connected to the main bedroom in the most astonishing of ways. Merely speaking the Greek word for closet rearranged the furniture in a way that clothes were on display.
Why hadn't he just added a different color to his color wheel for the closet?
Ahh, because 'he' had just finished the lastest door 2 days before the motorcycle accident. The closet was next on the list. Well, Marvolo would just have to find the spellwork within his memories later (really brilliant spell work as was said before but it really needed to be resaid) and add the closet. Fascinating though it was to watch his bedroom furniture rearrange like a Transformer, it would be more convenient as a part of the color wheel.
What was Transformer...Oh a muggle television show based on rotating and transforming cybertronian lifeforms from the planet Cybertron that were basically the same as organic robots...how odd and painfully muggle.
As Marvolo climbed the steps, exited his bedroom and turned left towards the kitchen, he continued to ruminate on ways to improve the door. Currently, one had to step out of the door in order to proceed to a different room. Now if one were to say, make the wheel available on all doors in all of the rooms, it would be possible to go from room to room without returning to the main room. Hmm the calculations needed to ensure one does not end up in limbo would be complex though not too difficult for someone such as…
"Morning! That is a very serious thinking face so early in the morning dear brother."
Somebody get these people fucking bells please!
Good thing he had mastered his facial expressions by the age of 7. It would probably be best to act as normal as possible since Fate could pop in at any time. How to charm people again...
"Good morning."
The boy merely frowned and muttered to himself before sitting down.
Ah yes, Marvolo was supposed to jump as it was quite common for the boy to scare him out of his morning reveries before smacking the boy upside his head in punishment. Oh well, there would be no jumping as long as the new and improved Marvolo was concerned. It would be a headache to keep track of everything his previous self did.
The kitchen and dining room area were just as bright as his room with a large opening in the rock wall off to his left to act as a window. The table lay in front of him with a mesmerizing dark wood to offset the white stone of the house. The cooking appliances were disgustingly muggle in design but at least were aesthetically pleasing (as much as they could be). The stove top was black and built into a countertop made from the same white stone as the rest of the house. Dark wood shelves were built into the wall over the counter top and held colorful eating ware with moving pictures of mermaids, sirens and flowers.
There were cabinets stationed under the countertop the countertop ran the length of the kitchen on the right before curving around to block half of the room presumably for stool seating on the other side. Behind the counter was a large wall with a large black screen, comfortable looking couches and beanbag cushions. A dark wooden ladder was suspended in the air but once brought down would lead to a loft area above the TV and extending backwards and to the right of the home. He could not see where it lead due to his position and the back wall of the kitchen.
The girl child was already seated to his left and boy child on the right. His mother (and wasn't that a weird thought) was standing at the head of the table waiting for him to take the seat across from her, smiling gently the whole time. Be nice, be nice.
"Good morning." Marvolo said with a nod.
And this seemed to be the signal the grabby woman was waiting for because she rushed around the table kissed him on both cheeks, crushed his ribs with a hug, ushered Marvolo to his seat before quickly taking up her own.
"It is great to have you back my son. It has not been the same without you."
How...uncomfortable this excessive show of love was. Marvolo merely smiled and nodded before rising from the table and making his farewells He never noticed the frown on all three of his family members faces as he walked out onto the courtyard outside of the kitchen and activated his student ID portkey.
He never ate breakfast.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFATE'S GIFTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Athens campus of the Wizarding University of Greece was extraordinary. There were obviously muggles moving around the University city but from the way they took pictures and from their brochures, the only thing they saw were ruins of a distant culture. But the view of a person of magic showed a majestic building with towering columns and grandiose stone staircases that led to the main entrance. There was a large market with a multitude of different people of all nationalities passing through and bartering with shop owners. It put Diagon Alley to shame with its size alone. The halls of the Pantheon were filled with moving statues and ceiling paintings. Elves (honest to Merlin High Elves! Weren't they gone from our dimension?), dwarves (Weren't they extinct?), Goblins ( Huh? Don't they hate everything and everyone), centaurs and any other number of creatures milled through the hallways walking alongside Witches and Wizards like it was natural.
