A/N: This story is the sequel to "Together forever" I'm gonna make it a three-part series! ( they got 2gether, moments from episodes, +one shots, and 3. future lives! When I catch up w/ present victorious, Ill start #3. I hope u like this!

If you haven't read "Together forever" that's fine, this will still make eprfect sense.

Chapter One: Pilot

Jade's POV

As soon as I lay eyes on her, It is hate at first sight.

She has everything I want. She's skinny, perfect, everyone seems to love her, and she's talented. The only thing I have that she doesn't is Beck. I'll protect him from her.

Beck and I have been dating for two years now. This year we weren't partners for the big showcase. I was partners with Cat, and we sang "Give it up", because we've been told we sound really good together when we sing that.

Beck was partners with some random kid who isn't cool enough for me to know his name. They acted out a one act play together. It was good.

Well, Beck was good.

Beck holds my hand as we sit to watch Andre perform with Trina Vega's sister.

I hate her.

I mean, she doesn't even go to Hollywood Arts, but she gets to sing at our big showcase!

The curtain closes and I look over at Beck, who kisses my cheek.

"Andre's probably overjoyed. I mean, she's a lot better at singing then Trina," Beck jokes.

"True," I nod. Then, the curtain opens on a crown of people, worshiping the Vega sister like a queen.

"This girl, doesn't think she's good enough to go to school here!" Andre shouts. I roll my eyes and whisper to Beck,

"I think Andre has a crush," Beck smiles and nods.

"What do you people think?" Andre wonders. The crowd cheers, including Beck. I sigh, trying to hold back jealousy.

The the stage bursts into pandemonium, with hugging and screaming.

"Lets go," Beck suggests and I give him a nod.

Back to the RV we go.

The next day, I walk into Sikowitz's classroom to see the perfect girl ALREADY hitting on my boyfriend. What a slut. She's rubbing his chest!

"Your sweet but.. I think you're making it worse," Beck protests, she rubs him sweetly, gazing into his eyes lovingly.

"Dude! Why you rubbing my boyfriend?" I ask angrily.

"Well, you see I spilled coffee-" The girl begins, I cut her off.

"Get away from him," I threaten. Beck walks toward me.

"Relax," He suggests, kissing my cheek. I calm down a bit, but make a quick pouty face because he didn't kiss my lips.

"OH MY GOD THERE'S A HUGE FIRE!" Sikowitz shouts, running into the classroom frantically. Beck's protective arms wrap around me, ready to drag me to safety.

"Kidding, kidding, I just wanted to get your blood pumping, which I did!" Sikowitz explains. Beck's grasp loosens. "Alright, now were gonna get started! Rumps in chairs!" I sit down next to Beck, leaning one shoulder against him.

"Alright, first I'd like to introduce our new student Tori," Sikowitz waves at the coffee-rubbing girl. Some people clap. "And I''d like to thank her for her generous gift of two dollars which she handed me outside this morning. Not necessary, but much appreciated." Sikowitz thanks her. I roll my eyes. A lot of kids are surprised that a lunatic like Sikowitz is a teacher, not a hobo.

"Now today, we're going to continue our study in group improv. Tori I assume your familiar with improv," Sikowitz says. Tori looks confused.

"Uhh... Well. Yes and no." She says, confused.

"What does that mean?" Sikowitz wonders.

"No," Tori explains. I roll my eyes. Amateur. Who goes to a performing arts high school, and doesn't know what improv is?

She has got to go.

Sikowitz explains improv, and calls me up to lead a group. I call on Beck, Cat, Eli, and Tori to be in my scene.

"Okay, let's give 'em a place." Sikowitz says. He points at Robbie.

"Home!" Robbie chirps, then begins to argue with Rex.

"And now we need a situation!" He calls on Andre.

"Big news!" Andre suggests.

"Andre, nobody wants to see big noodles." Sikowitz tells Andre. I roll my eyes.

"NEEWWZ" Andre emphasizes.

"Ah! Well that's different!" Sikowitz realizes.

A plan forms in my head. I'll get back at Tori for spilling coffee on my boyfriend, an eye for an eye. I tell Tori to go wait in the hall.

"Hey babe, how was work today?" I ask Beck. Of course, I'm playing his wife.

"Uh.. I got fired," Beck replies sadly.

"uh!" I groan.


"Our daddies a loser!" Cat exclaims.

"It's okay! I have great news that will cheer up this whole family!" I announce. I walk over to the door, where Tori is standing. I drag her over to the stage. "I went to the animal shelter and got us.. A dog!" I smile. Tori looks slightly bewildered.

"Uhh.. Yup.. I'm the new family dog.. Woof." I roll my eyes. Has she ever seen a dog do that?

