
1. The Aschen will play a role in the second book with their intention being exactly what you said.
2. I never intended to use the Anti-Ori weapon. I never was a great fan of last minute magic solutions.
3. about the Vargas, you are not even close to who they are. Their story will span until the end of book three.
4. Maybe, I already wrote a lot of the second book, it's just not polished yet at the moment.
5. Liam will progress at a steady pace until the end of the saga
6. The point of freedom of will versus benevolent dictatorship is a good one, but it is difficult to put it in the context of the Vargas since they have enslaved the Senari only to use them as foot soldiers to commit genocide on other races who didn't even reach the necessary level to defend themselves.
7. The Vargas won't turn out to be the Furlings, but it will be explained who or what they are.
You're right, i have already introduced six galaxies at the beginning of the second book, and it is not easy to work out so many, but you don't have to worry about me not finishing the saga. I've already wrote more than 100,000 words of book II, which should be around 1/3rd of the entire book, and I've already wrote the end of book two and the end of the entire saga, something I like to so I always know where I'm going with the story. Then i usually end up changing them somewhat when a reach them, the same as it happened for the first book ending.

chain reader: well, i don't know about my naughty mind, but English not being my first language has definitely something to do with this. Thanks for this, especially since after you mentioned it, I stopped writing 'breathing ground' throughout the entire second book.

guest: thanks, i'm planning to write much more. I think the second book will be even longer. I still don't know about the third.

kreep13: The idea was to constantly introduce new enemies so there is no pause, and yes, most races will be wrapped up in the second book, leaving the Vargas as the main threat for the third book. A lot of enemies in the second book, and a few I still haven't mentioned.

StargateFFWriter: As I already answered through PM, the Ori are very proficient in Aerial combat and they have some nasty fighters while the Langarans have old transport airplanes. They have much better chance on the ground and you also need airports for the airplanes to land, something that isn't always available.

QP: you do that

Kaylen Cooper: I promise I'll try to split the text as much as I can so it's easier to read.

Guest: I'm glad to hear my story can keep up somebody up all night. It happens to me too. When I find a story that i like I can't wait to see what will happened.

Author's note: Having answered to your reviews, now I need to say something about the rest of this chapter. First, it looks like I'm unable to write anything that has less then 10000 words in it, even though in this particular case I have really tried. Sorry about that, but when I started adding race after race with all the ships they have it soon build up to a pretty large report. Also, I apologize if you find errors inside, but at the end I was slowly losing patients with this report, especially after I uploaded the Word document and the conversion changed the spacing in it. I was so pissed. It took me another day to make it as it was.

Anyway, frustrations aside, there are a lot of ships and data about them in this so called Intelligence Report. Even though the data is a complete figment of my imagination, I did try to get the numbers right. First, I used one episode where Thor said that the Beliskner has a power source of 4 Petawatts, then I tried to calculate the shield strength that it would take for the Daedalus to survive a solar flare like it happened in an episode of Atlantis and also to survive a Mark IX. Surprisingly, all calculations I made came up very close for all three cases. Strange.

The document has also terms with description and a list of races all sorted alphabetically so that it's easier to find something.

I also have to mention that this document contains a few spoilers, things I wrote in the second book where I explain some new tech the main characters have come up with and the future ships that will show up eventually.

I also introduced a stardate system, the same as in star trek, just with the starting year not being in the 24 century, but rather the year the Second Great Alliance has been formed. If you don't want to try converting using an online stardate calculator, just keep in mind that 1000 means one Earth year. This system of measuring time will be used throughout the entire second book.

That's it from me. I hope you enjoy it.

Intelligence Report

Stardate: 859.475 (November 10th, 2008 17:00)
Source: Terran Intelligence Agancy (TIA), Guardians Intelligence Agancy (GIA), Asgard High Council
Classified: Top Secret
Description: The purpose of this document is to evaluate the current state of the region of space where the Second Great Alliance (further referred to as SGA) resides. All major races are listed inside the document, with their current government type, social parameters, assets they currently possess or it is assumed they possess, and possible threat assessment towards the members of the SGA.

Terms and their description given in alphabetical order

AAL - Ablative Armor Layer - Self-repairing by spreading nanites to damaged areas
AB - Antiproton Beam – used in the Lantean satellites
ABS Asgard Beaming System
AICArtificial Intelligence Core- new system under development to facilitates access and control of complex systems like Atlantis and capital ships
APBAsgard Plasma Beam – new weapon under joint development by the Asgard and Terrans.
ASNDSAdvanced Subspace Noise Detection Sensors used for both, short and long range. It is the only way to detect anything at long range since all other sensors like radar are susceptible to relativistic effects. (What radars detect one light year away are emissions that happened a year ago. Not much use for that).
All energy emissions in both, normal space and hyperspace leave a trace in subspace called noise. The sensors are able to detect known patterns in subspace and with the help of very powerful computers being able to extrapolate what it was. Since signals through subspace travel faster than light, such sensors are not influenced by relativistic effects.
C – Coefficient used to determine the minimal amount of energy a shield will lose when hit by an energy weapon. The coefficient is not constant and his value is higher when a shield is hit by specific weapons meant to drain its energy or if the weapons strength reaches a critical point where the shields generators must divert extra power to a single point in order to prevent the weapon from piercing through.
CS – Cruising Speed – a ship can travel at this speed indefinitely without the risk of burning the hyperdrive.
D – Durationof a beam energy weapon
DAP Dispersive Armor Plating – capable of dispersing the weapon's energy on impact. Currently, only Liam's ship is known to have this type of armor, mostly because it is incredibly difficult to make.
DBR - Dual-Barrel Railguns – Terran weapon against fighters and other smaller vessels. It has the highest rate of fire of any other known weapon and it is capable of expelling 1 kilogram slugs at 850km/s.
DPR - Dual Plasma Repeaters – attempting to reverse engineering the Kull Warrior's weapon, the Terrans are trying to make an incredibly powerful weapon for their capital ships and fighters. No other plasma based weapons comes even near the fire rate of the repeater. It is still in its research phase.
ECMElectronic Countermeasures
ECCMElectronic Counter-Countermeasures
ENIG - Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators – research of the next generation of power source done as a joint project between the Asgard, Guardians and the Terrans
FRFire Rate
GD - Gravitic Drive is a form of propulsion system that instead of a reaction driven acceleration, achieves the same by creating a directional gravitational force. Previously used only by the Asgard and the Goa'uld, now the Terrans see the benefits of such propulsion engine as it gives incredible maneuverability.
MT - Maneuvering Thrusters – helps steer ships.
HDS - Hyperspace Disruption System - Ships are unable to open a hyperspace window inside one light-hour from an active HDS.
HSS - Hyperspace Stealth System – Enables ships to travel through hyperspace undetected even from the most advanced sensors by creating an inverse subspace signature that effectively negates the signature the hyperdrive produces. The limitation of the system is that ships must travel at only a fraction of their max speed.
ID - Inertial Dampeners
IE - Ion Engines
IF - Internal Forcefields – used on ships to protect or seal certain sections of the ship.
IMC - Industrial Matter Converters – capable of building practically anything if there is the right materials in storage. Only limitation is that they cannot manipulate the quantum state of subatomic particles needed when building devices like for example Merlin's mantle.
IGHIntergalactic Hyperdrive – not only a fast type of hyperdrive, but also capable of using it at such speed for prolonged time, allowing the travel to other galaxies.
ISF - Internal Suppression Fields – Asgard system capable of suppressing explosions aboard ships
ISHInterstellar Hyperdrive – much slower version or unable to sustain the needed speed to cross the void between galaxies in any reasonable amount of time.
IT - Internal Transporters
KE - Kinetic Energy – energy a railgun slug has when fired.
LPS - Legacy Protection System – devised to prevent their most advanced tech on their ships to fall into the wrong hands.
LTSS - Long Term Support System – a more advanced version of the Terran previous system, capable of operating with less energy consumption and for longer periods of time.
MPIMinimal Power Input needed to sustain a shield indefinitely. If the power flow is less than this value the shields will eventually collapse.
MRRMax Recharge Rate defines how much power the shield generators can receive. Sometimes, even though a spaceship has very powerful generators, it doesn't mean the shield generators can replenish what they've lost at the same rate. It usually occurs when the ship uses a ZPM that can deliver more energy than what the generators can take.
MSMax Speed – a ship can travel at this speed for only a short period of time without the risk of burning the hyperdrive, usually around one or two hours.
NINaquadria Intermix defines the ratio of Naquadria used in the reactor.
NIG - Neutrino Ion Generators – Asgard power unit
PC - Plasma Cannon
PDL - Point Defense Lasers
POPower Output (Self-explanatory)
PR - Protein Resequencers – used on ship when fresh food is not available. They say it doesn't taste the same though.
RRange (Self-explanatory)
RAB - Relativistic Antiproton Beam – Liam's primary weapon.
RP - Ring Platform
RTRecharge Time needed to fully charge the shields. Sometime two values are given denoting how much it takes to recharge a shield with the reactors alone and the other with any additional power source a ship might have like a ZPM or an Asgard Power Core
SStrength is usually given in terawatt-hours (TWh), petawatt-hours (PWh). It is the amount of energy a weapon or a shield contains when charged to nominal strength. Weapons and shields can be overloaded or charged with less energy, depending if an additional power source has been added.
SAP - Standard Armor Plating
SBRSingle Barrel Railgun – the same as double barrel just without the second barrel.
SEStored Energy - how much energy is stored inside a ZPM or some other similar device.
SFSelf Destruct
SPRSingle Plasma Repeater – usually mounted on fighters.
SR - Shielded Reactor – an energy barrier protects the most vulnerable piece on the ship.
VOCS - Voice Operated Computer System

Races are listed in alphabetical order.