This place would have been a goldmine for recruitment and establishing himself internationally. He could have easily made connections to creatures. Wizarding England would have fell and before long the rest of Europe would have been his for the molding.
Fucking lost opportunities...but Fate never said he couldn't continue his goal to dominate the Wizarding World, just that outright massacres and chaos would be greatly frowned upon and would lead to his soul's probably violent departure from its shiny new body only to placed in the deepest pit of Hell…. or something of that nature.
But this was no time to be reminiscing or planning his eventual return to the World stage ( because it would happen as Marvolo was a damn persistent and patient man when needed). It was time to get to his classes. If his memories served him right, his schedule and the school map were located on the school badge issued to new students. It had some frankly impressive spellwork which showed a map of the campus the student was currently standing on, the classes scheduled for that day and the times each one started. The previous inhabitant of the body had enhanced the inherit spellwork to include a live map on how to get from place to place as well as a chime to let him know when he was running late. It worked much like that Muggle Locator map called "Waze" and generated the best possible route to take to get to class on time. It was ingenious and made Marvolo a little annoyed that he couldn't recruit the young man.
Marvolo took his school ID from around his neck and lightly tossed it into the air to watch it expand into a map with a blinking icon on a lighted path. Just above the map, was another blinking sign showing he had 30 minutes to get to his first class that was a twenty minute walk from where he stood. Either that or a 10 second Apparition to the displayed coordinates. Marvolo merely grabbed the ID from the air and started to walk. It would give him time to explore the campus more.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFATE'S GIFTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
By his second to last period, Marvolo could safely say his professors were no better than idiots who bought off their previous instructors. One idiot, his professor for the Advanced study of Ancient and Potente Magics even had the audacity to claim he had been to the ancient ruins of the Mayan and the Aztec communities, had taken artifacts from the ruins and sold them to the European Confederation of the Conservation of Magical History, ECCEM.
Bold faced, stupid, idiotic, arrogant lies that should burn out his tongue.
There was no way he was able to take artifacts from a Mayan or Aztec ruin. Especially, an amulet that affects time as the dunce so claimed. The place would demand a sacrifice equal to the treasure taken. Marvolo should know, there was a ceremonial bowl that granted the owner immortality; however, the price to acquire the object was too steep to consider. Honestly, what was the point of offering your life to die prior to getting the immortality? It was most unfortunate that these young minds would be tainted with false stories and delusions of grandeur. Marvolo had half a mind to stand up and call the man a fabler. It seemed at every level of education there is at least 1 useless professor.
"He's an idiot. I mean, really? You were able to take something from Ancient civilizations steeped in ritual sacrificial magic without sacrificing something in turn? Bullshit fool."
Marvolo turned to his left to see a petite woman with a bluish-black pixie haircut and an unimpressed look in her eyes. Marvolo merely raised an eyebrow when she realized he was looking. The girl blinked and smirked.
"Sorry, did I say that out loud. Whoops."
Marvolo smirked himself. He always appreciated sarcasm and it helped that she was able to tell their professor was a pathetic specimen of a human who was using the first 45 minutes of his class to brag.
"I'm Corinna."
They spent the rest of the class picking apart the professor's theories (most of which had already been tried and disproven multiple times throughout history and debating the ins and outs of sacrificial magic in the Americas. It was a blessing to know that she knew the subtle differences between the Mayan, Aztec and Zapotec rituals.
There were worse ways to spend a class. Corinna seemed smart enough to keep up with him. He could do with a minio...ally in this school. Marvolo would have to watch her closely.
He and Corinna left the class, somehow with her wrangling a promise to sit next to her for the rest of the class year to make sure she didn't maim their professor while his back was turned. Marvolo told her he would help her plan it so they could get a proper substitute. Apparently, planning the destruction of an instructor was a good way to make frie..minio...allies. He knew he was getting it right at Hogwarts.
