Chapter 4 Noisy Neighbor(Final Chapter)

Be Gamzee…

Everything was all set up, all you had to do was push one little button and Strider was sure to come running. You were a bit nervous; you secretly wondered if this would actually work…there was one way to find out. Without another thought you quickly pushed the buttons and covered your ears as metal music exploded from the amps. You grinned hearing the other bang against the wall. "TURN THAT SHIT DOWN MAKARA!" your neighbor yelled.

"WHAT'S THAT I CANT HEAR YOU?" you called back before biting your lip trying to keep yourself from laughing. "TURN IT DOWN!" the other yelled again, "WHAT?" you called; you laughed softly and walked away from the wall. "3…2...1…" there was a knock at the door, you smiled and sauntered over opening the door for the pissed off blonde.

"TURN IT DOWN!" he simply yelled, you cupped your hand around your pointed grey ear indicating that you couldn't hear him. Strider growled loudly, he pushed you out of the way and pulled the plug to the amps, there was silence now. "Jesus, do you want to lose your hearing" he crossed his arms, his lips were a simple thin line, he obviously didn't find this funny at all, but you didn't care, your plan worked, you had gotten him to come over.

"What gives you the right to come into my room and turn off my motherfucking tunes?" you hissed, you weren't really mad of course, but it would be more fun if the Strider thought you were. "Look you selfish prick; I haven't slept in several weeks! I'm tired the least you could do it try to keep your music down!" he pushed up his glasses. You took a step towards him, " You really" you took a step "think I'm" another step "selfish?" you were now face to face with the fair skinned boy.

"I do" Strider snorted without a trace of hesitance in his voice. You grinned, "Maybe I am.." you simply shrugged. Dave groaned softly and began to walk around you. "I'm going to bed, keep that fucking shit turned down" he mumbled. You grabbed his arm and quickly spun him around so that he was facing you. "I didn't give you permission to leave" you hissed, you could have sworn the blonde gulped, but you weren't for sure. "What the hell?...Last time I checked I didn't need your damn per-" you cut him off with a small kiss. "mission…" he finished after you had pulled away.

Be Dave…

What the hell was going on here? You were so confused. You shook your head and quickly pushed the Capricorn back. "What the hell" you wiped your mouth on your sleeve. Your stupid…but sexy neighbor tilted his head and stared at you with his large yellow eyes causing you to shiver a bit. "Did you not like my kiss?" the juggalo asked softly. "…It wasn't horrible…I guess…but I meant why did you do it?" you raised an eyebrow.

Gamzee shrugged, "I like you" he bluntly stated, your cheeks felt hot, you presumed you were blushing and became quite thankful that you had remembered to grab your glasses from under your pillow. "You're a tool" you spoke in a monotone voice. Makara simply grinned and stepped a bit closer, you didn't push him away this time, you honestly didn't want to.

Without another word the Capricorn grabbed your face and smashed his lips into yours. It was only seconds before you two were in a heated tongue battle, which you one of course. Gamzee pulled back panting a bit, "Damn strider…" he spoke between shaky breaths. You have a small smile before kissing the Juggalo again and pushing him back onto his messy bed. You straddled your neighbor's heads and began nipping at his neck, but was quite surprised when you were pushed onto your back and pinned.

You were always top…ALWAYS; you saw no reason why you shouldn't have been now. "That's now how we're doing this Strider" the annoying troll now on top of you smiled sloppily. You wanted to struggle, but struggling just wasn't cool…but then again neither was being on the bottom…

You groaned softly, but didn't put up a fight, you had feeling you would lose if you did. Gamzee grinned as he pulled your glasses away from your face, you closed your eyes tight by instinct and placed your hands on the other's chest. "Come on motherfucker, let me see those red miracles…" he whispered huskily in your ear before slowly raising your shirt up and attacking the newly exposed skin with his mouth and teeth.

You made no attempt to open your eyes, but did let out a small breathy moan. Your fingers wrapped around the soft sheets from below you as you felt a warm, slimy, tongue dip down into your bellybutton. You opened your eyes a bit and stared down at the Capricorn who was now staring back at you hungrily. "Stop fucking looking at me like that…" you grumbled before sitting up and pulling Makara's shirt off roughly.

The older boy chuckled before pulling your shirt off as well and attacking your shoulders with small kisses. "If knew we would end up doing this kind of thing I so would have bought those motherfucking amps sooner" he whispered into your skin before placing his large hand on your crotch and rubbing slowly. Your eyes widened, "This was all planned!" you gawked. Gamzee didn't answer, you sighed in annoyance before falling back onto your bed and glaring up at the ceiling. "I've been hoodwinked" you grumbled.

Gamzee laughed softly before rubbing your crotch harder causing you to moan softly and buck your hips upwards. "You could say that, but is it really all motherfucking bad?" he raised an eyebrow as he slowly pulled the zipper to your pants down, never once taking his eyes off of you. You didn't say anything, you didn't know what to say. Makara slipped your pants, "Whoa motherfucker, I didn't think you were the type to up and go commando"

You rolled your eyes, "Shut up, it's really hot in my apartment" you mumbled softly as your turned your head away. "I don't mind…makes my job a lot fucking easier"

Be Gamzee…

Everything about the blonde below you was incredibly sexy; you wondered why he was still single. You shrugged the thought of deciding you would ask him later. You flicked the other's now erected manhood with your tongue and watched as he wiggled a bit and watched you nervously. You gave him a reassuring smile before taking all of him into your mouth and sucking.