"Sikowitz! Will you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk! And that they don't walk on two legs. Sikowitz!" I yell.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was sucking the milk out of this coconut." Typical Sikowitz. "But It's true Tori. If you're gonna play a dog, be a dog." Tori gets down on all fours.

"Woof!" She barks. I smile.

"Annnd ACTION!" Sikowitz says.

"Uhhh.. I went to the animal shelter and got us a dog!" I re-announce. Tori barks.

"Can the dog sleep in our room?" Beck asks. I give him a killer look. He better not have a crush on this Vega girl, or she is dead.

And only I can sleep in Beck's RV.

"No honey, It can't." I say through my teeth.

Cat and Eli start to pet Tori, the dog, and my plan begins.

"Uh oh! Looks like this dog has bugs in her fur!" I exclaim. Cat and Eli jump back, pretending to be disgusted.

"Uhh... Woof." Tori barks again.

"Oh, It's okay! I read on the internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs!" I walk over and take some kid's coffee. The class stares at me in disbelief.

"maybe you shouldn't-" Beck is too late.

"Jade," Andre says, appalled. I pour the whole entire cup of coffee on Tori's head. Tori stands up slowly and give me a hurt look. I sneer back.

"Whats the prob.. DOG," Tori runs out of the room, obviously upset.

I raise my eyebrows and turn to Beck with an expectant look. It clearly says, 'I got rid of her for you, so be proud'. Beck frowns at me, clearly saying, that wasn't nice.

Andre follows Tori out of the classroom. I think it's safe to say that he has a little crush on the girl.

"Jade, that wasn't nice," Beck scolds. I raise my eyebrows and say innocently,

"But she spilled coffee on you, so I spilled coffee on her," I smile.

"Jade, you can let me fight my own battles," Beck demands.

"Guys! Could someone go get Tori and Andre back to class! They aren't supposed to be in the halls and I don't want to get fired... Not after last time." Sikowitz sips his coconut.

"I'll go!" Robbie volunteers.

"Ok, Robbie go tell Tori and Andre to come back to class!" Sikowitz orders, Robbie runs out of the room.

"Jade, Cat, Beck, Eli, you can all sit down. Oh, and Jade," Sikowitz hands me a detention slip. Whatever. One detention is worth making a flirty girl leave Beck alone any day!

I go sit next to Beck again, putting my head on his shoulder.

"You should apologize to her." Beck suggests.

"But I'm not sorry." I reply. Beck rolls his eyes.

"Jade, she might not even come back to school! Do you realize what a great opportunity you just ruined for her?" Beck asks.

"Exactly! We had to work really hard to get into this school! She got in by luck! Trina got sick or something! That's not fair! She didn't even want to be here till like.. Yesterday!" I exclaim. Beck sighs.

"Whatever. Lets just drop it." Beck suggests. I nod, and he kisses my cheek.

"Good Gandi! Their taking forever! Cat! Go tell them to come back to class now!" Sikowitz bellows.

"Kk!" Cat squeals, dashing out of the room.

A couple minutes later, Robbie,Andre, and Cat come back in the classroom together, while Rex screams "LALALALALALA!" At the top of his plastic lungs.

"They're coming!" Cat chirps as she sits back in her seat, then, the bell for class rings.

After school I go to Andre's house with Beck and Cat to play cards. We have a lot of fun, except for the fact that Andre gives me the silent treatment because he is angry for dumping coffee on his new girlfriend, well, that's not how he put it, but that's what it sounded like.

I go home to Beck's place and eat dinner with him. I don't feel like going home, so I decide to spend the night at his RV.

We lie next to each other, just talking as we fell asleep.

"Promise that if Tori comes to school tomorrow you won't harm her." Beck requests sleepily.

"Why do you care?" I say yawning.

"Jade, she's a nice kid. Just don't be vicious."

"Okay," I give in. Beck kisses me, finally on the lips this time.

"Goodnight." He whispers.

"Goodnight." I reply.

The next morning I wake up and Beck isn't next to me, he has gone to the bathroom to change out of his pajamas into normal clothes. I get up as well.

Once we are both dressed, I get into Beck's car and he drives me to school.

"We have Sikowitz first," Beck states. I nod.

"Great. I get to see Tori." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, IF she comes." Beck replies.

I go to my locker and get my books and walk into Sikowitz's classroom. I sit right behind Beck.

Beck's POV

There is a loud crash, and Sikowitz comes crawling through the window. Everyone looks around awkwardly.

"Good morning young performers!" Sikowitz greets us.

"Uh.. Why'd you crawl in the window?" Some kid wonders.

"Because! Being a good performer is about making interesting choices!" Sikowitz explains. Jade smiles her sexy smirk.

"That explains his pants," she remarks. The class laughs.

Then, Tori walks through the door.

Good, Jade didn't drive her away.

