Wh-What? Hey, there, I wasn't planning on writing any Homestuck fanfiction for awhile, but after seeing one of those Ask the Heiress videos, I don't know, I sat down and vomited this onto my screen. All the feels. All of them.
Ummm, and yeah, het is a little out of my comfort zone, but I'll try it out! /thumbsup
I can't believe I'm posting this. So impulsive. o_o
Well, I hope you like it, and I'll shut my face now, and so yeah. Enjoy~
"Eridan?" the little voice sounded loud in the hall.
Your name is FEFERI PEIXES. You are SIX YEARS OLD.
"Eridan, are you alright?" Feferi's huge brown eyes widened at the crumpled boy on her porch. He was panting and clawing at his stomach, eyes huge and teary.
You have a variety of INTERESTS, being mainly limited to SWIMMING and FISH.
"F...Fef...," he whined.
Feferi turned on her heel and screamed for her mother. Her knees buckled and she sat next to Eridan, stroking his hair. She started to cry as she heard the padding of her mother's socks.
"Eridan!" her mother cried, and suddenly, the running was more urgent.
You live happily with your mother and father, and play in the creek next to your house almost every day. Your best friend, ERIDAN AMPORA, likes to play there with you.
Eridan was wheezing now, clutching Feferi's hand tightly. He was crying quietly, still clutching his stomach.
"...Eridan, what happened?" Feferi's mother was looking at the curled up boy in horror. Eridan tried to speak but instead, just sobbed.
He shook his head violently, and Feferi's mother ran to the phone to dial 911. In retrospect, Feferi thought that might have been overkill, but oh well. It was a scary situation.
"Fef..." Eridan whisper-moaned, his hair a mess over his eyes. Feferi leaned in to hear him. "Fef...Don't leavve me, okay?"
Feferi was young, and so was Eridan, so neither of them understood the gravity of the statement yet. She smiled hopefully at Eridan now, who had blood running from his lips. She tried hard not to cry. She was a big girl, her mother always told her, and so she had to be strong.
You don't realize it then, but how you respond to YOUR BEST FRIEND'S WORDS will change everything forever. WHAT DO YOU DO?
"I'll never leave you Eridan."
Eridan looked up at Feferi, curling his bloody lips into a tentative smile and squeezing her hand.
Your name is FEFERI PEIXES. You are NINE YEARS OLD. Your time is still preoccupied with FISH, WATER, and SWIMMING.
Feferi slipped into the cold water, letting it engulf her. It was still April; a bit early for her to be in the water, but she didn't really care. Her parents could only keep her away from her beloved creek for so long.
"Hey, Fef," a voice said above her.
She grinned.
Your best friend and you have been SWIMMING together for what seems like forever. He seems to have FAMILY PROBLEMS, but you guys don't talk about it much. The ONLY TIME it's ever been a real ISSUE was when he showed up on your doorstep with DAMAGE IN HIS INTERNAL ORGANS. After that, he lived with you and your family for a few weeks.
"Eridan," she sighed, smiling. He grinned at her brightly in return. "What're you doing here?"
"Wwell, I thought you might be here," he tilted his head to the side, cradling his arms. He peeled off his sweatshirt and looked around. The Creek, as they so creatively called it was secluded, and when the trees around it started to fill in, one could be deceived into believing they were the only one around for miles.
Eridan looked around absently, shifting his too-big glasses awkwardly.
Feferi grinned and immediately launched into some irrelevant story detailing her life. Eridan splashed his feet in the water and smiled, occasionally nodding and adding in a word or two.
Eridan, YOUR BEST FRIEND, tends to get bullied a lot at school. For the way he DRESSES, for the way he WALKS, and for the way he TALKS. He has a very noticeable SPEECH IMPEDIMENT, making his w's and v's difficult for him to pronounce.
You are basically Eridan's ONLY FRIEND, and ever since you promised him YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE HIM, you two have basically been inseparable.
"Hey, Fef," Eridan suddenly broke in, interrupting your story. Feferi didn't mind much; she mostly talked to fill in the empty space between them. Eridan often told her that he liked hearing about her life, so she always made sure to tell him everything.
"Yeah?" she asked, unsurprised by his interruption.
"I'm glad we're friends."
"Me, too, Eridan!" Feferi laughed. "Why would you say something so serious at a time like this?"
"Because thanks to me, you don't have any friends."
This froze Feferi. She bobbed in the water slowly, suddenly realizing that her feet didn't quite reach the floor of The Creek.
She looked at Eridan carefully, his small, thin frame and his big owl eyes, so scared and alone. His arms were wrapped himself, as though he was trying to protect himself. He was cloaked in the cool shadows of the trees, standing gently on the leaves, as though not trying to make any noise.
It was true; nobody approached her because of her association with Eridan. But it didn't matter to Feferi. He needed her. She looked him up and down, his vulnerable, trembling body.
Feferi slowly worked up a smile. "...That's alright, Eridan. You're the only friend I need."
