LonelyBallerina's Note: Holy- uh, cow. Yeah. Cow. Chapter 5 is done! In only, well, five hours? Yes, I know, if I could make it in this short a time, why hadn't I manage to update? Well, for one thing, I'm graduating and the requirements are pieces of shits. And, second, no internet connection! X(
Well, anywhore, at least it's done. Right? Enjoy!
Cat Trouble
Save me again and again, if you like
There she was, at the brink of possible death. With her heart hammering against her chest and her breath coming in shallow and unsteady gasps, she begged and pleaded for one more chance to live on. At least, that's what she was supposed to be doing.
Hello? God…or gods, whichever the case may be, if you're there please PLEASE let me live without a scratch. Okay, I know it's sort of difficult...or impossible so I'll take maybe a small teeny bruise just as long as it's not in the face or anywhere that it can be seen because seriously, blue and black doesn't look good on me. But I think a cute pink bruise can be acceptable. Can you make it look like a blush on? If you can, that'd be so cool!
"Oy!" the man nudged, snapping her back into reality. "Why you grinnin' like an idiot? You high?"
Lucy sneered and muttered, "Wish I was".
"Watchu say?" the man demanded, spewing spit on the back of Lucy's neck, at the process.
Okay! Two bruises, take it or leave it! Just stop him from spitting any more saliva on me! Please!
But of course, there was no answer. "Nothing," she mumbled when nothing happened.
"Last chance, missy, show me the money" he hissed.
Lucy swallowed. "Uh…actually, I didn't bring my wallet. Do you want to pick it up from my house tomorrow at 8?"
There was a pause for a shot moment as if the man really considered the option. Then, he shook his head and dug the knife deeper onto her back, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"
For all that was reasonable and holy, Lucy wanted to say yes but afraid and already shaking, she decided not to. Insults might shorten her life or in her case, end it.
What if this really was my last day? It could be worse. I could be alone on my death bed and in endless and excruciating pain. And at the very least, it was a life well spent. My friends have always been there for me. They made me laugh, smile, sometimes pissed but it became part of the friendship we've forged. And dad, well, I hope he lives longer and richer.
Somehow, Lucy didn't realize she was tearing up.
Most of all…
By this time, she had accepted her fate with obvious despair, that this was the last moments of her life and that this was supposedly the fault of one and only animal.
I hope that stupid cat gets hit by a freaking train for getting me here in the first place!
The man sighed. "I wanta stay and tolerate yer insanity there miss but I ain't got no money and time. So, let's get this over with, aye?"
Lucy couldn't say anything more; therefore, she braced herself for the impact of the knife. Unbearably slow, the man tightened his hold on her neck and raised the weapon above their heads for momentum. She saw the glint of the dagger; saw her own terrified and helpless reflection upon it. The blonde victim held her breath and closed her eyes.
Let this be quick.
When she was sure that this is where it all ends, something happened. Out of the darkened corner of the alley, where the light didn't touch and the air had a tone of ambiguity, a deep and mysterious voice grabbed the attention of both victim and villain. "Let the damsel go," said he.
Now Lucy wasn't sure but one way or another, the stranger felt bizarrely familiar. Could it be that this man was no stranger at all? But that voice, with the fierce tone and a seductive edge, was not recognizable in any way.
The man, after recovering from the shock, chortled like a pig. "Like you could save her. One step and this sharp thingy will reach her neck," he said in between unpleasant and salivary chuckles.
From the darkness, she saw the gleam of white teeth, fast and dangerous. "Damsel, may you close your eyes until I say it is all over?"
Is he…talking to me?
Lucy knew it was unusual but she felt his eyes intently settled on her. Without answering his question, she obeyed. Her eyes fluttered closed, along with it were the hopes that she'll be safe…and so will her savior.
In a swift movement, the man's grasp of her loosened and disappeared instantaneously. Weak-kneed, she fell to the floor, still with eyes shut and breath held. Lucy could hear thuds and crashes over the man's cry of pain. "Ow! Stop that! Holy shit. That fuckin' hurt, you dick! No! No, no, no, no! Ouch! Oh my gawd! I'm in a lotta pain! Make it stop!"
Throughout it all, she didn't hear the stranger's handsome voice. It was as if her captor was being beaten up by a ghost, an irresistibly attractive ghost. She was tempted to look, even just a peek but if she did, was she ready to see what he didn't want her to see? Her conscience and urge battled furiously. Yet, not long after, there was complete silence.
Then, light and slow steps were coming towards her. Lucy felt his hot gaze on her, yet again. Her heart beat fast but in a good way, a whole lot of good. It made her giddy with excitement when earlier, it was because of pure fear. When she felt his breath at her neck, she gasped silently. It was different than with her captor. So much different. Her captor made her feel trapped and helpless but with her savior, Lucy could all but melt under him.
When he said, "You can open your eyes now", her mouth went dry and her palms became sweaty. Who was he to make her feel that way? Surely, he wasn't real. He couldn't be. This sensation was too good to be true.
Her savior laughed, airy but deep all the same, that she turned to look. The measly light behind him made it impossible for Lucy to see anything but his silhouette. He was tall; his physique was good, great even; the scent that emanated from him was hypnotically enticing.
Lucy gawked, she knew, but she couldn't stop. What did the darkness hide? She so achingly wanted to know.
He offered his hand saying, "Let me help you".
Hypnotized, Lucy took it without saying anything. Was she the only one feeling that jolt of electricity the moment he touched her?
"Are you alright?" he asked when she had stood.
Lucy nodded awkwardly.
She felt his smile. No matter how odd that sounded, she did. Then, he said, "Glad you are unharmed. I'm afraid I should bid you farewell".
Her mind registered the words when he began to turn around. She couldn't just let him leave like that. She had to ask. She just had to!
"Who are you?" The words came out as a whisper but he stopped in mid-step. Looking over his shoulder, Lucy could see that mischievous glint of his smile once again when he said, "Whoever you want me to be...Lucy". With that said, he vanished.
Her mouth fell open. He knew her name. But how? Was it possible that they already met? If they did, when? And how could she, in all good terms, forget him?
Questions filled her brain endlessly, each taking her further from the next. When it reached an endless loop of the question: 'Who was he?', something grabbed her attention. From where her savior disappeared was a small creature, furry and orange, swaying his tail suggestively.
"Leo..." Lucy whispered.
It might have been a hallucination but Lucy was almost sure she saw the glint of its smile. Full of mischief and danger.
LonelyBallerina's Note: There's another cliffhanger for ya!
When he said, "Whoever you want me to be", I thought it was too cheesy. Do you agree? Lemme hear your thoughts, dahlings! ;)