Jade stares angrily at Tori. I roll my eyes.

"Tori you're back!" Sikowitz realizes. "You ever thought about coming in through the window?" He wonders. Tori looks confused.

"No.." She answers truthfully.

"Think about it!" Sikowitz exclaims. Tori raises her eyebrows. "Now sit, sit!" Sikowitz points to an empty chair. Tori goes and sits down. I look at Tori and smile, she seems so confused.

"Okay today we're going to do some alphabetical improv. What is alphabetical improv you ask so I answer, It's when you give a letter, to the first actor who speaks in the scene. Lets use the letter A as an example then the actor must make his first word start with the letter A which might go something like," Sikowitz points to me. A.. A.. Apples!

"Apples are falling out of my butt!" I exclaim and smile.

"Lovely." Sikowitz replies.

Sikowitz keeps telling us about alphabetical improv, and Tori volunteers to caption the first team. Tori chooses Cat, Andre, Jade and I to be in her group.

I stand up and walk to the stage.

Jade raises her eyebrows, and Tori replies "Yeah you," Jade nods and gets up.

She walks over to where I am and puts her hand on my neck. She leans in the kiss me, and I willingly kiss her. I never object to a kiss from her, even in the middle of class.

Tori rolls her eyes, and I realize what Jade's doing. She's marking her territory. Girls are so weird.

Oh well, if it involves kissing Jade, I'm, in!

"JAADE, Kiss your boyfriend on your on time," Sikowitz suggests. I roll my eyes. Jade smiles a sexy smile at me with a flirtatious look on her face and says,

"Oh I will," She raises her eyebrows. I hope she keeps that promise.

Tori rolls her eyes again.

It is decided that the first letter is P and the improv begins!

"Please go take a shower!" Tori requests, looking at Jade.

"Quit telling me what to do." Jade says, with her hands on her hips.

"Relax, girls lets all try to get along." I suggest, looking at Tori.

"Totally!" Cat chirps. Wow, she has to study her alphabet.

"EHH! Cat your line had to start with an S."

"SALAMI!" Cat revises, Sikowitz shakes his head.

"It's too late Cat." He says.

"AWW! My life's the worst!" Cat groans.

"Here's a piece of candy!" Sikowitz exclaims. He knows how to deal with Cat.

"Yey! I love candy!" Cat squeals, running to fetch the the piece of candy. Andre now had the letter S.

"Something just but my toe!" Andre mimes having his toe bitten.

"Turtle!" tori exclaims, pointing at Andre's foot. "That turtle just bit his toe!" She yells.

"Unbelievable that your even here," Jade says bitterly.

"Very immature of you to say that," I counter. Andre stutters with his next line.

"Come on Andre! W!" Sikowitz reminds him.

"What if the turtle bite broke my toe bone?" Andre wonders.

"X-Rays are the only way to find out." Tori suggests.

"You should shut up!" Jade decides.

"ZAP! I just healed your toe with my magic finger!" I exclaim, pointing at Andre's foot.

"Thanks!" Andre says automatically, then he realized his mistake. "Aww.. I just got my toe bone fixed." He says, bummed.

"Tori, letter A to you," Sikowitz explains.

"ALIENS, are the only people who can heal toes vy finger zapping!" Tori realizes.

"By the way BLLPH!" Jade sticks her tongue out in Tori's face.

"Correct, I am an alien," I admit, the class gasps.

"Don't hurt me!" Tori squeals.

"Even though she's extremely annoying!" Jade adds.

Fainting! 'Cause I can't breath your Earth air," Tori grabs on to my arm as I fall to the floor.

I listen to Jade and Tori yell insults at each other for a few minutes, until Jade slips up and says "You eat your pants!" in response to Tori's "Eat your pants" Statement. Jude stomps off the stage, and I'm extremely thankful she didn't step on me. I realize it's just Tori and I now.

"Get up, Alien," Tori directs, clutching my arm. I pretend to be an alien on Earth. What would I say?

"Head.. Feels dizzy," I blink. Tori grins.

"I know how to make you feel better," She says slyly. I look over at Jade, who raises her eyebrows.

"Jumping jacks?" I say, pretending I don't have a clue where she's going with this.

"Kiss me." Tori smiles. Jade looks very angry.

I think for a second. What should I say? I remember I'm not Beck right now. I'm an alien who's head is dizzy.

I think about Tori. She's doing this for revenge on Jade. Jade was mean to her, she spilled coffee on her head. Maybe it's time to teach Jade a lesson.

"Little weird. Let's do it." I agree. I lean in and Tori grabs my shoulder. She moves her lips against mine. Her lips feel different. Wrong. Her lips taste like strawberry lip gloss, not at all like Jades.

The class cheers and slowly, I pull away from Tori to see a very angry Jade. Her eyes meet mine and a single tear falls out.