She was rewarded by a huge hopeful, sloppy grin on her best friend's face. He impulsively jumped into the water, hugging her tightly. Feferi hoped that Eridan wouldn't be able to sense her sinking heart.
Sometimes you wonder about Eridan. You wonder about those bruises on his ribs, about those red rimmed eyes. But you don't ask. If Eridan needs you to be there, you'll be there. If he doesn't want you to ask, you won't ask.
Your name is FEFERI PEIXES. You are THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. Eridan still GETS BULLIED an awful lot. He still HAS A LOT OF UNEXPLAINED BRUISES ALL OVER. You still very much enjoy SWIMMING. You go to The Creek almost every day.
"Eridan!" Feferi cried. She saw him in the school hallway and promptly ran over and swung her arms around him. The last bell had just rung, and Feferi was relieved to see him after the exhausting day.
"Fef!" Eridan nearly fell over, and tried to steady himself and Feferi.
"Whatcha doin', Er-i-dan?" Feferi tried to stifle her inevitable giggle.
You are still best friends with ERIDAN AMPORA. He has gotten over his SPEECH IMPEDIMENT, but it doesn't stop him from being an OUTCAST. However, you still stick by him no matter what. That's what best friends do, after all.
"Jeez, Fef, would you calm down?" he muttered, eyes darting around the room. Feferi bristled at his harshness, but understood that he didn't really mean it.
She broke out into another huge smile, trying to hide her disappointment. She had gotten used to the Two Eridans, as she called it. The one she had befriended in childhood with his hopeful eyes and bright laughs, and the surly, churlish boy who sullenly glared at everything and everyone. She hadn't seen the first in a very long time.
They walked out of the school together as usual, sauntering to their houses. Feferi popped a lollipop into her mouth and peeked at Eridan.
So what if nobody talks to you when Eridan is around? It's alright; you don't need them. All you need is Eridan.
He looked a bit scary, eyes half-lidded and tired. Deep, dark half circles puffed underneath his eyeballs.
He had been acting strange lately, Feferi noticed. It made her feel helpless, watching him be like this. It seemed like ever since they had been little, there was something off about Eridan, something broken. His little timidity had long since vanished though, replaced by deep cynicism.
Feferi sucked in some of the artificial blueberry juice out of the lollipop hanging limply in her mouth. She let it coat her tongue, the roof of her mouth, her inner cheeks, everything, everything, drowned and coated in refined sugar. She didn't want to think about this; she didn't want to think about how heavy her heart felt with Eridan lately. She missed his shy smile, his guffawing laugh.
"Hey, Fef..." Eridan said slowly, stopping in his tracks. He looked at her, shadows falling across his face and scattering his image. "Check this out."
Something about the tone in his voice made Feferi stop walking, too. She felt a pang of fear when she looked at Eridan's quiet smirk. He reached into his bag, and slowly pulled out something black and sleek.
Everything felt like it was moving too slowly, like they were underwater. Feferi's body wouldn't move as fast as she needed to, her lips wouldn't form the desperate words that needed to be said.
"Eridan!" Feferi shrieked, horrified. Was that a...gun? Eridan turned to her, looking crazed.
"We're better than them, Fef, don't you see? They sit there and judge and criticize, but we both know we're better than all of them!" Eridan slipped the gun back into his messenger bag and grabbed Feferi's shoulders.
"Please tell me you understand, Fef. Please," Eridan tapped his forehead to Feferi's shoulder. "Please."
"Er...idan," Feferi was shocked to feel herself trembling. She started to cry, loudly, blue juice dripping from her lips. The lollipop rolled around on the dirty ground.
She felt hopeless, not knowing what to do. How could she fix Eridan, how could she help? Her broken friend. She had given up everything for him. Why couldn't she help? Why couldn't she make him happy?
"Fef, Fef, please, I'm sorry, please don't cry. Listen, Fef, please, please, stop," Eridan begged, shaking her forcefully. "Look at me, Fef, look, please."
Feferi finally forced herself to look at Eridan, who was trembling and shaking, tears running down his face.
"F-Fef, please, listen, sometimes, I get so c-carried awway, and I don't knoww wwhat to do, and I don't knoww wwhat to think or say, and I'm just so sick of bein' a loser. Please, Fef, that wwas too much, but you can't cry, I can't make you cry, I can't stand to hear you cryin'," Eridan was sobbing, and his speech impediment was re-emerging. Feferi took a few moments to re-collect herself, to gulp in the fresh air.
"It's okay, Eridan. Just promise me you won't try to hurt people, okay? We're not better than anybody else, and people...They're not bad, they just don't understand you. But I do, so it's okay, right?" Feferi grabbed Eridan's face and made him look at her. "It'll be alright, okay?"
Eridan's bottom lip trembled and he hugged her, burying his face in her collarbone.
Feferi was reminded of her words when Eridan was lying on her doorstep.
"I'll never leave you Eridan."
She stroked Eridan's hair and smoothed it out. Sometimes, she could tell that he had been tugging at it obsessively. When he got stressed enough, he would just yank at it.
