Thank you to anyone who read or reviewed this story or the last chapter. This is the final part. The story probably could have ended after the last chapter but I wanted to flash forward a little bit for us to meet the babies. I love baby fics.
Note: I took a guess at what day Labor Day 2263 would be. I have no idea if I am remotely right.
Epilogue: What is with this Kid(s) and Holidays?
Christmas used to be Jim's least favorite holiday due to getting his ass kicked one too many times by his drunk/stoned stepfather who usually consumed any money for presents via his nose. There was nothing marry or happy about December 25 in his world. (That is quite a feat considering he shares his birthday with the day his father died). Then came April Fool's Day on Enterprise, filled with lethal allergic reactions, negotiations gone deadly, court martial hearings, and people hiding in Jeffries tubes. Compared to the previous year, this year's 'fake' baby incident was relatively mild. No one was hospitalized, arrested, or resorted to hiding in Jeffries tubes. He even got a nice cake and gifts out of the thing. He didn't even mind sharing with the other (accidentally) expecting couple.
Though he was tempted to hide for the first month as rumors were flying around about exactly how his Chief Communications Officer got pregnant. The funniest involved a foursome joked that was highly off-color (It wasn't that funny when Nyota threw a shoe at someone for that comment). He was even able to keep the worst of it from the Admiralty mostly because they were expecting a baby announcement any moment because they had to ask permission in the first place for Spock to begin the in Vitro procedure in space. They only said yes because Vulcans are an endangered species.
The worst part was the wonderful subspace video conference with multiple admirals about how his Chief Communications Officer's unplanned pregnancy was actually work related. Thankfully, nobody knew enough about the particular flower involved to know that ingestion was required for it to work. He was also thankful that nobody asked about a particular incident that occurred in the Enterprise cafeteria on the morning of April 2. (Nothing could be proven anyway because the security footage conveniently 'disappeared'). It wasn't the first time in Starfleet history that somebody accidentally got pregnant due to something going wrong on a mission but it usually involves kidnapping and/or alien fertility rites. (Although, technically, an alien fertility rite was partially responsible for this). Nyota was speaking to him again because he pointed out the Admiralty's ridiculous double standard when they tried to ground Nyota for being pregnant when they authorized a procedure that could lead to being pregnant while in space for another member of Starfleet. Those wonderful conversations with the idiots that be were enough to keep April Fool's Day firmly at number one for another year.
The anniversary of the battle of Vulcan is his number two least favorite holiday this year. Mostly because even though they did exactly what his father in law wanted him and Spock to do, he was not happy (not that the Vulcan was ever happy). Jim's personal theory was that now that they were having a kid together, Jim was stuck in Spock's life forever much to Sarek's displeasure. Nyota's said it was because he found out he was going to be a grandfather on the day his wife died and he was probably upset because he realized that Amanda would never get to know her grandchildren. He personally believed his theory more. (This time was also miserable because he was sent on a snack run for organic non-replicated salt and vinegar potato chips and peanut brittle ice cream that were promptly mixed together. It took six stores and three hours but at least he had company in the form of Sulu, whose punishment for the baby shower incident was to go on every snack run for the duration. There were lots of 3 AM snack runs once they arrived back on Earth.)
Of course, Vulcan scowling and raised eyebrows were much better than the reaction Sulu got for getting Nyota pregnant. Accidentally getting caught up in an ancient Vulcan fertility rite was not considered a valid excuse. He managed to get smack upside the head by his sister and Ny's mother. Her father tried to force a shotgun wedding (without actually involving actual weapons much to Bones' disappointment) until Nyota told her father that nobody was going to ever force her to do anything she did not want to do.
Valentine's Day was also on the list this year for horrible holiday but it only made number five. That was the day they decided to have the in Vitro procedure done. Therefore, the only action he got involved his hand and the specimen cup. Although that was the day they conceived their little baby so he could not hate it that much.
His birthday was tied for number three this year with Labor Day because ironically enough Spock went into labor nearly three months early during the middle of Scotty's Enterprise reunion barbecue on the campus green. Jim was absolutely petrified that Spock and the baby would not make it. That fear went away when Bones placed the most beautiful baby boy in the universe in his arms. Sadiki Kirk–(Very long Vulcan name that child will not be able to pronounce until preschool) was born at 11:43 PM on September 3 by emergency caesarean with 10 fingers, 10 toes, and slightly pointy ears. They chose that named because it meant faithful or loyal, it almost looked Vulcan, and it was gender neutral. Nyota suggested it. His father in law purposely drops the last "I" whenever he pronounces it but Jim just learned to keep his mouth shut because Sarek was Sadiki's only living grandparent.