Ascended Alterrans

Description: The Ascended Alterrans, Liam's people, had started leaving the mortal realm more than five million years ago, concluding their collective existence in the lower plain roughly a hundred thousand years ago. Their behavior could be construed as almost indifferent toward the hardships of the people in the lower plain, many times criticized because of it, but their prime directive instated a long time ago prevents them from interfering even in extreme cases when their own existence is threatened. Their non-interference directive is based on the believe that all living beings should have freedom and they fear that interacting with the lower plain will inevitably make people codependent and them make dictators in the long run, maybe benevolent, but still dictators. There are does in the higher plane who don't share the same sentiment and they are ready to bend the rules in order to help those in need, but usually they are able to do little if they don't want to incur the wrath of the others.
Government: Elder's Council (non-interference prime directive)
Population: unknown (believed millions)
Knowledge/Technology: Ultra High (9)/not used
Energy Matrix: ~700 etawatts-hours of exotic energy


Description: It is a widespread opinion that nature royally screwed up with the Aschen. The race is unable to feel any emotions, making them uncaring for any other races in the galaxy. The Aschen can be almost categorized as sociopaths who will without a shred of remorse commit genocide if it suits their needs and as such they pose a great threat to the galaxy and Earth in particular. The devastation of their home planet due to a wormhole having connected near a black hole makes them even more dangerous since they blame Earth for what has happened. While discussing the problem with Liam and the Asgard, no immediate solution to the Aschen problem has been found, mainly because of the many enemies they need to face first, but also because no permanent solution is immediately visible. Usually wars end once the leadership of the losing side has capitulated, but in the case of the Aschen it is believed that their entire population is on the same page with their leaders. As a result, any solution would be only temporary until the Aschen recuperate. With a massive industrial capacity on their home planet, it is believed they are able to quickly build a large force capable of threaten most other races in the Milky Way galaxy.
Government: Unknown
Population: 16 billion (approximation)
Planets: Aschen Prime, 3 other planets in their Confederation.
Knowledge/Technology: Moderate-to-High (6)/Moderate-to-High (6)
Additional Information: Highly industrialized, unknown military structure or size, technologically at least 100 years ahead of Earth.
Threat assessment: High (expansionistic, not against the use of biological warfare nor genocide, so far limited to their corner of the galaxy)
Ships: Three different type of ship had been noticed by Liam (incomplete, more than a year old data)

Type I (Cruiser)
Weapons: 4 Large Cannon ports (unknown type), 12 Small Cannons ports (unknown type)
Size: (L: 275m, W: 110m, H: 70m)
Purpose: supposed to serve as support vessel
Energy source: Unknown Type (PO: ~500 TW - Approximation from sensor readings)
Defenses: Shields (Strength: unknown), Standard Armor Plating
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: Two Ion Propulsion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Intergalactic Hyperdrives (not present at the time)
Large Hangar Bay: unknown content
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: 36

Type II (Heavy Cruiser)
Weapons: 2 Heavy Cannon ports, 6 Large Cannon ports, 28 Turrets
Size: (L: 570m, W: 210m, H: 130m)
Purpose: supposed to serve as support vessel
Energy source: Unknown (Power Output: ~1.8 PW Approximation from sensor readings)
Defenses: Approximation from sensor readings
- Shields (S: 1.7 PWh, MRR: ~1.8 PW, RT: 58 min, C: 1.7)
- Standard Armor Plating
- ECM detected
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Hyperdrive (not present at the time)
2 Large Hangar Bays: unknown content
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: 12

Type III (Battleship)
Weapons: 6 Heavy Cannon ports, 12 Large Cannon ports, 28 Turrets
Size: (L: 1170m, W: 410m, H: 270m)
Purpose: Capital Ship
Energy source: Unknown
Defenses: Shields (S: unknown, MRR: unknown, RT: unknown, C: 1.7), ECM
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Hyperdrive (not present at the time)
2 Massive Hangar Bays:unknown content
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: 2


Description: One of the oldest known races, member of both, the First and Second Great Alliance. After a long and difficult war against the replicators, the Asgard race is once again on the rise. Liam discovery on how to cure their degenerative disease has returned hope to the Asgard, now finally able to increase their numbers by reviving their stored brethren and maybe one day by also being able to procreate again. The Asgard feel an obligation toward Liam and the Terrans for helping them in their time of most need. The Asgard were also the most fervent promoters for the formation of the SGA.
Government: Council (as far as we know the council hasn't changed in eons)
Knowledge/Technology: High (7+)/High (8)
Population: 32 million (on the rise)
Planets: Orilla (Ida Galaxy)
Military: Asgard use their ships as the sole method for fighting. They have no foot soldiers.
Additional Information: Highly industrialized homeworld, highly dependent on technology

- 6 Ion Cannons (S: 35 TWh; FR:8 r/min, phase-shift technology)
- 20 Point Defense Lasers (S:2 MWh, R: Short, FR: 220 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
Size: (L: 1405m, W: 700m, H: 390m)
Purpose: Multipurpose vessel (obsolete)
Energy source: 3 Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 4 PW)
- Asgard Shields 1st Gen (S: 1 PWh, MRR: 4PW, RT: 15 min, C: 1.56, MPI: 160 TW)
- Asgard Stealth System
- Internal Suppression System
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: GD, ID, IGH (CS: 7.4 Ly/s, MS: 52.2 Ly/s)
Additional: 24 Asgard Beaming Systems, Industrial Matter Converter, Asgard Core, Runes Operated Ship Systems, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1, Additional Accommodations: 2000 people
Built: 24

Daniel Jackson
- 6 Asgard Ion Cannons (S: 55 TWh; FR:8 r/min, phase-shift technology)
- 20 Point Defense Lasers (S:2 MWh, R: Short, FR: 220 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
Size: (L: 1000m, W: 800m, H: 260m)
Purpose: Science Vessel
Energy source: One Heavy Neutrino Ion Generator (PO: 2 PW)
- Shields (S: 1.8 PWh, MRR: 2 PW, RT: 54 min, C: 1.28)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Asgard Stealth System
- Internal Dampening Field
Maneuverability: Moderate-to-High
Propulsion: Gravitic Drive, Inertial Dampeners, IGH (CS: 8.2 Ly/s, MS: 58.3 Ly/s for 2 hours)
Additional: 24 Asgard Beaming Systems, Industrial Matter Converter, Asgard Core, Runes Operated Ship Systems, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1, Additional Accommodations: 2000 people
Built: 8

- 6 Heavy Ion Cannons (PO: 140 TWh; FR: 6r/min, phase-shift technology)
- 10 Asgard Ion Cannons (S: 55 TWh; FR:8 r/min, phase-shift technology)
- 34 Point Defense Lasers (S:2 MWh, R: Short, FR: 220 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
Size: (L: 1500m, W: 700m, H: 320m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source: Three Heavy Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 6 PW)
- Asgard Shields (S: 7PWh, MRR: 6 PW, RT: 70 min, C: 1.28)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Asgard Stealth System
- Internal Suppression System
Sensors: Subspace Noise Detection Sensors (SNDS)
Maneuverability: Moderate-to-high
Propulsion: Gravitic Drive, Inertial Dampeners, IGH (CS: 9.4 Ly/s, MS:94.6 Ly/s for 2 hours)
Additional: 24 ABSs, 4 IMCs, Asgard Core, Runes Operated Ship Systems, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1,Additional Accommodations: 5000 people
Built: 17

O'Neill II
- 6 Heavy Plasma Beams ( S: 310 TWh, D:7s, R: Long, FR:2 r/min)
- 10 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 20 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 34 Point Defense Lasers (S:2 MWh, R: Short, FR: 220 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
Size: (L: 1500m, W: 700m, H: 320m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- One Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 8.2 PW)
- Two Heavy Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 4 PW)
- Asgard Shields (S: 8.9PWh, MRR: 12.2 PW, RT: 44 min, C: 1.28)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Asgard Stealth System
- Internal Suppression System
Maneuverability: Moderate-to-high
Propulsion: Gravitic Drive, Inertial Dampeners, IGH (CS: 17.4 Ly/s, MS: 122.2 Ly/s for 3 hours)
Additional: 24 ABSs, 4 IMCs, Asgard Core, Runes Operated Ship Systems, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1,Additional Accommodations: 5000 people
Built: 0 (scheduled upgrade)

Description: Very much looking like the O'Neill, the Valhalla is the deadliest ship the Asgard have ever built and probably named that way because whoever tries to face in battle will inevitably end there. It uses the same technologies as the Terran Hercules class, albeit the ship is even larger than the Terran counterpart.
- 1 Relativistic Antiproton Beam (S:2.6 PWh, D:8s, R: Ultra Long, FR: 0.4 r/min, warps shields)
- 10 Heavy Plasma Beams ( S: 310 TWh, D:7s, R: Long, FR:2 r/min)
- 22 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 80 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 88 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
Size: (L: 2465m, W: 1220m, H: 510m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Six 1st Gen Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 49.23 PW, NI:50%)
- Three Asgard Power Cores (PO: 189 PW, SE: 2.5 EWh)
- Multidimensional Shields (S: 33.8 PWh, MRR: 230 PW, RT: 41min/6.4min, C: 1.16)
- Fortress Shield (Deployable satellites, R: 500 miles, S: 690 PWh, MRR: 1150 PW
- Ablative Armor Layer, Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields, Shielded Reactors, ISS
- 240 Remotely Controlled Fighter Drones
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: GD, MT, IGH (CS: 56.4 Ly/s, MS: 290 Ly/s for 3 hours)
Additional: 26 ABS, IT, 4 IMC, Asgard Core, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 520, Additional Accommodations: 2000 people
Mass: 102,717,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 20 months
Built: 0 (prototype will be built in a year)


