A/N: Please note, that this entire fic is currently going through a complete overhaul since a long and unconfirmed hiatus and rather than delete, I've decided to re-work it.

This was inspired by Blue Moon Fairy's – the thorn in your eye so please check out that amazing fic.

Just to confirm that I'm a 'fly by the seat of your pants' writer and typically have no idea where my fics will end, swings and roundabouts for working like this - mainly because I'm impatient, lacking in time and susceptible to blocks.

Apologies for any/all spelling and grammar mistakes

I own nothing – just read/review and enjoy x

Chapter One: Taken

Her body protested as she slowly regained the ability to engage her limbs.

She forced her limbs to obey her simple commands but this came at a painful cost as fire engulfed her beaten body which was in desperate time and need to recuperate in order to heal the physical and psychological scaring that she had suffered during the attack.

The aging building that was once her family's pride and joy, her academy that had a colourful history, had survived the testament of time, the ravages of mother nature and countless battles that was always good versus evil but this time it had not been any different. Evidence of the magical battle littered the great hall which had been their final defense and the only barrier that collapsed with dire consequences.

The darkness slowly parted as she was finally able to open her eyes, instantly her hand shielded her fragile eyes from the burning light. She groaned loudly, resisting the urge to curse aloud as she moved tentatively.

She surveyed the damage. The glass contained within the lead window plains had been obliterated. The impressive portraits that highlighted the greatest of witches and their contribution to the community had not survived the path of destruction, either scorched by magic or a senseless act of vandalism.

Her eyes continued to observe the damage until a voice startled her.

"Amelia...dear," gasped the voice, slicing through the silence of the aftermath, "I was certain that we had lost you."

Her hand waved off the concern, "I'm fine," she lied, transparently as she attempted to stand, "What about the others?" gravely concerned about the safety and well-being of her students and fellow colleagues.

There was an awkward pause, "A few minor injuries caused by falling debris but nothing that cannot be treated..." he hesitated.

"And?" her voice barked, losing patience

"They were no match for us! Our protective barrier was breached and then we were systematically neutralized, you were knocked unconscious but one by one we were in the same predicament, but no further harm came to your students."

It was of little consolation, Amelia was the headmistress, she was suppose to lead her students and colleagues through their darkest hour but instead her aging and injured body had prevented her from protecting those who were significantly weaker, guilt plagued her mind as shattered images started to replay in her mind and offered a cruel reminder as how powerless she had been to those that trusted and respected her.

"I failed them, failed them all." She whispered into her cupped hand, fighting her tears of shame and failure.

The Chief Wizard Egbert Helibore knelled down beside his fallen colleague, placing a reassuring hand onto her shoulder, "We were lured into this ploy, no-one suspected or knew until it was too late. Those animals used young and innocent students in order to carry out this disgusting act, it was a despicable act in itself and the guild will not rest until they are reprimanded and pay for their crimes."

Amelia felt her heavy head fall into his shoulder, in need of reassurance. The tears of guilt and anger trickled down her face, "Why?"

"Mildred, Mildred?" called a voice

The young, clumsy witch grumbled, her head throbbed as her consciousness followed the sound of her name being called which practically begged her to wake. Mildred wanted to roll over in her bed, if only for five more minutes but Maud's voice continued.

"Mildred, you have to wake up. Please." There was a sense of urgency in her voice

Her eyes blinked several times, tricked by the ink darkness that surrounded her and as she fully arrived back into reality, she realized that the voice did not belong to Maud, her best friend.

"Miss Hardbroom?" she called out, thinking that this was all part of a dream or perhaps a nightmare, after all, the potion teacher was not her favorite teacher and she suspected the feeling was mutual, often tarring Mildred as the 'worst witch in the entire school'.

"Yes, I am here also. Do not panic." Replied the fearsome potion mistress but her voice sounded completely different to what Mildred was always used to hearing, no intimidation or harshness to her voice at all.

"What...what happened? Where are we?" questioned Mildred as she attempted to move from the uncomfortable position but found herself restrained.

The piercing light rendered Mildred and Constance partially blinded temporary as the solid door swung open and battered against the crumbling stone wall.

"Here is the evidence...you doubted me...us. But we prevailed, a testament to our success."

There was a muffled voice which remained out of sight as Constance squinted against the light and at their captor.

"It was easy, in the end. Those fools did exactly as you foretold, they resisted...putting up an acceptable challenge but proved to be no match."

Constance growled, her mind whirled as to the conversation going on, evidently she could only imagine the worst case scenario, "Whatever devious plan you are plotting, I refuse to be a part of it." She spat in disgust.

The figure standing in the threshold of the doorway laughed madly while the unseen figure cackled also, "Unfortunately for you Constance, you have no choice in the matter...after all we have insurance to ensure you do exactly as instructed."

Mildred fought against her restraints and readied herself for an attack; she was completely defenseless to even shield herself. She squinted towards the door, attempting to figure out who had taken herself and her teacher then she suddenly swallowed at realized that this could not possibly be happening, it could only be a nightmare.

"This is low, even for you."

"Now you realize that I own you now." Sneered the voice and at her command the door slammed shut, plunging Constance and Mildred back into darkness.

Mildred licked her dry lips, "Miss Hardbroom...was that who I think it was?" she asked not completely sure if her power of observation was correct or if her imagination was playing another practical joke.

Constance nodded, "Yes, Mildred. It would appear that third time is the charm, Amelia's twin sister, Agatha has succeeded in part of her plan."

Mildred frowned confused and echoed the thought in her head, 'Part of her plan?' "But, you do know what she has planned for us? You're the most powerful witch that I know; you can just magic us back to the academy, right?"

Constance was thankful for the darkness which concealed her expression from the anxious student but the silence between teacher and student itself spoke volume and Mildred came to the realisation that maybe this was a situation that not even her fearsome and all powerful potion mistress could do anything.

Mildred's head sank as did her dwindling hope, she came to the conclusion that herself and the entire academy population relied heavily on their teacher to save the day and right all the wrongs, it did not cross Mildred's mind that there could be a chance or possibility that her teacher would be rendered helpless.