Breaking the Cycle
Written by J.C. Vascardi
Disclaimer: Power Rangers and all related material is the property of Saban and/or Disney. I claim no ownership of it and am not making any money from this story. The only thing about this story that I own are the characters, places, and storylines not featured on the show.
Previously in 'Breaking the Cycle'…
Zaidan shows his boyfriend his genitals at Rocky's request and after getting over his apprehension over Zaidan's diphallic nature, proceeds to give Zaidan the blowjob that he'd promised him after Zaidan had given him one.
The Rangers realize that the days on Phaedos are shorter than days on Earth, but are still understandably worried about how they're going to explain their absence of over a day to their parents who have surely noticed that they're missing by now.
After going through a gauntlet of tests as both a group and individually, the Rangers are deemed worthy and gain the Great Power, at which point they return to Earth, recharge the Command Center, and defeat Pirantishead with their new zords. Zedd is, of course, furious and vows the destruction of both the Rangers and Earth. Upon their victorious return to the Command Center, they meet Udonna, a sorceress that Zordon has brought to Angel Grove to train Zaidan in the use of his magic.
Chapter Twelve
The Rangers spent a few more minutes at the Command Center discussing their first victory over Lord Zedd and exchanging pleasantries with Udonna before most of the rangers left. Billy, Tommy, Adam, Aisha, and Kimberly back to their parents' houses, Jason, Zack, and Trini back to Switzerland—as back to active duty or not they had to stay in Geneva through the end of the summit in two weeks—while Rocky remained behind with Wes, Zaidan, and Udonna.
"So, where will you be staying, Udonna?" Wes asked.
"I have a home outside of Briarwood," Udonna answered.
"That's in Oregon though," Rocky said. "Wouldn't it be easier to train Zaid if you were closer?"
Nodding, Udonna said, "Yes, although I'm afraid I'll be unable to get any accommodations here in town, as I don't have any money. I've never really had a need for it, as what I can't provide for myself with magic, I trade for with the villagers of the magical village near my home."
"I have two empty bedrooms at my house," Zaidan said. "You're more than welcome to use one in exchange for your help tutoring me."
Udonna looked a bit confused at that, as she asked, "Your parents wouldn't have a problem with that?"
"I see Zordon didn't tell you much about me."
From his tube, Zordon said, "I figured it wasn't my place to tell other people your secrets, Zaidan. I only told Udonna that I had a student for her who possessed magical ability and was in need of training."
"Ah, well, Udonna, long story short," Zaidan said, "I'm not human," and then proceeded to give a summarized version of his life story thus far, touching on his mother's death, who his father was, and giving more detail on his abilities.
When he finished speaking, Udonna nodded and said, "All right. Thank you for trusting me with that knowledge, Zaidan. I swear to you that nobody else shall hear of it from me."
"Thank you. Anyway, the offer for one of my spare rooms is still open," Zaidan said with a smile. "Wes lives with me, but as I said, I've got two empty bedrooms."
"Thank you for the offer," Udonna said. "I accept."
After a moment, Rocky asked, "Um, Zaid? What about Greg and Mike?"
Realizing that he hadn't mentioned them to Udonna yet, Zaidan slapped his forehead with his hand and said, "Oh, right, I forgot. Other than Wes, I also have some live-in help in the form of Greg, my housekeeper, and his boyfriend, Mike, my groundskeeper. They aren't aware of my alien heritage, my magic, or my new Ranger status and I think it would be best if they remained in the dark about it for now."
"That's fine," Udonna said with a nod. "As I said, nobody will hear your secrets from me."
"So, how are you going to explain Udonna's presence to them, though?" Rocky asked. Looking apologetically at the sorceress, he then said, "Also, while Udonna might be a perfectly normal name in the magical dimension, it would be considered rather odd among mundane humans."
Zaidan nodded as he contemplated Rocky's words, before Wes said, "I might have an idea on that, actually. My late mother had a younger sister, my Aunt Donatella… everyone called her Donna for short. She was in the same car wreck that killed my mother. She survived, albeit in a persistent vegetative state… you could say you were her, if you want, Udonna."
"Wouldn't your family know that it isn't her?" Rocky asked.
Shaking his head, Wes said, "No because my aunt's only family is me, my mother and their parents. My grandmother died three years after my mother and my grandfather died last year. Aunt Donna is still in a long-term facility, paid for by a trust fund her parents set up to pay for her care, although the doctors are confident that she's never going to wake up. My father has no say in her care, however, so he doesn't get any updates on her condition. Besides which she suffered third-degree burns over ninety percent of her body in the accident, so if she did wake up, she'd need reconstructive surgery, which could explain her not looking the same as she once did."
Looking at Udonna, Wes then added, "Although to be honest, you actually do resemble her a bit, Udonna, as she was also a redhead and had similar features to your own. Not quite the same, but nothing that couldn't be explained away by the reconstructive surgery excuse."
Rocky and Zaidan remained quiet as they looked at Udonna, wondering what she'd say to Wes's proposal. After a moment, she nodded and said, "Very well, Wes, if you're okay with it, I can pretend to be your aunt." She paused here and looked down at her clothes, before saying, "I suppose I should change my attire a bit, however, as it's not exactly suitable for the human realm."
Wes, Rocky, and Zaidan could only nod in agreement at that because Udonna's current dress, while probably perfect as a costume for a Renaissance Faire or Comic-Con, would no doubt have most people staring at her like she was crazy if she wore it out in Angel Grove. Raising her left hand she snapped her fingers and was bathed in white light for a moment before her dress shifted into a white pantsuit over a shimmering ice-blue blouse.
"Better?" Udonna asked the three teens, who simply nodded.
"Is she the right age though, Wes?" Rocky asked. "I mean, Udonna does look pretty young to have a nearly eighteen-year-old nephew."
"That's actually not a problem at all," Wes said, with a shake of his head. "My mom and dad were both only eighteen when they got married and nineteen when I was born. And Aunt Donna was ten years younger than my mom, so she's only twenty-eight now."
Udonna smiled and said, "I just turned thirty on my last birthday, so I think should be able to pull off twenty-eight."
"I think that takes care of everything then," Zaidan said. "So, let's head out."
While Udonna was perfectly capable of teleporting herself, she'd never been to Zaidan's home and so with a smile she took Zaidan's offered hand and let him handle it, as it would also allow her to see his technique. Although the fact that he was capable of both interplanetary and intergalactic teleportation, he clearly knew what he was doing on that front, at least. Rocky kissed Zaidan goodbye, before teleporting out in a stream of red to head home, while Wes smiled and teleported out in a stream of green, before Zaidan and Udonna disappeared in a flash of purple light, as Zaidan used his magic for the transport instead of his newly acquired ranger teleportation.
To be continued…
And there's Ch12 of Breaking the Cycle. Yes, I know, it's a short chapter, but it's better than nothing. The Muses just haven't been inspiring me on this story for a while now. I have ideas for it, but it just seems too early for some of those ideas to come into play yet. So, I figured I'd give y'all something at least. After this, however, unless the Muses start cooperating, I'll likely be putting this on an indefinite hiatus while I work on some of my other stories.
So, yeah, suggestions are more than welcome. If you've got an idea that you think would work in this story and want to share than please do. Maybe it'll trigger something and I'll actually be able to work on this again.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I love hearing from my readers, so feel free to contact me in a review, by email (Gmail: jaycolin25), my LiveJournal (JayColin), my group: (slash) g (slash) storiesbyjayson, or on Twitter JVascardi. Alternatively, you can also contact me via Skype (text messaging only) at . Also, don't forget to check out my Wiki: .com.