Description: A race of advanced humans created by Liam more than ten thousand years ago with the purpose of one day taking the role as Guardians of this entire region of the universe. While the Edenians live free on their homeworld Eden Prime, the Guardian's Order led by Liam grows in numbers in order to provide a strong force that could face the many enemies threatening them. The Edenians strongly believe it is a matter of honor to become a Guardian and serve directly under their creator and savior who took them from the Pegasus galaxy and the oppression of the Wraith. No matter that the Edenians has been created with a clear purpose, they have progressed on their own, quickly creating a modern society not dissimilar from what the Alterran civilization once was.
Government type: Council (Meritocracy)
Knowledge/Technology used: High(8+)/High (8+)
Planets: Eden Prime, 2 off-world bases, space station, 12 mining operations
Population: 53.780.200
Army: 13.000 enlisted, 2.466 officers
Marine Corps/Special Forces: 2,234 enlisted, 322 officers
Space Force: 120.000 enlisted, 40.122 officers

Defiant Class
- 4 Small Pulse Cannons (S: 5 TWh, R: Moderate FR: 8r/min)
- 1 Small Baryon Beam Weapon (S: 12 TWh , R: Moderate, FR:4 r/min)
- 2 Torpedo Launchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes 10-100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 80m, W: 60m, H: 20m)
Purpose: support or standalone recon
Energy source:
- 4th Gen Small N/N Reactors (PO: 120 TW, NI: 40%)
- Backup: Four Naquadah Generators (PO: 800 GW )
- Aurora Shields (S: 80 TWh, MRR: 120 TW, RT: 40 min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- ECM, Cloak
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: 2 Ion Propulsion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS: 0.6 Ly/s, MS: 98 Ly/s for 30 min)
Additional: Asgard Beaming System, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 8, Additional Accommodations: 12 people
Built: 1 (soon to be retired)

Cherubim Class
- 2 Bayron Pulse Cannons (S: 60 TWh, R: Moderate FR: 4r/min)
- 6 Baryon Turrets (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:600 round/min)
- 3 Torpedo Taunchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes 10-100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 185m, W: 82m, H: 32m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, support or standalone
Energy source:
- Two 4th Gen N/N Reactors (PO: 850 TW, NI: 40%)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.8 TW )
- Aurora Shields (S: 690 TWh, MRR: 850 TW, RT: 49 min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- ECM, ECCM, Cloak
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Four Ion Propulsion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrive (CS: 1.1 Ly/s, MS: 107 Ly/s for 30 min)
Additional: Asgard Beaming System, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 56, Additional Accommodations: 50 people
Built: 22

Angel Class
Description: The next upgrade scheduled in less than a year. This upgrade will introduce all the new technologies the Terrans have worked on in collaboration with the other races in the Second Great Alliance. There will be so many changes that is difficult to believeit would still remain the same ship
- 4 Baryon Pulse Cannons (S: 60 TWh, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 12 Baryon Turrets (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:600 round/min)
- 300 Drones
- 8 Torpedo Launchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes 10-100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 325m, W: 120m, H: 56m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, Support or standalone
Energy source:
- Two 4th Gen N/N Reactors (PO: 850 TW, NI: 40%)
- One micro-ZPM (PO: 12 PW, SE: 7.3 PWh)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.8 TW )
- Aurora Shields (S: 1.16 PWh, MRR: 12.86 PW, RT: 80 min/5min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Four Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 2.6 Ly/s, MS: 102.7 Ly/s for 45min)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Puddle Jumpers
Additional: ABS, RP, 5 PRs, IMC, Chair, LPS, SD
Allocation: Crew: 170, Additional Accommodations: 180 people
Mass: 467,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 3.2 months
Built: 0 (upgrade still not available)

Seraphim Class
Description: the second generation of the Achilles is schedule at the same time as the Daedalus. It is believed that once upgraded, the ship will be able to face an Ori capital ship alone and come up victorious.
- 2 Heavy Baryon Beam Weapons ( S: 350 TWh, D:8s, R: Long, FR:2.5 r/min)
- 8 Baryon Pulse Cannons (S: 60 TWh, Range: Moderate, FR:8 r/min)
- 22 Baryon Turrets (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:600 round/min)
- 1200 Hyper Drones
- 12 Torpedo Launchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes 10-100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 845m, W: 275m, H: 120m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Four 4th Gen Large N/N Reactors (PO: 3.9 PW, NI: 40%)
- 3 micro-ZPM ( PO: 36 PW, SE: 21.9 PWh)
- Aurora Shields (S: 6.8 PWh, MRR: 48 PW, RT: 112min/10min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak
- Internal Forcefields
- Shielded Reactors
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: 4 Heavy Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 4.7 Ly/s, MS: 111.2 Ly/s for 1.5 hour)
2 Hangar Bays: 32 F-302, 8 Raptors
Additional: 4 ABS, RP, 4 PRs, IMC, Chair, LPS, SD
Allocation: Crew: 412, Additional Accommodations: 400 people
Mass: 3,827,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 9 months
Built: 0 (upgrade still not available)

Archangel Class
Description: The Archangel is the deadliest ship the Guardians have ever built. It uses the same technologies as the Terrans Hercules class, albeit the ship is smaller than the Terrans counterpart.
- 1 Relativistic Antiproton Beam (S:2.6 PWh, D:8s, R: Ultra Long, FR: 0.3 r/min, warps shields)
- 8 Heavy Baryon Beam Weapons ( S: 350 TWh, D:8s, R: Long, FR:2.5 r/min)
- 14 Baryon Pulse Cannons (S: 60 TWh, Range: Moderate, FR:8 r/min)
- 64 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 48 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
- 3000 Hyper Drones
- 20 Torpedo Launchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes, Temporal Distortion Torpedoes, Dimensional Quantum Torpedoes)
Size: (L: 1950m, W: 770m, H: 410m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Four 1st Gen Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 32.82 PW, NI:50%)
- ZPM (PO: 208 PW, SE: 55 EWh)
- Multidimensional Shields (S: 31 PWh, MRR: 240 PW, RT: 56.5min/5.6min, C: 1.16)
- Fortress Shield (Deployable satellites, R: 500 miles, S: 690 PWh, MRR: 1150 PW)
- Ablative Armor Layer, Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields, Shielded Reactors, ISS
- 200 Remotely Controlled Fighter Drones
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: GD, MT, IGH (CS: 36.4 Ly/s, MS: 190 Ly/s for 2 hours)
Additional: 26 ABS, IT, 4 IMC, Chair, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 520, Additional Accommodations: 2000 people
Mass: 102,717,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 20 months
Built: 0 (prototype will be built in a year)

Liam's Ship
Description: Liam's personal ship, built more than ten thousand years ago
- 1 Heavy Relativistic Antiproton Beam (S:6.5 PWh, D:10s, R: Ultra Long, FR: 0.2 r/min, warps shields)
- 8 Heavy Baryon Beams ( S: 350 TWh, D:8s, R: Long, FR:2.5 r/min)
- 24 Baryon Pulse Weapons (S: 60 TWh, Range: Moderate, FR:8 r/min)
- 96 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min) - upgrade
- 128 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
- 5000 Hyper Drones
- 25 Torpedo Launchers (Plasma Torpedoes, Photon Torpedoes, Temporal Distortion Torpedoes, Dimensional Photon Torpedoes, ZPE/Quantum Torpedoes)
Size: (L: 3290m, W: 970m, H: 890m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Liam's Flagship
Energy source:
- Three ZPM (PO: 624 PW, SE: 165 EWh)
- Two 1st Gen ENIG (PO: 15.91 PW, NI:50%) - upgrade
- Multidimensional Shields (S: 64.5 PWh, MRR: 640 PW, RT: 6min, C: 1.16)
- Fortress Shield (Deployable satellites, R: 500 miles, S: 690 PWh, MRR: 1150 PW) - upgrade
- Energy Dispersive Armor Layer, Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields, Shielded Reactors, ISS
- 400 Remotely Controlled Fighter Drones - upgrade
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: GD, MT, IGH (CS: 76.4 Ly/s, MS: 360 Ly/s for 1.5 hours)
Additional: 26 ABS, IT, 4 IMC, William, Neural Connection, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 1, Additional Accommodations: 2000 people
Mass: 192,717,000 metric tons
Built: 0 (prototype will be built in a year)

Construction Ship
Size: (L: 2025m, W: 1280m, H: 670m)
Purpose: Construction Ship
Energy source:
- Two Massive Alterran Naquadah Reactors (PO: 3.41 PW)
- Aurora Shields (S: 250 TWh, MRR: 2.54 PW, RT: 10.6 min, C: 1.56)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak
Maneuverability: Very Low
Propulsion: Four Ion Engines, MT, IDs, IGH (CS: 8.4 Ly/s, MS: 123.7 Ly/s for 5 min)
Additional: 60 Industrial Beaming Systems, Internal Transporters, 10 IMC, AI Core, 24 Construction Robots
Crew: Automated
Built: 4

Weapons: 8000 Drones
Size: (L: 3625m, W: 3625, H: 970m)
Purpose: City-ship
Energy source: 3 ZPM (PO: 624 PW, SE: 165 EWh)
Defenses: Multilayered Shields (S: 80 PWh, MRR: 624 PW, RT: 7 min, C: 1.52), Cloak
Maneuverability: Very Low
Propulsion: Six Ion Engines, IDs, Stardrive (CS: 130 Ly/s, MS: 420 Ly/s for 3 hours)
2 Hangar Bays: 24 Puddle Jumpers
Additional: Internal Transporters, Ring Platform,
Allocation: 65000 people
Mass: 222,451,000 metric tons
Built: 1 (taken from the Asurans)


Description: The Eurondans are finally recuperating after the war that left their planet almost completely toxic. The Terrans are trying to help them rebuild as well as clean the polluted surface with the help of the Nox, who for the first time have agreed to participate in a joint project. In return the Eurondans have given the Terrans their fusion reactor technology. The Terrans have given that technology to Earth as it was acquired specifically for that reason. Today the technology is still not in use on Earth. The Eurondans are also thinking of joining the growing interstellar community, but so far they have put most of their effort into rebuilding their world.