Strider tilted his head back. His lids slowly closed over his red eyes, and his mouth slightly opened as he moaned. You bobbed your head slowly wanting to see what the blonde's reaction would be. "G-Gamzee" he let out a chocked moan. You slid his manhood out of your mouth before kissing him, "That's Mr. Makara to you Strider" you whispered against his lips. Dave snorted before tugging at your pants and glaring up at you.

"Impatient bitch" you smirked before tugging off your pants and boxers. You raised your eyebrow when it seemed as if the smaller boy seemed to be staring at you. "What?...never seen a dick before?" you scoffed. "…That's not fucking it…it's just…" he trailed off. You tilted your head, "I really don't think it's going to fit" he finished. "Is that what you're really worried about Strider?" you kissed at his neck. "I have work in the morning man; I really don't want to be limping around like an idiot" he tilted his head back.

"You won't be, don't worry about it motherfucker, I know what I'm doing" you quickly leaned over and pulled out two bottles of lube from your drawer. "Strawberry or Lemon?" you smirked, Dave seemed a bit surprised but after a while mumbled something that sounded like Lemon. You threw the Strawberry lube somewhere behind you and lathered your manhood in the lemon. You pulled one of Strider's long legs over your shoulder and lined yourself up.

"Are you motherfucking ready for this?" you stared into his red irises. "Just get on with it bro" with that being said you slowly began to push yourself into the smaller boy below who groaned in pain and bit down on his lip. "Are you like a virgin or something?" you grumbled into his shoulder. "What? No!" he hissed in pain. "You sure? Cause you're really fucking tight" you groaned as you gave a small thrust. "OW!" he whined, you snickered into your shoulder before slowly rocking your hips back and forth.

You kept your movements slow and steady just until the other was ready for the real fun to begin. When Dave wrapped his arms around your neck you took that as a sign that you could pick up the pace, and that's exactly what you did.

Be Dave…

You moaned a bit louder than you meant to feeling the other move a bit faster. "Shit…" you whispered softly, No wonder the others had been so loud, you had only just begun and already you felt like screaming. You stared up at the other through lustful eyes and panted softly. "You fucking like this strider?, Well if that's the case, than you're really gonna love this" without another word the Capricorn pulled all the way out before snapping his slender hips forward and pushing all of himself into you.

You threw your head back and screamed, "Gamzee!" you gasped. "Damn, Strider, that was sexy, do that again" he growled in your ear. You glared up at him and dug your nails into his shoulders. "Oh so you want to play it rough, well I can motherfucking do that" he purred before licking the lobe of your ear with his forked tongue. You turned your head away and moaned again as he snapped his hips forward again.

Be Gamzee…

Even though you wanted the strider to scream your name again, you found his defiance to be kind of a turn on. Your thrusts had become faster now, the bed below squeaked loudly from all the movements. You reached down and began to jerk the Strider off, the voice in your head begging you to make him scream, you tried your best to ignore it, but it was rather difficult. "Uhh! Gamzee" Dave moaned and closed his eyes.

"Come on motherfucker just moan my name" you whispered in his ear as you slowed your thrusts and pulled your hand away from his manhood. He immediately opened his eyes and looked up at you with what you identified as pleading eyes. The kid was close to cumming, but you wouldn't let him until you got what you wanted.

"Fuck Makara, please" he groaned softly and panted a bit. You simply smirked; you pulled out of him and started to grind your erection against his. You watched as he tilted his head back and groaned a bit louder, "You're such a dick" he growled. "Give me what I want and maybe I wouldn't have to be" you purred against his shoulder, before entering him again and thrusting as hard as you could.

"Holy shit Makara!" the blonde yelled, you grinned and began to stroke his manhood again. "There we go" you whispered in his ear before sucking on his neck and leaving your mark. "Fuck, I'm really close" he groaned, "Come for me strider" you chuckled softly before twisting your hips a bit.

Be Dave…

You couldn't stop the moans that poured out of your mouth. You kind of felt bad for blaming Makara's other lays for moaning so loudly, it really wasn't their fault…it was his. You let out one last moan before everything went white, your body shook and your hair stuck to your slightly sweaty forehead. After the other released you dropped your legs from his shoulders and slowly closed your eyes. "Enjoy yourself?" you could tell the juggalo was sleeping, you couldn't find the strength to speak so instead you simply flicked the other off.

You sighed contently feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around your body. "You know Strider, I'm kind glad you're my neighbor" he whispered softly into your hair. You nodded slowly in agreement, you were so tired and it probably showed because the Capricorn pulled the covers over the both of you and turned the lights out. "Night Strider" he whispered, "Night Makara" you whispered back before leaning your forehead against the other's chest and drifting off into a much needed sleep. You were sure of one thing, you were glad Gamzee Makara had been such a noisy neighbor.