This year, Christmas did not even make his top 10 least favorite holiday list, mostly because of Sadiki. The not quite four-month-old baby was completely inundated with presents from all his pseudo aunts and uncles including something that Scotty invented that Spock says the baby can have when he turns 12. It also helped that they were on Earth this year. It was a lot easier to decorate the San Francisco townhouse than anywhere else Jim has lived in over the years. It was also a lot easier to spend time with family and friends planet side. Even Spock's other self stopped by to see the baby that he refers to as his nephew. (That's probably because the two Spock's in his life see each other more like identical twins separated by a good century and not as the same person). Even better, Sarek was stuck on Babble for absolutely dreadful negotiations that he could not get away from.
They were adjusting well to on planet life with a newborn. Spock was working on some independent study project that allowed him lots of time with Sadiki who stayed in a playpen by his desk. This is the Vulcan version of maternity/paternity leave. Jim was teaching command classes at the academy (much to the dismay of certain Admiralty members) which means for the first time in nearly six years he has a holiday off. Although not as bad as April Fool's day, bad things occasionally do happen on this holiday on Enterprise, but that usually involved drunk crew members doing stupid things and people getting caught having sex in strange places. Despite that he never had to put anybody in the brig on Christmas).
If you told him 10 years ago that he would be spending a happy Christmas with his newborn son, wonderful husband and all his friends he would think that you were absolutely crazy. His female best friend was currently upstairs in one of the three guest bedrooms in their San Francisco townhouse ready to pop. Sulu was there too because he wouldn't let her go anywhere alone right now. Bones was there to be with his daughter, (Jim does not know how Spock did it but he somehow managed to get Bones his daughter for Christmas, which was the only thing the man ever wanted). Although, now that Bones was telling Chris what really happened last April he really wished his friend was not there. He really hoped that Sadiki will not remember this conversation.
"She actually slapped you?" Chris asked as he just kept laughing.
"We were trying to keep the Admiralty from finding out what happened last April." Jim chided with a groan as he fed Sadiki his bottle. "I should make you change his diaper just for that."
"I don't think you consider me part of the Admiralty. Besides, I've heard worse about you. Hell, I recruited you after a bar fight. This is not even the first time I have heard a rumor about you getting someone pregnant. Although I never thought cookies would be involved." He said laughing again.
"Or no actual sex." Bones added as Jim tried to cover little pointy ears.
"Don't mention S-e-x in front of little Vulcan ears." Jim chided.
There's nothing little about those ears." Bones snickered.
"It was not my fault. When Spock told me it was perfectly OK for me to eat his special cookies I thought it would be okay to offer one to my guest. How was I supposed to know they were laced with Vulcan Viagra?" Jim shrugged his shoulders as he went back to feeding the baby.
"I'm not worried about my reputation because it is already shot to hell, but rather, Nyota's. If the Starfleet powers were not so afraid of the court of public opinion, I probably would've never made it to the captain seat in the first place. Hell, I'd probably never have made it out of the academy. Sadiki you're going to hear a lot of bad things about me. Most of it is true, unfortunately. Just promise me you won't do half of it." He told Sadiki.
"If that were the case, I doubt they would be letting you teach at the academy this semester. You have nothing to worry about in regard to the Lieutenant Commander, at least from me. You deserved it. But seriously, cookies?" Chris asked again, still laughing.
"It's an ancient Vulcan fertility rite. You always tell me to respect the practices of other cultures, especially those in my own household. Not my fault my husband was overly paranoid about getting pregnant, so much that he ingested an assumed to be extinct plant that we found in the middle of nowhere. Really he should tell me he's going to drug me for the purposes of getting super sperm." Jim said before he returned to feeding his son. Now that he had Sadiki, he couldn't fault Spock for what he did. They had the most beautiful baby in the world. So he accidentally got his friend pregnant but at least Sadiki would have a playmate. If the conversation outside the door was any indication, that playmate would be arriving any moment now.
"I'm not in labor. It's just back pain." Nyota said, walking into the room glaring at Spock, who was walking in behind her. She looked a lot more pregnant than Spock ever did but that was mostly because she actually made it to near the end of her pregnancy. Spock actually looked adorable pregnant but he destroyed almost every single picture of him with a baby belly.
"After experiencing labor firsthand I am aware that the early stages do resemble light back pain. I feel it would be most prudent to consult the opinion of Dr. McCoy considering the 26 of December is your due date." His husband said in the most matter of fact way possible. That just earned him a scowl.
"I think Spock is right." Sulu added.
"I'm not in labor." She yelled at her boyfriend.
"I really hope you're not going to deny being in labor like you were about being pregnant. I can't deal with that again." Sulu mumbled under breath, causing him to receive another angry glare.
"How often does this pain occur?" Dr. McCoy questioned as he walked over to her.