Description: Little is known about the Furlings, except that they have mysteriously disappeared somewhere around five million years ago, the time when the plague had almost wiped out the entire Alterran population. From what Liam was able to tell us, the Furlings were great inventors, probably as a direct result of their ability to see far into the future. The Alterrans have also showed signs of clairvoyance, but it was always limited to events happening a few years into the future at the most. Opposed to the Alterrans, it was thought the Furlings could see millions of years into the future. The reason for their disappearance is still unknown, but Liam has found evidence of the Furlings having lived in a distant galaxy a hundred thousand years ago. Further investigation has already been planned and research into Atlantis database as well as information given by the other three oldest races is currently being collected.


Description: The Galarans are an advanced race of humans no more advanced than Earth except for the few Goa'uld devices they have found and reverse engineered like the memory recall device. Even after their attempt to blame Mitchell for murder, the Terrans have been able to repair their relations and currently the Terrans are in the process of signing a trade agreement with them. The Galarans are currently interested in acquiring hyperdrive technology from the Terrans in order to start building their own interstellar ships. The Galarans were a member of the Protected Planets Treaty.
Government type: Democracy
Knowledge/Technology used: Moderate (4)/Moderate (4)
Planets: Galar
Population: 1.2 billion
Army: unknown
Space Force: none
Ships: none at the moment


Description: The Genii have become a militaristic regime in order to survive the Wraith threat. First encounter with them didn't go well as the Genii had tried to take Atlantis from the Terrans. Only after Radim has come to power, the relations have become somewhat amicable, although their military is not as forthcoming as Radim is and his position is not as strong as it should be. A failed coup d'état from the military showed how unstable Radim's regime was, and it is believed it still is. The TIA believes it would be beneficial if the Terrans could aid Radim into staying in power if stability in the Pegasus galaxy wants to be achieved.
Government type: Self-appointed leader Ladon Radim, militaristic regime
Knowledge/Technology used: Low-To-Moderate (3)/Low-to-Moderate (3)
Planets: dozens
Population: ~20 millions
Army: it is believed they have hundreds of thousands of soldiers
Space Force: none
Threat assessment: low (militaristic, believe to be the rightful ruler of the Pegasus galaxy)
Ships: none at the moment


Description: The Herbidians are a technologically advanced race that brought capitalism to a whole new level, in which corporations are the ruling party. Although strange such a system could survive since it stands to logic these corporations would further their own agendas through new legislations, the Herbidians have a very strong constitution, somewhat limiting their ability to change laws in their favor. The Herbidians are thought to be friends of the Terrans and are one of the few races in the Milky Way galaxy capable of space travel. Lately though, the relations between the two races has hit a difficult patch as the Herbidians weren't allowed to freely access Earth's market and rather having to deal with Earth only through the Terrans, something the Herbidians didn't particularly like. The negative side effect was much greater than the Terrans have initially believed it would be. Not seeing any direct interest, the Herbidians have almost completely severed any contact with the Terrans.
Government type: Corporations
Knowledge/Technology used: Moderate-to-High (5+)/Moderate-to-High (5+)
Planets: 1 planet
Population: 2.1 billions
Army: unknown
Space Force: unknown
Threat assessment: none (although the Herbidians have somewhat pulled back from any collaboration, they are not believed to be hostile)
Ships: unknown


Description: The Free Jaffa Nation is still struggling in their newly found independence. After the defeat and sudden disappearance of Gerak, the Jaffa traditionalists have lost most support and with the placement of Bra'tac as Head of the Council, the Free Jaffa Nation is finally stepping into a period of progress and innovation, especially with the help of the Terrans who see friends in the Jaffa and want to help them progress into a modern society.
Government type: Council (appointed through military strength and how much they are valued as warriors)
Knowledge/Technology used: Low-to-Moderate (3+)/Moderate-to-High (5)
Planets: Dakara, more than 50 worlds under their control
Population: 630 million (probably more but there is no registry)
Army: more than a million

Weapons: 2 Heavy Staff Plasma Cannons (S: 120 MWh, R: Short, FR: 10r/min)
Size: (L: 12m, W: 16m, H: 4)
Purpose: Space Fighter
Energy source: One 1st Gen Small Naquadah Reactor (PO: 120 MW)
Defenses: Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners
Allocation: Crew: 2
Built: 1296


Size: (L: 23m, W: 16m, H: 8m)
Purpose: Small Cargo Ship
Energy source: One Small Goa'uld Naquadah Reactor (PO: 20 GW)
Defenses: Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Goa'uld Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrive (CS: 4.5Ly/h, MS:12 Ly/h)
Additional: Ring Platform, Cloak
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 2, Non-crew: 10 people
Built: 89

Weapons: 2 Small Plasma Cannons (S: 1.5 GWh, R: Short, FR: 15r/min)
Size: (L: 37m, W: 24m, H: 11m)
Purpose: Assault, Bomber
Energy source:
One Goa'uld Naquadah Reactor (PO: 200 GW)
Backup: Naquadah Generator (P:12 GW )
Goa'uld Shields (S: 100 GWh, MRR: 200 GW, RT: 30 min, C:2.5, MPI:160 MW)
Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS: 5.5 Ly/h, MS: 14.3 Ly/h)
Additional: Ring Platform, Cloak
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 2, Non-crew: 35 people
Built: 223

Ha'tak Type I
Weapons: 24 Plasma Cannons (S:12 TWh. R:Moderate)
Size: (L: 680m, W: 680m, H: 540m)
Purpose: Mother ship
Energy source:
One 1st Gen Heavy Naquadah Reactor (PO:200 TW)
Backup: Ten Naquadah Generators (PO: 12 TW )
Goa'uld Shields (S: 250 TWh, MRR: 200 TW, RT: 68 min, C: 2.5, MPI: 160 GW)
Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Anubis Improved Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS:55.5 Ly/h, MS: 114 Ly/h)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Tel'tak, 50 Gliders
Additional: 5 Ring Platform, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 95, Non-crew: 1000 people
Built: 12

Ha'tak Type II
Weapons: 24 Plasma Cannons (PC) (S:18 TWh, R:Moderate, FR: 10r/min)
Size: (L: 680m, W: 680m, H: 540m)
Purpose: Mother Ship
Energy source:
One 2nd Gen Heavy Naquadah Reactor (PO:280 TW)
Backup: Ten Naquadah Generators (PO:12 TW )
Anubis Shields (S:350 TWh, MRR: 280 TW, RT: 76 min, C:1.9)
Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Anubis Improved Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS:130.5Ly/h, MS:370Ly/h)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Tel'tak, 50 Gliders
Additional: 5 Ring Platforms, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 95, Non-crew: 1000 people
Built: 56

Ha'tak Type III
8 Heavy Plasma Cannons (LPC) (S:50 TWh, Range: Moderate, FR: 6r/min)
10 Plasma Cannons (PC) (S:18 TWh, Range: Moderate, FR: 10r/min)
Size: (L: 680m, W: 680m, H: 440m)
Purpose: Mother ship
Energy source:
Two 3rd Gen Heavy Naquadah Reactor (PO: 700 TW, Tau'ri improved)
Backup: Ten Naquadah Generators (PO: 12 TW )
Anubis Shields (S: 660 TWh, MRR: 33 TW, RT: 56 min, C: 1.6)
Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Tau'ri Improved Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS: 330.7Ly/h, MS: 820 Ly/h)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Tel'tak, 50 Gliders
Additional: 5 Ring Platforms, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 95, Non-crew: 500 people
Built: 16


Description: After the attempted invasion of the Ori, Langara is still fighting a war against the many followers still present on the planet's surface. Still, knowing that the fighting will inevitably end, the Langarans are already looking to the future. With the help of the Terrans, the Langarans are rebuilding and already planning for the next step in which they are about to start their space program. In exchange for large quantities of Naquadria, the Terrans are in return giving technology that will quickly turn Langara into a modern world as well as giving them the means to start exploring the galaxy. The main concern is still the three separate nations on the planet unable to come to terms with each other. Even though on paper they have become the Langarans, a single race, often their internal rivalry sets them back into old habits.
Government type: Democracy
Knowledge/Technology used: Low-to-Moderate (3+)/ Moderate (4)
Planets: Langara
Population: 1.7 billions
Army: more than 500.000 enlisted
Ships: planning their first ship

