
Zane looked around for an exit anywhere, even though he'd been doing that same activity since morning. Reluctantly, he sat down and got into a meditative position. Calm thought is the best way to get out of a tough situation, Zane silently reminded himself. Searching the room to make sure no snakes were hanging out, he closed his eyes and sunk into thought. His mind drifted back to yesterday, when this had all begun...

"Zane, breakfast is ready!" Jay yelled. It had been Zane's turn to prepare the training course for use after breakfast, and he gladly went into the kitchen- it was hard work early in the morning. Cole, Kai, Sensei Wu and Nya sat around the wooden table which already had some food bowls on it. He sat down, ready to eat-when suddenly, the room rippled. His head snapped up to find the room morphing into two-one being Destiny's Bounty, the other being a stone cavern where he saw Pythor, the ninja's main enemy at the moment. He was holding something up triumphantly for the Serpentine crowds, and it only took Zane a moment to recognize it-it was a silver fang blade! If Pythor achieved all of the blades, he would be able to resurrect the Great Devourer, a great snake evil, so he could have revenge on the people of Ninjago for imprisoning him in a tomb with the rest of the Serpentine. It looked as if he had found the first, but Zane's sixth sense told him this was from the future-but not far off.

"Zane! Buddy! Speak to me!" yelled a far-off voice... Zane shook his head and slowly sat up. Cole, Kai, Jay, Nya, and Sensei Wu knelt around him, looking worried. "Are you O.K.? One minute you were fine, the next you're on the floor!You really scared us!" Kai said as he helped Zane up. Zane, once he had his bearings, reassured his friends he was fine, and informed them of his vision.

"Are you sure? At first, you looked up real fast, then you gasped, which made US look up, then you fell out of your seat and started twitching around a lot and-" Jay said rapidly.

"O.K., he gets it!" Cole cried. He then looked down, frowning, at Zane. "Are you sure you're O.K.? You did fall pretty hard...what did you SEE, anyway?" Zane then told his friends about Pythor's up-and-coming discovery of the silver fang blade, making sure to remember any details he might have forgotten. When he was finished, Kai groaned.

"Great! Now WHERE exactly IS the fang blade? How do we know where to look to find it before he does?" Everyone agreed, and for a few seconds, all was silent as they all tried to figure out a plan. Suddenly, Zane sat up straighter with a smile on his face.

"I believe I know where he is."

Suddenly, a hissing snapped him back to reality. He opened his eyes to find Skales, the Hyboprani general, standing outside his cage.

"Come with me, ninja." hissed the snake, as some Fangpyre's opened the door. "Pythor wishes to speak with you." Zane stood and allowed himself to be led out into the stone passage. Whatever Pythor wants, it isn't good, Zane thought to himself. He had a bad feeling about this-but what choice did he have? He walked, with a growing sense of dread, up the hallway, Skales close behind. Guys, wherever you are, come quickly! he thought to himself.