Oh shit.

Jade's POV:

"I know how to make you feel better." Tori says. I raise my eyebrows. She better not do anything that I wouldn't approve of.

"Jumping jacks?" Beck wonders. Oh c'mon, he can't be that stupid.

"Kiss me." Tori grins evilly. I look at Beck, hoping he'll say something along the lines of, "No way you idiot."

"Little weird. Lets do it." Beck nods. He leans in and begins to attack Tori with his lips.

My cheeks puff out angrily. I knew Beck liked her! She is everything I'm not! Nice, sweet, skinny!

The whole class claps and cheers.

I don't get it? Why are they cheering!? Because my boyfriend is cheating right in front of me?

Oh right, I get it.

No one cares for the wicked witch of the west.

I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom, leaving my heart behind me.

I quickly walk to the little closet in the depths of Hollywood Art, the one nobody knew about. Except Beck.

I dash into the closet and slam the door, sliding down the wall. I cry into my arms on the floor, ruining my makeup.

Why would Beck kiss Tori? I thought he loved me? But nobody loves me...He always said I was jealous for no reason, now I know I was right.

I take out my scissors.

I'm nowhere near as perfect as Tori. She's stick thin, has super high cheeks bones, and is insanely pretty. I'm just.. Jade. I jab the scissors into my wrist, causing it to bleed, and causing me to sob harder, but enjoying the pain.. The good kind of pain.

I'm no where near as perfect as Tori. She got Beck to love her in only three days. She managed to take Becks love away from me. I jab the scissors into my wrist again.

Soon my wrists are gushing blood. It hurts so good.

I don't cut very often. But I have before.. And sometimes.. I will.

I grab my legs in my hands and curl up in a ball on the floor in the closet. I listen to my sobs as I cry myself to sleep.

Beck's POV:

"It's not your fault," I assure Tori.

"Beck, I'm really really sorry," Tori apologizes. I roll my eyes.

"It's cool. You go to second period, I just have to find Jade." I answer.

"Okay, I already looked in the art room and the janitor's closet." Tori reminds me. Closet! I realize.

"Thanks Tori!" I yell, rushing towards Jade and I's "Special closet".

I turn a corner and head down the hallway, to find the old abandoned closet. I press my ear up against the door, and hear nothing.

I crack open the door, and my heart breaks.

There is my Jade, curled up on the closet floor, asleep. Tears stain her cheeks and blood stains her wrist. A bloody pair of scissors lies next to her.

I gasp, remembering the time in Canada two years ago during a game of never have a ever. Jade admitted she had cut herself.

I didn't think she'd ever do that again. She said she hadn't cut in years.

I kneel down next to Jade and scoop her up in my arms, waiting for her to wake up. I kiss her forehead and then her lips, trying to wake her from her sleep.

I hold Jade in my arms for ten minutes until she begins to stir.

"Why?" She wonders.

"Why what?" I reply.

"Why did you kiss Tori, the truth." Jade demands.

"I really wasn't thinking... At all.. I don't know! I guess I was still a little upset that you sabotaged her first day here. Maybe part of me thought that Tori should get revenge. Jade I'm so sorry. I'll never kiss anyone but you for as long as I live.. Unless I'm acting, with a script! Or am forced to!" I promise her.

"Do you like her?" Jade whispers. I think for a second.

Tori is nice, she's pretty, and talented.

Jade is bitter and mean, except to me. With me, Jade has a softer side, that only I get to see. Jade is gorgeous, and more than talented. She's exceptional. Also, Jade is mine.

"As a friend." I answer. "Nothing more."

"So.. You don't want to break up?" Jade says quietly. I nod.

"Jade, did the necklace teach you anything? I never will ever ever want to leave you. As long as I live." I remind her, kissing her cheek.

"Now, I'm gonna be super protective of you for the next two.. Twenty years." Jade warns. I roll my eyes.

"If that means kissing me to mark your territory, that's totally fine!" I exclaim. Jade smiles.

I lean in and kiss jade. Her lips feel right as they move against mine. They feel like Jade, not strawberry lip gloss.

Jade sticks her tongue in my mouth, but my tongue beats hers, so I explore her mouth. I breath in her smell and pull closer to me.

"I love you baby," I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too, when you not playing smushy face with Vega!" Jade yells.

"I wish I could undo it." I say. Jade smiles in agreement. "Now, come one, lets go ditch class and I'll get you an extra large coffee, and clean up your bloody arm. I offer. Jade nods.

"And your lips. They taste like strawberry lip gloss," Jade grimaces.

"I'm so sorry you felt the need to hurt yourself." I apologize, ignoring her comment.

I lean down, kissing each of Jade's bloody scars. Then I press my lips to hers one more time, before we step out of the closet to face the world.

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