Lucian Alliance

Description: A torn in the backside of the Terrans, the Lucian Alliance is a criminal organization bent on acquiring power and welt through any means necessary. Capable of interstellar travel as well as having a vast fleet of Ha'taks, the Lucians represent a great threat to the stability of the Milky Way galaxy. Although, in the past, the Lucians have openly opposed the Terrans, they have recently quieted down. They are well aware the Terrans and their allies are the only one capable of stopping the incursion of the Ori and that means, until the situation with the Ori isn't resolved, the Lucians are rather waiting patiently and leaving the Terrans and the Jaffa to fight the Ori.
Government type: Leader Odai Ventrell with a dozen captain as second in command
Knowledge/Technology used: Low-to-Moderate (3+)/ Moderate-To-High (5+)
Planets: several planets are being used as base of operation or warehouses
Population: tens of thousands

Weapons: 2 Heavy Staff Plasma Cannons (S: 1.2 GWh, R:Short)
Size: (L: 12m, W: 16m, H: 4)
Purpose: Space Fighter
Energy source: One 1st Gen Small Naquadah Reactor (PO: 120 MW)
Defenses: Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners
Allocation: Crew: 2
Built: 780

Size: (L: 23m, W: 16m, H: 8m)
Purpose: Small Cargo Ship
Energy source: One Small Goa'uld Naquadah Reactor (PO: 20 GW)
Defenses: Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Goa'uld Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrive (CS: 4.5Ly/h, MS:12 Ly/h)
Additional: Ring Platform, Cloak
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 2, Non-crew: 10 people
Built: 120

Weapons: 2 Small Plasma Cannons (S: 1.5 GWh, R: Short, FR: 15r/min)
Size: (L: 37m, W: 24m, H: 11m)
Purpose: Assault, Bomber
Energy source:
- One Goa'uld Naquadah Reactor (PO: 200 GW)
- Backup: Naquadah Generator (P:12 GW )
- Goa'uld Shields (S: 100 GWh, MRR: 200 GW, RT: 30 min, C:2.5, MPI:160 MW)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS: 5.5 Ly/h, MS: 14.3 Ly/h)
Additional: Ring Platform, Cloak
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 2, Non-crew: 35 people
Built: 123

Ha'tak Type I
Weapons: 24 Plasma Cannons (S:12 TWh. R:Moderate)
Size: (L: 680m, W: 680m, H: 540m)
Purpose: Mother ship
Energy source:
- One 1st Gen Heavy Naquadah Reactor (PO:200 TW)
- Backup: Ten Naquadah Generators (PO: 12 TW )
- Goa'uld Shields (S: 250 TWh, MRR: 200 TW, RT: 68 min, C: 2.5, MPI: 160 GW)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Anubis Improved Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS:55.5 Ly/h, MS: 114 Ly/h)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Tel'tak, 50 Gliders
Additional: 5 Ring Platform, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 95, Non-crew: 1000 people
Built: 32

Ha'tak Type II
Weapons: 24 Plasma Cannons (PC) (S:18 TWh, R:Moderate, FR: 10r/min)
Size: (L: 680m, W: 680m, H: 540m)
Purpose: Mother Ship
Energy source:
- One 2nd Gen Heavy Naquadah Reactor (PO:280 TW)
- Backup: Ten Naquadah Generators (PO:12 TW )
- Anubis Shields (S:350 TWh, MRR: 280 TW, RT: 76 min, C:1.9)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Goa'uld Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Anubis Improved Interstellar Hyperdrives (CS:130.5Ly/h, MS:370Ly/h)
2 Hangar Bays: 8 Tel'tak, 50 Gliders
Additional: 5 Ring Platforms, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 95, Non-crew: 1000 people
Built: 23


Description: The Nox are the oldest known race, dedicated to a life of harmony with nature and any and all living creatures. After the fall of the First Great Alliance, the Nox have become isolationist, mostly because of the lack of understanding from other races about their life philosophy. Little else is known about the Nox, mostly because it's like pulling a tooth out every time you try to ask them anything about any subject. Their unwillingness to share information about them as well as their Zen-like philosophy of letting others discover things on their own rather than simply showing them, has made interaction with them somewhat difficult. With the new academy on Tantalus, built with the sole purpose of sharing knowledge and understanding, the Terrans hope at least partially to succeed in opening up the Nox to talk to them.
Government type: unknown
Knowledge/Technology used: High (8)/High (8)
Planets: Gaia
Population: unknown
Army: none
Space Force: none
Ships: unknown


Description: The Optricans are still fighting on their own planet, trying to quell the Bedrosian terrorists still believing into Nefertem as their only god and savior even after all the evidence that negates that theory. Even with help from the Terrans, the situation on their planet is far from being resolved. Still, the Optricans look at the future with hope, very much looking forward to exploring the galaxy through the stargate and soon with ships capable of interstellar travel thanks to the Terrans supplying them hyperdrives and the knowledge behind them.
Government type: Democracy
Knowledge/Technology used: Moderate-to-High (5+)/ Moderate-to-High (5+)
Planets: 1 planet
Population: 480 million (670 million Bedrosians)
Army: 800.000
Threat assessment: low (it is still possible for the Bedrosians to gain power on the planet)
Ships: planning to build their first ship


Description: Ascended beings bent on dominating humans from the lower plane and using them as source for their increased powers. The Ori enslave humans through their religion, Origin, in order to make humans pray to them, a way to drain them or their core energy. The Ori want nothing more than to destroy their long lost brethren the Alterrans who have escaped their home galaxy more than 32 million years ago rather than to face them in a war that would most probably had destroyed them. The Ori use Priors, advanced humans, to spread Origin and their will throughout the Universe. Priors become those who have showed to be their most devoted followers, ready to give their life for their cause. The cornerstone of their religion is the lie that all followers of Origin will eventually ascend, gaining everlasting life.
Government type: Despotism, Theocracy
Knowledge/Technology used: Ultra High (9)/High (8+)
Planets: an entire galaxy
Population: maybe even hundreds of billions.
Army: for all intent a purpose, unlimited
Threat assessment: Very High (we are still unable to find a viable way to fight back.)

Mother Ship
- 1 Ori Heavy Energy Beam (S:450 TWh, D:4s, R: Long)
- 12 Energy Pulse Cannons (S:55 TWh, Range: Moderate)
Size: (L: 1100m, W: 650m, H: 460m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source: Singularity Core (PO: 16 PW)
Defenses: Ori Shields (S: 3.2 PWh, MRR: 16 PW, RT: 12min, C: 1.31)
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: Ori Gravitic Drive, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, 2 Intergalactic Hyperdrives (CS: 5.4 Ly/s, MS: 37.2 Ly/s)
2 Hangar Bays: 56 Fighters
Additional: Ring Platform
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1 prior, Additional Accommodations: 1000 people
Built: Unknown (18 destroyed)


Description: The Pangarans are a human race almost a hundred years less developed than Earth. Currently the Terrans have a Trinium mine on their planet in exchange for technologies that will advance the Pangarans in short time, as well as prepare them to defend their world against the many threats in the galaxy. Recently the Pangarans have successfully repelled an incursion through the stargate by the Lucians who have somehow gained their gate address, probably because they have started exploring the galaxy through the gate and inevitably called attention on themselves. The Terrans have recommended the Pangarans to limit their exploration in order to escape any possible dire consequences. The Terrans believe the Pangarans to, by the most part, be a pacifistic race unprepared for a galaxy with so many hostile races.
Government type: Democracy
Knowledge/Technology used: High(3)/High (3)
Planets: Pangara
Population: 283 millions

Quirilians (People from P4M-328)

Description: The Quirilians are a relatively modern society, somewhere around Earth's mid-eighties. After the first encounter, when SG-1 and Doctor Daniel Jackson arrived inside a museum, no more contacts have been made. It is believed the Quirilians have buried their gate in fear. Recently, the Terrans have sent a spy ship in orbit above their planet to collect as much intel as possible. It appears that the Quirilians have drastically increased expenditure for their military and into several related research projects. The knowledge that there are other aliens in the galaxy, especially what Daniel Jackson had told them, made them fearful for their safety.