"About every two Christmas songs." She answered with a shrug.
"Those are contractions." The Doctor said in a matter of fact tone.
"Given the average length of a pop song, I estimate they are coming 7.3 minutes apart." Spock added.
"I am not having contr…" Nyota was cut off as she doubled over in pain as she started muttering various curse words in several different languages. Most of it involved frets about cutting Sulu's dick off. Spock did the exact same thing at the Labor Day barbecue. Definitely labor.
"It looks like you're going to get a new play mate for Christmas after all." He told baby Sadiki as the others rushed over to Nyota. The baby just smiled in responds. At least Jim thinks it was a smile, maybe it was just gas.
"I think I like Christmas more than April Fool's day now but that's only because of you. Don't tell mommy." Hikaru whispered to the little girl in his arms as he rocked her back to sleep in the birthing suite that looked more like a normal apartment than a hospital room.
Nyota was still asleep. He couldn't blame her after 17 hours of hard labor. At 2:06 PM, April Nadezhda Sulu-Uhura was born with lots of cursing and hand crushing. He was also threatened with castration 38 times. However, when the doctor placed his little girl in his arms after Sulu cut the cord he was sure that she was the most beautiful little girl in the universe with her already curly hair and caramel tone skin. It was the first time he ever fell in love with someone instantly.
"I bet you're wondering how you ended up with such a normal first name like April when you have a mommy name Nyota who can speak a zillion languages, a pseudo uncle we call Spock because your mommy is the only one who can pronounce his real name, and a playmate named Sadiki with the same unpronounceable last name. Okay your middle name is weird but that is because we let Uncle Chekhov come up with it. Of course, he chose something Russian but it means hope, so we went with it. At least this time the name really is Russian instead of him just pretending that it is. You will find out very quickly that Chekhov does that a lot. It's highly annoying but if he didn't do that you probably would not be here." He said remembering part of the reason why they broke up years ago. "I'll explain when you're older, maybe." He added quickly.
"You're named April because that's the month when we found out you were coming. That was also the month when your mommy and me got together; although, you're too young to hear that story. Actually, you're never going to hear that story. Mommy and me will just have to make something up when you get older.
"Contrary to what uncle Bones will tell you it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact your mommy thought you were an April Fool's Day joke." He told April with a nervous laugh.
"Okay so your mommy thinking that you were an April Fool's Day joke is slightly true. Your father has been known to do some inappropriate things in the name of humor on that day. You were a bit of a surprise, but a very welcomed one. We loved you from the very first moment that we actually knew of your existence. Okay, maybe it took mommy a little bit longer to accept that you existed but that was only because daddy was an idiot." He explained to the baby who just scrunched up her nose a little.
"When you get older, you may hear of a certain incident involving mommy slapping Uncle Jim and blaming him for your existence. Just ignore it. It was not as bad as it sounded and it was really uncle Spock's fault. Promise me you'll never eat strange cookies that don't come straight out of the replicator or a package?" April's only response was to do the newborn yawn thing.
"On the bright side, we get to spend another two years on Enterprise as mommy brushes up on her future captain skills." He explained to the baby. After a lot of discussion and screaming, it was decided that neither would take a position that required more responsibility until April was at least in preschool. Because this pregnancy was caused by a "work related mishap", the couple qualified to bring April to their next assignment. Because Enterprise was the only ship that could accommodate a child April's age at present, they will get to stay on the same ship for two more years, which was highly unusual. "You'll also get to spend a lot of time with Sadiki. He's four months older than you but he's interesting for a baby. You may also here some strange story about how I accidentally announced his existence before his other daddy found out about it but that was so not my fault." That's when he went on to explain the entire thing to the baby who just wiggled a little in response.
"Mommy made me promise that I would never do another fake invitation/party April fool's day joke ever again, otherwise I would never get to do the thing that made you in the first place with mommy. I like fun time with mommy and I love her, therefore, I have to listen to what she says. That's okay, I have a great idea for next year. Do you remember your Uncle Spock?" He asked April. She really did not respond.
"He's the one who brought you the Vulcan teddy bear that has fangs. He's also one of Sadiki's daddies. We'll explain more about that when your two great grandfather's come by later. Anyway, last night before your mommy when into labor during the middle of the Christmas Eve festivities, I got to meet his great uncle Selek. If it wasn't for the century age difference they could be twins. They even drink their tea the exact same way. What do you think about a fake news article about how Commander Spock is really a clone of his granduncle?" He was almost sure he heard a groan but that would be impossible because Nyota was still sleeping.
The End, for now.
I won't say never to doing another story in this series but I have other projects to work on (Dear Spock, Starfleet Family Values). I would also love to start on the sequel to You Don't Have to be my Boyfriend before everyone forgets the original story.