Unfortunately after they had separated, it had gone downhill from there. The frankly lacking knowledge of his Advanced Knowledge of Potions Obscure and Not so Obscure professor was staggering. It was a shame Marvolo was insane enough to eliminate a Potions Master of Snape's caliber. The man had had many years still to give to the field.
Marvolo paused outside of his class for Advanced Defense: A Worldly Wand and Shield (seriously who named these classes?), took a deep breath and hoped to all that was magical in the world that this professor would not be an idiot or he would have to revisit that no murder promise he made to Fate.
The class was mostly full by the time Marvolo found a seat. Corinna happened to be in the class and immediately pushed some poor soul out of the chair to her left and waved Marvolo over.
He liked this one. She showed the proper amount of enthusiasm when he arrived.
"I'm so glad you're here. My last class was horrid. If it wasn't my professors, it was the students. This is supposed to be an institution of higher learning. Seriously."
"More like higher level of ignorance. My Potions professor was a bigger idiot than I could ever imagine. Adding something as toxic as the Iridescent Arrow Tree Frog without properly preparing the the anti-toxin from the 3 horned panther python is suicide. It's the only damn predator that can eat the frog. Not combating the batrachotoxin within the frog poison would kill anyone who used the potion. I still have no idea what he wanted the potion to be."
Using just the arrow tree frog poison would kill the consumer. Mixing it with the antivenom would neutralize it and render the poison a superfluous addition. Snape would have cut the man down in the most humiliating of ways just using words. It would have been entertaining. The dungeon bat would have definitely enjoyed teaching at a higher level. Preventing teenagers from blowing themselves up because they didn't appreciate the finer details needed to make potions did not add to that man's sunny disposition at all.
As time drew closer to the start of class more students flowed in being generally loud and unruly.
There was a general undercurrent of excitement buzzing around the room and he couldn't find it within himself to even be close to excited about this class. If anything, he wanted to place a ward on the door to prevent whatever idiot the school hired from entering the classroom. Marvolo could be using this time wisely, like creating a solution to his Color wheel door. Figuring out the puzzle would be a delightful mental exercise. The rooms existed in a plane of their own like the Room of Requirement however the color rooms do not react to his unconscious thoughts for a room. Ah, that was the next step after adding the closet to the wheel. The rooms are technically still linked to the rest of the house so it would be able to grab things from other places in the home to place in the room. Like towels, rags and toilet paper for his bathroom when needed.
Once again feeling the memories flow through him, made the Ex Dark Lord horribly upset that he couldn't recruit such a brilliant mind. The boy was a relative, Marvolo would have been able to appeal to the boy's strong sense of family.
"Good afternoon class. Welcome to Advanced Defense. I'll be your professor for the school year. I love this subject and I hope by the end of the year I can make you all fanatics as well."
The voice was vaguely familiar. Marvolo looked to the front of the class only to freeze.
Holy shit was that Potter?
Holy Shit that was Potter.
Since when was holy shit in his vocabulary?
Because who else but Harry freaking Potter would walk into the room with a smile on his face and professor's robes adorning his shoulders. In Greece. In a University of higher learning. As a professor.
"I hope we can become close colleagues by the end of this class." All with his ridiculously bright smile.
Fate (because there was no other being that would find this situation amusing) was laughing hysterically in his head.
Fuck you Fate. Damn giggling she-man.
And Fuck you too Harry bloody Potter. Fucking die.
*means brother in Greek says google translate. Sorry for all those who cringed. Think I'm just going to do the rest in english and just assume they are speaking in Greek Kay :)
Umm I love you all and I have been writing all of my stories and getting them to a point where all the chapters for all my fics are finished or close to finished and I will be able to just edit and upload them. Hahahahahahahahaha…. Sorry it took so long? *Dodges fruits and a pot* love yall too. :)