Description: The Senari are a race that has been enslaved by the still unknown race the Vargas. The reason why the Vargas have enslaved the Senari is clear though. Through them, they are controlling several larger galaxies by killing any race that has achieved interstellar flight capabilities. Every ten thousand years the Senari would start the cycle of destruction anew, crossing to other galaxies and destroying everyone who stands in their way. Only a small group of Senari, those who are not affected by the neural implant or those that haven't been implanted with it after birth, are trying to free their people from enslavement and from committing such atrocities any longer. The only Senari we know of is Mial, a survivor of the battle at the anomaly and one of those who are immune to the neural implant control. Liam and Mial are currently trying to find a way to deactivate the implant, albeit the complete deactivation would in many cases mean the death of the subject or at least high level of impairment.
Government type: Subjugated by the Vargas
Knowledge/Technology used: High(5)/High (5)
Planets: dozens of world in their galaxy
Population: tens of billions
Army: unknown
Threat assessment: Moderate (currently isolated in their own galaxy, but they still pose a threat, at least until the neural implant isn't deactivated)

Type I (Scout)
Weapons: 2 Energy Cannons ports (unknown type), 6 Smaller Energy Cannons (unknown type)
Size: (L: 175m, W: 110m, H: 50m)
Purpose: scout
Energy source: Unknown Type (PO: ~300 TW - Approximation from sensor readings)
Defenses: Shields (Strength: unknown), Standard Armor Plating
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Interstellar Hyperdrives
Large Hangar Bay: unknown
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: believed hundreds

Type II (Heavy Cruiser)
Weapons: 6 Large Cannon ports, 12 Smaller Cannon ports, 12 Turrets
Size: (L: 510m, W: 320m, H: 110m)
Purpose: supposed to serve as support vessel
Energy source: Unknown (Power Output: ~1.1 PW Approximation from sensor readings)
Defenses: Approximation from sensor readings
- Shields (S: 0.9 PWh, MRR: ~1.1 PW, RT: 52 min, C: 1.5)
- Standard Armor Plating
- ECM detected
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Maneuvering Thrusters, Inertial Dampeners, Hyperdrive (not present at the time)
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: believed in the hundreds

Type III (Battleship)
Description: this ship has never been seen.
Weapons: unknown
Size: (L: 1340m, W: 810m, H: 320m)
Purpose: Capital Ship
Energy source: Unknown
Defenses: Shields (S: unknown, MRR: unknown, RT: unknown)
Sensors: unknown
Maneuverability: Unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Additional: unknown
Allocation: unknown
Built: ~100


Description: A previously Goa'uld-occupied civilization who have chosen to forget all but the industrial era (the last few hundred years) of their civilization to press forward into their new history with revived spirit. The Tagreans are typically a friendly people, but very cautious to outsiders, and are always on the lookout for anything that may resemble another invasion force.
The Tagreans are led by Ashwan, a charismatic chairman who is more than open to relations with the Tau'ri. Unfortunately, not all of the people respond to him as much as they do to Kalfas, the minister of defense who commands a battalion of Tagrean gun boats and ground-to-air defense devices. Kalfas was disturbed with the detonation of the Tau'ri vessel's hyperdrive engine in the orbit of their planet, and believed it was a hostile act. Fortunately, Ashwan's opinions won over, and Prometheus was allowed to touch down to commence repairs.
Before all was said and done, an encounter with humans from Earth ended very nearly with hostility as several local Tagreans were aiding in the diggings in the Northern deserts to unearth the Stargate, which could potentially bring threats back to their planet. With the aid of Ashwan and his well-said words, the Tagreans sided with him and took Kalfas into custody, allowing the humans to return to Earth for supplies to fix their damaged starship.
After the incident, relations between Earth and the Tagreans have progressed slowly but amicably. The Tagreans are probably the only race of humans in the Milky Way that will soon have interstellar capabilities without the help of the Terrans. Recently the Tagreans have acquired a Tel'tak from an unknown source and they were quickly able to reverse engineer the vessel's systems.
Government type: Democracy
Knowledge/Technology used: moderate-to-high (5)/moderate-to-high (5)
Planets: Tagrea
Population: 920,000
Army: unknown
Ships: building their first interstellar ship


Description: The Terran Alliance is an organization devoted to the protection of Earth and all of his colonies from outside threats. As per mandate, the Terran Alliance has no authority to work on Earth's soil with the exception of their Headquarter Terrania, even in case of war between countries.
Government type: Council (Meritocracy)
Knowledge/Technology used: High(6+)/High (8)
Planets: Earth, Asura, Tollana, Terra Nova, 3 off-world bases, 8 mining operations
Population: 2,780,200 (constantly expanding)
Army: 313.000 enlisted, 62.466 officers
Marine Corps/Special Forces: 78,234 enlisted, 18.322 officers
Space Fleet: 145.000 enlisted, 42.122 officers

F-302a & F-302b
Description: The F-302 is the first Terran fighter capable of spaceflight. A variant has been subsequently devised with the only change the craft carrying conventional bombs instead of AA missile
Weapons: 2– frontal SBR, 6 AA missiles (a variant), 4 bombs (b variant)
Size: (L: 14 m, W:21 m)
Purpose: Fighter (a variant), Bomber (b variant)
Energy source: One Small Naquadah generator (S: 110MW)
Defenses: ECM
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Air breathing jets, modified aero spikes, jet booster, inertial dampeners
Mass: 15.5 metric tons
Built: 617a, 65b

F-302c Viper
Description: The Viper is the latest in Terran fighter technology. His railguns have been replaced with single plasma repeaters for increased yield, a cloak and a shield had been added and it has a small hyperdrive capable of crossing 0.5 Ly. It is not intended for travel to other star systems. His use is more tactical in nature.
Weapons: 2 Frontal SPRs(S: 60 MWh, FR: 200 r/min), 6 AA Missiles (5 Megaton Mark VII)
Size: (L: 12m, W: 13m)
Purpose: Fighter
Energy source: One 2nd Gen Small Naquadah Generator (PO: 680 MW)
Defenses: Shields (S: 22 MWh, MRR: 480 MW, RT: 3 min, C: 1.77, MPI: 20 MW), ECM, Cloak
Maneuverability: Ultra High
Propulsion: 2 IE, MT, ID, ISH (CS: 0.5 Ly/h)
Crew: 2
Mass: 14 metric tons
Built: 56

Description: The Raptor is the first Terrans ship capable of carrying a squad of marines giving them the tactical advantage of deploying soldiers on the planet surface when other methods like beaming are not available.
Weapons: 1 Rotatory Minigun, 2 Missiles Launchers
Size: (L: 16m, W: 5m)
Purpose: Squad transporter, aerial support
Energy source: One 2nd Gen Small Naquadah Generator (PO: 680 MW)
Defenses: Armor plating
Maneuverability: Ultra High
Propulsion: 2 IE, MT, ID
Crew: 2 pilots and 10 people
Mass: 16 metric tons
Built: 89

Description: The need for dirt-side deployment of soldiers as well as vehicles made the Hammerhead drop-ship project become a reality. The ship is capable of easily carrying a platoon of soldiers or several tanks or other vehicles to the surface of a planet. Although the drop-ship has a hyperdrive, it is typically carried by larger ships like the SC-310 Super Carrier or the smaller AC-309 Assault Carrier
Weapons: 4 Frontal SPRs(S:60 MWh, FR: 200 r/min), 2 Missile Launcher, 2 Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:400 round/min)
Size: (L: 54m, W: 18m, H: 5m)
Purpose: troops or vehicle transporter
Energy source: Two 2nd Gen Naquadah Generator (PO: 5.3 TW)
Defenses: Shields (S: 530 MWh, MRR: 480 MW, RT: 6 min, C: 1.77, MPI: 20 MW), ECM, Cloak
Maneuverability: Ultra High
Propulsion: 2 IE, MT, ID, ISH (CS: 10 Ly/h)
Crew: 4
Mass: 1.227 metric tons
Built: 23

D-303c Prometheus class
Description: First capital ship the Terrans have built
- 4 Plasma Cannons (S:15 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 8 r/min)
- 4 Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 38MW, R: Moderate, FR:1200 r/min)
- 4 Torpedo Launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 225m, W: 60m, H: 70m)
Purpose: First Capital Ship, for support or standalone (obsolete)
Energy source:
- Two 2nd Gen N/N Medium Reactors (PO: 275 TW)
- Backup: Four Naquadah Generators (PO: 800 GW )
- Asgard Shields (S: 275 TWh, MRR: 225 TW, RT: 71 min, C: 1.47)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: 2 Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 0.6 Ly/s, MS: 15 Ly/s for 1 hour)
2 Hangar Bays: 2 F-302c Vipers, 2 Raptors
Additional: ABS, RP, Standard Support System, Self-Destruct
Allocation: Crew: 146, Additional Accommodations: 100 people
Mass: 190,000 metric tons
Built: 1 (soon to be retired)

BC-304c Daedalus Class
Description: The Daedalus is the first truly capital ship the Terrans have built that went into mass production. The Daedalus is the most common ship in the Terrans fleet and so far it has been upgraded two times
- 2 Intermediate Plasma Cannons (S:70 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 5 r/min)
- 2 Plasma Cannons (S: 15 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 8 r/min)
- 6 Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE:, R: Moderate, 1200 round/min)
- 8 Torpedo Launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 325m, W: 120m, H: 56m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, support or standalone
Energy source:
- Three 3th Gen N/N Medium Reactors (PO: 625 TW: NI: 28%)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.2 TW )
- Asgard Shields (S: 540 TWh, MRR: 625 TW, RT: 52 min, C: 1.47)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Four Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, Intergalactic Hyperdrive (CS: 1.4 Ly/s, MS: 67 Ly/s for 30 min)
2 Hangar Bays: 16 F-302c Vipers, 4 Raptors
Additional: 1Asgard Beaming System, Ring Platform, Standard Support System, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 216, Additional Accommodations: 150 people
Mass: 417,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 3 month
Built: 22

BC-304d Daedalus Class
Description: The next upgrade scheduled in less than a year. This upgrade will introduce all the new technologies the Terrans have worked on in collaboration with the other races in the Second Great Alliance. There will be so many changes that is difficult to believeit would still remain the same ship
- 4 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 4 Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:400 round/min)
- 4 Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE:38 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 1200 round/min)
- 200 Asuran Drones
- 8 Torpedo Launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 325m, W: 120m, H: 56m)
Purpose: Capital Ship, Support or standalone
Energy source:
- Two 4th Gen N/N Reactors (PO: 760 TW, NI: 35%)
- One micro-ZPM (PO: 12 PW, SE: 7.3 PWh)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.8 TW )
- Asgard Shields (S: 1.06 PWh, MRR: 12.76 PW, RT: 83 min/5min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Four Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, Intergalactic Hyperdrive (CS: 2.2 Ly/s, MS: 124.8 Ly/s for 30min)
2 Hangar Bays: 16 F-302c Vipers, 4 Raptors
Additional: ABS, RP, 5 PR, IMC, VOCS, LTSS, LPS, SD
Allocation: Crew: 216, Additional Accommodations: 150 people
Mass: 417,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 3.4 month
Built: 0 (upgrade still not available)