"Fef...Please don't leavve me."
Feferi paused and took a huge breath.
"Never," she choked out.
Despite her skilled swimming and her love of the water, right now she felt like she was drowning. For the first time ever,
You feel like you are DROWNING.
Feferi basically charged down the stairs, tears prickling the backs of her eyeballs. She skidded by the kitchen, nearly crashing into her mother.
"Feferi?" her mother grabbed her arm half-heartedly and frowned. Staring at her daughter intently, she finally released Feferi. "I'll have some cookies ready for when you come home," her mother forced out the words.
Feferi said nothing and instead darted out of the front door, slamming it.
You just got into ANOTHER FIGHT with your best friend, ERIDAN AMPORA. It happens a lot now.
Feferi was running now, trampling over the dead leaves. She wasn't wearing a bathing suit, but she didn't care. She would jump into The Creek fully clothed if she had to. She just needed to swim, to not think. She didn't want to think.
"Fef, I still don't get why you don't want me to just roll up to school one day and just take everyone out."
It made her blood feel like ice, heavy in her veins. She knew Eridan would do it if she asked him to. If she gave him her approval, he would walk into the school and shoot everyone he saw. He would be a murderer. Just like that-that easily.
She knew he didn't mean it; she knew that he was fond of people there, like Karkat and Kanaya, even if he would never, ever admit it. He denied ever speaking to them, but Feferi knew better. So it was scary to hear him talk. Sometimes he said he wanted to disappear, other times, he redirected the hate towards everyone else. Everyone except for Feferi.
"Eridan, listen, we're not better than them-"
"Are you still gonna say they don't, 'understand me'? Is that what you were gonna say, Fef?"
Nobody could possibly understand Eridan the way Feferi did. No one would put up with his antics and his theatricalities besides her. He was high-maintenance to say the least.
Every friend she ever made was driven away by his overbearing neediness, by his overwhelming possessiveness.
And soon, it seemed like all of her conversations with Eridan turned into a fight. It took Feferi's breath away, this boy. All of his anger, his contempt.
He had never had a crush, never looked at anyone, never tried to befriend anyone besides Feferi. He insisted that he only needed her. It was unsettling to have that sort of responsibility shifted onto her shoulders. What if later, she needed more? What if she ever fell in love? What if, what if? What would Eridan do? She wanted to just live in the moment, but Eridan wouldn't allow it. Everything was just so serious with him. Everything was so tiring and lagging.
And now here she was, sixteen years old, the last decade of her life spent on him. Never had a real friend, never had a boyfriend-or a girlfriend, for that matter, never made any legitimate, lasting relationship with anyone.
What did it mean?
Feferi finally made her way into the clearing of The Creek. She figured that Eridan probably hadn't been there in awhile, which made her a little bit sad, but she didn't really mind so much. More time to herself.
She suddenly stopped dead in her steps. Across the way, she could see a hunched over figure dipping its fingers into the water.
Could it be?
"Eri-" Feferi stopped her words though, because even from this distance, she could see that it wasn't Eridan. This boy had a different frame, a different aura.
He looked up, mouth quirked in a slanted line.
You go to THE CREEK to blow off some steam, but it appears there is a STRANGER THERE.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Feferi said softly, retreating a bit. She had learned not to speak to people, because when she did, Eridan always got mad. "I didn't know someone was here."
The boy on the other side of The Creek stood up slowly and stared at Feferi. She couldn't see his eyes; they were covered by a pair of glasses, one lens red, the other blue.
"Hey, I know you," he said quietly. He shoved his hands in his pockets nonchalantly and frowned. "F...Feferi, is that right?"
Feferi started. She had become essentially invisible in the last few years. Everyone knew she was unapproachable, and it was as though she had been marked as a leper. She could engage in some friendly conversation occasionally, but in general, nobody spoke to her, looked at her, nothing. No one thought of her.
"Yes, my name...is Feferi," she smiled despite herself. The boy grinned in response. He looked down and slowly made his way across The Creek, stepping gingerly on the several rocks in the water. When he was finally on a large rock in front of Feferi, he thrust out his hand.
"My name is Sollux," he said. "Sollux Captor."
The name sounded vaguely familiar. She thought she had heard his name before-at school, maybe. Feferi hesitantly reached out her hand to shake his. Sollux's fingertips were still a bit moist from the water, and it felt comforting to her. She beamed at him.
"It's nice to meet you, Sollux."
He leaped down off the rock and sat down on the dirt next to Feferi. He patted the ground next to him, looking up at her expectantly.
As previously mentioned, there's a kind STRANGER here at The Creek. He's introduced himself to you, and seems to GO TO YOUR SCHOOL. Now he's inviting you to speak with him.
Feferi took the seat next Sollux and smiled at him again.
Well, this was impulsive! :/ I haven't written anything in awhile, so this was unexpected...
If you like it...Please leave a review so I can receive feedback. Because it's helpful. And stuff. And it feeds my ego. So, please review! ;_;
Thank youuuu~~~