This fic was written for a wonderful person known as JenBunny in the SenshixShitennou LiveJournal community. Unfortunately for Jen she suffered a pretty horrible illness, but fortunately for Jen, she got better (yay!). This was one of several pieces which were written/drawn for her to cheer her up while she was receiving treatments. I have to thank LovelyLytton for both organising the event and also for being such a wonderfully patient beta. She's awesome. Go read her fics now!
JenBunny is a huge Usagi x Mamoru fan, so that's the couple I concentrate on, although there is an extremely high dose of Senshi x Shitennou because I cannot resist (and by extremely high dose, I mean that they pretty much star in it…possibly more than Usagi x Mamoru). Aaaaaannnnnyway… this fic was not without its hitches. I had to make a few changes from where it was originally posted because it was interactive, filled with drama buttons, photos of Joe Manganiello and terrible Paint maps. Hopefully, though, this will still be enjoyable.
Oh! One more thing, have you ever noticed how HARD it is to think of a title? Coming up with a title was SO HARD! Read on to see what I mean…
The Princess Bride … Well, The Other Princess Bride… Not The One From The Book That Was Turned Into a Film Starring That Guy Who Was In Robin Hood: Men In Tights, and André The Giant, and Robin Wright (Before She Married and Then Divorced Sean Penn) and The Guy Who Played Columbo and That Kid From The Wonder Years.
Right, that title is too long. Yes, much too long. And ridiculous. Let's think of something better, shall we? Hmm…
The Princess & the -
No. Too short. Too direct. How about putting something in front of it? Like, 'The Story'…
The Story of the Princess…–
Actually, you know what? I've thought of a better word than 'story': 'tale'. That's rather good, isn't it? Yes, I quite like that. The Tale…
Right, so, hmm…
The Tale of the Princess &… &… hmm… Maybe I'll just go back to 'story'.
The Story of the Princess and the Pirate.
Something's off. Maybe I should swap those two around?
The Story of the Pirate and the Princess?
On second thought, no. No, forget it. I definitely think that gives away a little too much…
Oh crud… by saying that I've given away too much.
Or have I? Oooooh! I could be tricking you! This could all be an ingenious ploy so you have no idea what the plot is going to be. This story could be about pirates and princesses. Or it might not. For all you know, I could be leading you down a slow and craftily wound path of deception, so that when you read the story you'll be completely taken aback by the content. Mwahahaha! I am a most excellent writer! I am sitting here all smug and knowing (I wanted to put 'all knowing' but I'd already used the word 'all' before smug and using it again would have sounded silly, really) and you have no idea what's going to come! Mwahahaha! MWAHAH-
Oh never mind.
I don't think it's working. I'm betting you're much too clever anyway. You'll probably figure this out soon enough, so I might as well come clean. I don't actually know what the story is about. I haven't even written it yet. For all I know, there are no pirates. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a princess, though. I mean, come on, what's a story if there's no princess? At the very least there's got to be a prince.
There might be a giant in it too. The original Princess Bride has a giant, so why shouldn't this one? Maybe he won't be a giant though, that could make things awkward. Maybe he'll just be really tall. Taller than average. Obviously he'll still be called 'a giant' because it's not very exciting having a character called '_ the Taller than Average Bloke'.
Hmph, this whole choosing-a-title business is much more difficult than people let on, you know.
Right, I'm going to make a decision. I've spent over a whole page trying to choose a title. This is becoming absurd. Perhaps I'll just go back to the beginning (isn't that always the way?). Yes, the beginning sounds best.
Ok, good. Got it. I have my title (unless, of course, I can come up with a better one by the end). Here it is:
The OTHER Princess Bride (Wherein Some Things Happen That Are Very Similar To The Original Princess Bride, But It Is Not The Same).
Actually that's not half bad. Now comes the easy bit, if you've read or seen The Princess Bride, you'll see what I mean. Let's get this tale on the road, shall we? Yes, let's.