BS-305a Achilles Class
Description: The Achilles is the response the Terrans have regarding the Wraith hive ships. The ship is many times stronger than the BC-304 and it is believed to be able to face a Wraith hive on par. While the Terrans are building less and less Daedalus, the BS-305 is planned to have four more ships ready in less than a year.
- 3 Heavy Plasma Cannons (S:210 TWh, R: Long, FR:3 r/min)
- 6 Intermediate Plasma Cannons (S:70 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 5 r/min)
- 24 Heavy Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 53 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min)
- 12 torpedo launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 685m, W: 255m, H: 110m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Three 3rd Gen Large N/N reactor (PO: 2.2 PW, NI: 28%)
- (Enterprise): ZPM (PO: 208 PW, SE: 55 EWh)
- Backup Naquadah generators (PO:10 TW)
- Asgard Shields (S: 4,1 PWh, MRR: 41 PW, RT: 117min/6min, C: 1.47)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Internal Forcefields
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: 4 Heavy Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 4.4 Ly/s, MS: 70.2 Ly/s for 1.3 hours)
2 Hangar Bays: 32 F-302, 8 Raptors
Additional: 2 ABSs, RP, SD
Allocation: Crew: 312, Additional Accommodations: 400 people
Mass: 2,967,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 8 months
Built: 2

BS-305b Achilles Class
Description: the second generation of the Achilles is schedule at the same time as the Daedalus. It is believed that once upgraded, the ship will be able to face an Ori capital ship alone and come up victorious.
- 3 Heavy Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 310 TWh, D:7s, R:Long, FR:2 r/min)
- 6 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 8 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S:310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 16 Heavy Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE:53 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min at 850 km/s)
- 800 Asuran Drones
- 12 torpedo launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 685m, W: 255m, H: 110m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Three 4th Gen Large N/N Reactors (PO: 2.78 PW, NI: 35%)
- 3 micro-ZPM ( PO: 36 PW, SE: 21.9 PWh)
- Enterprise: ZPM (PO: 208 PW, SE: 55 EWh)
- Subspace Capacitor (PO: 9PW, SE: 800 TWh)
- Asgard Shields (S: 4.8 PWh, MRR: 48 PW, RT: 103min/6min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak
- Internal Forcefields
- Shielded Reactors
Maneuverability: Low
Propulsion: 4 Heavy Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 5.4 Ly/s, top speed: 90.2 Ly/s 1.5 hour)
2 Hangar Bays: 32 F-302, 8 Raptors
Additional: 2 ABS, RP, 6 PRs, IMC, VOCS, LTSS, LPS, SD
Allocation: Crew: 312, Additional Accommodations: 400 people
Mass: 2,967,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 8.6 months
Built: 0 (upgrade still not available)

DN-306 Hercules Class
Description: The Hercules is the dreadnought class of Terran ships. The technology the ship uses is far beyond any previous ship's class has as it has been a joint endeavor between the Terrans, Asgard and Guardians to find a viable platform for when the Vargas will show up. Practically all systems aboard the ship are technologically far more advanced than anything any of the three races has ever developed. While the Terrans have used the newly developed technologies to build the Hercules, the Guardians and the Asgard are building its equivalent.
- 1 Relativistic Antiproton Beam (S:2.6 PWh, D:8s, R: Ultra Long, FR: 0.3 r/min, warps shields)
- 6 Heavy Plasma Beams ( S: 310 TWh, D:7s, R: Long, FR:2 r/min)
- 16 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 16 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 16 Heavy Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 53 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min at 850 km/s)
- 62 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
- 3000 Hyper Drones (additional power through high frequency subspace band, bypass shields, high penetration, variable detonation yield)
- 25 torpedo launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 2025m, W: 770m, H: 370m)
Purpose: Heavy Capital Ship, Flagship
Energy source:
- Four 1st Gen Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 32.82 PW, NI:50%)
- ZPM (PO: 208 PW, SE: 55 EWh)
- Backup: 4th Gen N/N Reactor (PO: 0.92 PW, NI:35%)
- Multidimensional Shields (S: 29.1 PWh, MRR: 241 PW, RT: 53min/6min, C: 1.16)
- Fortress Shield (Deployable satellites, R: 500 miles, S: 690 PWh, MRR: 1150 PW)
- Ablative Armor Layer, Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- Internal Forcefields, Shielded Reactors, ISS
- 120 Remotely Controlled Fighter Drones
Maneuverability: Moderate
Propulsion: GD, 6 Ion Engines, MT, 2 Intergalactic Hyperdrives (CS: 32.4 Ly/s, MS: 225 Ly/s for 1.5 hours)
2 Hangar Bays: 32 F-302c Vipers, 16 Raptors
Additional: 4 ABS, IT, RP, 18 PR, 2 IMC, AI Core, LTSS, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 426, Additional Accommodations: 700 people
Mass: 78,717,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 18 months
Built: 0 (prototype will be built in a year)

AF-307 Ares Class
Description: Small and versatile, the Ares is a much smaller ship than the Daedalus. It is perfect for Patrol duty, support to larger vessels or by combining several ship into a single unit. His greatest advantage is that, while the Daedalus takes three months to be built, the Ares can be built in one month. His only real limitation is the lack of an intergalactic hyperdrive.
- 1 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 2.5 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:3 r/min)
- 4 Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 120 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:400 round/min)
- 8 Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 38 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min at 850 km/s)
- 2 Torpedo Launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton)
Size: (L: 150m, W: 42m, H: 26m)
Purpose: support, assault in packs
Energy source:
- Two 4th Gen N/N Medium Reactors (PO: 425 TW, NI: 35%)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.2 TW )
- Asgard Shields (S: 325 TWh, MRR: 425 TW, RT: 46 min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Two Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, ISH (CS: 0.2 Ly/s, MS: 4.4 Ly/s for 1 hour)
Hangar Bay: 6 Raptors
Additional: 1 ABS
Allocation: Crew: 35, Additional Accommodations: 60 people
Mass: 65,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 1.1 month
Built: 0 (planned)

SF-308 Hades Class
Description: The smallest ship the Terrans have ever built. It can be used for patrol duty or as a spy ship, its intended purpose. His greatest advantage is that, while the Daedalus takes three months to be built, the Hades can be built in three weeks. His only real limitation is the lack of an intergalactic hyperdrive.
- 2 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S: 310 MWh , R: Moderate, FR:240 round/min)
- 4 Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 38 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min at 850 km/s)
- 2 Torpedo Launchers (1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 80, W: 28m, H: 15m)
Purpose: Stealth Frigate, Spy Ship
Energy source:
- One 4th Gen N/N Medium Reactors (PO: 212 TW, NI: 35%)
- Backup: Six Naquadah Generators (PO: 1.2 TW )
- Asgard Shields (S: 88 TWh, MRR: 212 TW, RT: 25 min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cyber Warfare,
- Cloak, HSS
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: 2 Ion Engines, MT, IT, ISH (CS: 0.9 Ly/s, MS: 5.4 Ly/s for 1 hour)
Hangar Bay: 2 Raptors
Additional: ABS
Allocation: Crew: 35, Additional Accommodations: 60 people
Mass: 11,200 metric tons
Buildtime: 3 weeks
Built: 0 (planned)

AC-309 Atena Class
- 56 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S:310MWh, R:Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 32 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
- 1000 Asuran Drones
- 14 Torpedo Launchers(1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 525m, W: 220m, H: 95m)
Purpose: Assault Carrier, Troop Transport
Energy source: Two 4th Gen Large N/N Reactors (PO: 1.84 PW, NI: 35%)
- Asgard Shields (Strength: 760 TWh, MRR: 1.84 PW, RT: 25 minutes, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Internal Forcefields
- Shielded Reactors
Maneuverability: Low
Propulsion: 6 Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, IGH (CS: 2.4 Ly/s, MS: 76.7 Ly/s for 30 min)
12 Hangar Bays: 120 F-302s, 45 Raptors, 12 Hammer Head Drop-ships
Additional: 12 ABS, ITs, Large RP, 35 PRs, 3 IMCs, AIC, LTSS, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 380, Additional Accommodations: 3200 people
Mass: 1,981,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 6 months
Built: 0 (prototype is being built)

SC-310 Colossus Class
- 12 Plasma Beam Weapons (S: 85 TWh, D:5s, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
- 124 Heavy Dual Plasma Repeaters (S:310 MWh, R: Moderate, FR: 240 r/min)
- 48 Heavy Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE:53 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min at 850 km/s)
- 120 Point Defense Lasers (S:3 MWh, R: Short, FR: 180 rounds/min, perfect accuracy)
- 15000 Hyper Drones
- 36 Torpedo Launchers(1 Kiloton, Mark VII 5 Megaton, Mark IX Gate Buster 100 Megatons)
Size: (L: 3125m, W: 920m, H: 570m)
Purpose: Carrier, CAC
Energy source:
- Four 1st Gen Enhanced Neutrino Ion Generators (PO: 32.82 PW, NI:50%)
- ZPM ( S: 208 PW, SE: 55 EWh)
- 4th Gen N/N Reactor (PO: 1 TW, NI: 35%)
- Multidimensional Shields (S: 11.5 PWh, MRR: 241 PW, RT: 21.2 min/3min, C: 1.16)
- Fortress Shield (Deployable satellites, R: 500 miles, S: 690 PWh, MRR: 1150 PW)
- Standard Armor Plating
- Cloak, HSS
- HDS, IFs, Shielded Reactors
- 420 Remotely Controlled Fighter Drones
Maneuverability: Low
Propulsion: 12 Ion Engines, MTs, IDs, Intergalactic Hyperdrive (CS: 16.4 Ly/s, MS: 66.7 Ly/s for 3.5 hours)
Hangar Bays: 380 F-302, 70 Raptors, 34 Hammerhead drop-ships
Additional: 22 ABS, ITs, 5 Large Ring Platforms, 35 PRs, 3 IMCs, AIC, LTSS, LPS, Self-destruct
Allocation: Crew: 680, Additional Accommodations: 12000 people
Mass: 138,213,000 metric tons
Buildtime: 22 months
Built: 0 (prototype is being built)

Aurora Class
- 6 Heavy Plasma Cannons (S:210 TWh, R: Long, FR:3 r/min)
- 14 Intermediate Plasma Cannons (S:70 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 5 r/min)
- 50 Heavy Dual-Barrel Railguns (KE: 53 MWh, R: Long, FR: 1200 r/min)
- 3000 Asuran Drones
Size: (L: 3020m, W: 800m, H: 550m)
Purpose: Capital Ship
Energy source: One Heavy N/N Alterran Reactor (PO: 11 PW) - upgraded
- Aurora Shields (S: 9 PWh, MRR: 11 PW, RT: 50 min, C: 1.35) - upgraded
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: low
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Inertial Dampeners, IGH (CS: 7.4 Ly/s, MS: 52.2 Ly/s for 3 hours) -upgraded
Additional: 4 ABSs, IMC, Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1,Additional Accommodations: 5000 people
Built: 9

Weapons: 8000 Asuran Drones
Size: (L: 3625m, W: 3625, H: 970m)
Purpose: City-ship
Energy source: 3 ZPM (PO: 624 PW, SE: 165 EWh)
Defenses: Multilayered Shields (S: 80 PWh, MRR: 624 PW, RT: 7 min, C: 1.52), Cloak
Maneuverability: Very Low
Propulsion: Six Ion Engines, IDs, Stardrive (CS: 130 Ly/s, MS: 420 Ly/s)
2 Hangar Bays: 24 Puddle Jumpers
Additional: Internal Transporters, Ring Platform,
Allocation: 65,000 people
Mass: 222,451,000 metric tons
Built: 2 (Borealis under repairs)


Description: After the fall of the Goa'uld, the Tok'ra have devoted their life to chase down the few Goa'uld still alive. Little else is known about what the Tok'ra have been up to in the last few year, especially after the death of Selmak and Sam's father. Relations have quickly deteriorated to the point where there is almost no contact with them anymore. The reason why this has happened is not completely clear, but it is a firm belief of the TIA that the Tok'ra are not happy with how things have turned out. Although the Tok'ra have always stated that they want nothing more than for the Goa'uld to disappear, we believe the Tok'ra thought how they would be the most advanced race and the one to lead the galaxy. As this didn't happen and as the death of their queen has precluded any possibility for them to grow as a race, it is possible that the Tok'ra have no certain goal in life and that they are a slowly dying race. All attempts to contact them after the formation of the SGA has been discarded.
Government type: Council
Knowledge/Technology used: High (5)/High (5)
Planets: 1 planet, unknown location
Population: a few thousands
Threat assessment: unknown (the Tok'ra are not believed to be enemies, but their isolation is of some concern)
Ships: unknown


Description: The Tollans were once the most advanced race of humans in the galaxy. It is believed they have been completely wiped out by the Goa'uld. The Tollans, with all their technology, ended up being overconfident, thinking no one could ever harm them since their planet was defended by extremely advanced ion cannons. The Tollans had first been forced to renounce their moral high ground by having to build devastating bombs that uses phase-shifting technology in order to bypass Earth's Iris, only to be bombarded from orbit once they didn't deliver what promised.


Description: The Travelers are the most advanced race of humans in the Pegasus galaxy and the only known human race capable of space travel. The Travelers have chosen to leave their planet and live in space in order to escape the threat of the Wraith. Although the Travelers do not possess the necessary strength to fight the Wraith, it is still believed they have many hundreds of ships at their disposal spread throughout the galaxy. Such ships have been modified to support as many passengers as possible. Their ships are currently in dire need of repairs as the Travelers do not possess any planetary infrastructure capable of repairing them or building new ones.
Government type: Captains aboard ships are in command
Knowledge/Technological Level: Moderate-to-High (5+)/Moderate-to-High (6)
Population: ~23,000
Planets: None
Additional Information: Highly industrialized, unknown military structure or size, technologically at least 100 years ahead of Earth.
Ships: Only two different type of ship had been noticed so far

- 6 Traveler Pulse Cannons (S:50 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 8 r/min) - retrofit
Size: (L: 180m, W: 140m, H: 35m)
Purpose: Generational ship
Energy source: unknown type (PO: 340 TW)
- Traveler Shields (S: 420 TWh, MRR: 3 PW, RT: 68 min, C: 1.65)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: high
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Inertial Dampeners, ISH (CS: 0.12 Ly/s, MS: 1.1 Ly/s for 1.5 hours)
Additional: Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1,Additional Accommodations: 200 people
Built: 1 known (believed ~100)

Aurora Class
- 14 Traveler Pulse Cannons (S:50 TWh, R: Moderate, FR: 8 r/min) - retrofit
- 1200 Drones
Size: (L: 3020m, W: 800m, H: 550m)
Purpose: Capital Ship
Energy source: One Heavy Alterran Reactor (PO: 3 PW)
- Aurora Shields (S: 4.5 PWh, MRR: 3 PW, RT: 90 min, C: 1.35)
- Standard Armor Plating
Maneuverability: low
Propulsion: Ion Engines, Inertial Dampeners, ISH (CS: 0.2 Ly/s, MS: 1.2 Ly/s for 3 hours)
Additional: Self-destruct
Allocation: Minimal Crew: 1,Additional Accommodations: 5000 people
Built: 1


Description: No information is available at this time.
Threat assessment: Ultra High (biggest problem is the lack of any intel on the race.)


Description: The Wraith are a ten thousand years old race that has been created by accident inside a lab where the Lanteans were making experiments on the telepathic abilities of the Iratus Bug. It is believed the Lanteans have accidentally created a retrovirus that has quickly spread throughout the lab, changing all the Lanteans present into Wraith. How the Wraith has from that point on managed to increase their numbers so quickly is still unknown, but the most plausible explanation is that the Lanteans turned Wraith, used the same virus on an inhabited world, that way gaining an army in a very short time. After the war with the Lanteans the Wraith quickly realized there wasn't enough food in the galaxy to sustain their growing population. The only solution was to go to sleep for longer periods of time in order for the human population to grow in number before the next cycle of culling. This trend has gone for thousands of years, until one day the Terrans have arrived into the Pegasus galaxy and everything from that point on has changed. The Wraith are now losing the war against the Terrans and their allies and combined with the shortage of food/humans the Wraith must have decided to return into hibernation. What is their final goal is still unknown, but the TIA's assessment is that the Wraith will try to regroup before striking again.
Government type: Factions ruled by queens
Knowledge/Technology used: Moderate-to-High (6+)/Moderate-to-High (6+)
Planets: unknown
Population: unknown
Army: same as population
Threat assessment: High (the Wraith still pose a high threat. It is our recommendation that they need to be found and dealt with once and for all before they can regroup and grow in strength)

Weapons: 2 Small Baryon Cannons (S: 140 MWh, R: Short, FR: 15r/min)
Size: (L: 10m, W: 4.5m, H: 1.5)
Purpose: Space Fighter
Energy source: One Small Wraith Generator (PO: 120 MW)
Defenses: Organic Hull
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Standard sublight engines
Additional: Culling Beams, DHD, Self-Destruct
Allocation: Crew: 1
Built: believed tens of thousands

Weapons: unknown
Size: (L: 20m, W: 9m, H: 4)
Purpose: scout, shuttle
Energy source: Unknown
Defenses: Organic Hull
Maneuverability: High
Propulsion: Wraith sublight, Wraith Thrusters, Limited Interstellar Hyperdrive
Allocation: Crew: 1, unknown passengers
Built: unknown

Weapons: 12 Baryon Pulse Cannons(S: 60 TWh, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
Size: (L: 2500m, W: 1500m, H: 600m)
Purpose: escort, recon
Energy source: Unknown
Defenses: Trinium/Organic Hull
Maneuverability: low-to-moderate
Propulsion: Wraith sublight, Wraith Thrusters, Limited Interstellar Hyperdrive
Allocation: Crew: 3, 800 passengers
Complement: 100 darts
Built: unknown

- 8 Heavy Baryon Pulse Cannons(S: 200 TWh, Range: long, FR:3 r/min)
- 12 Baryon Pulse Cannons(S: 60 TWh, Range: long, FR:4 r/min)
Size: (L: 2500m, W: 1500m, H: 600m)
Purpose: escort, recon
Energy source: Unknown
Defenses: Trinium/Organic Hull, Regenerative Hull
Maneuverability: low
Propulsion: Wraith sublight, Wraith Thrusters, Limited Interstellar Hyperdrive
Allocation: Crew: 3, tens of thousands
Complement: 1000 darts
Built: unknown