
Natsuhiko expected to see him broken, not... not like this!

He was broken all right, but not in the way that Natsu wanted him to be. He wanted Tsuna to be a broken obedient doll who'd say to their father that he loved Natsuhiko. Not a person who'd laugh maniacally whenever anyone tried to approach him.

The first one to approach him was Ganauche, Natsuhiko's personal bodyguard. The green-haired man had come to see him, and Tsuna only laughed at him and demanded to see his brother.

To see him.

And so, here was Natsuhiko, right in front of the door to the room that held his brother. The orange-eyed male was rather nervous, but smiled to himself as he fingered his pocket. Beretta, the weapon he had used to kill the thieving cat- Sawada Nana. Soon, soon, there would be no Sawada left but his father...

Natsuhiko opened the room, making the door creak slightly.

There, Tsuna was sitting in the middle of the room. Alone. Tied up. There was nothing he should worry about...

"Hello there, Tsuna." Natsuhiko greeted.

"Hello, Onii-chan." Tsuna replied with a widened eyes and deranged, toothy smile. Natsuhiko grinned back. "I see you're enjoying your vacation?" He said, referring to the kidnapping earlier. The teenager laughed. "Oh, yeah, come here and let me give you my gratitude, Onii-chan." Now that caught his attention.

Natsuhiko was no fool. He'd even wore a bulletproof vest under his neat suit, everything is under control...

Until Tsuna kissed him on his lips.

Natsuhiko was astounded, and at that moment, he let his guard down. The teenager smirked as he rattled his chair and eventually undid the rope, all the while kicking Natsuhiko on his chin.

"Goodnight, Onii-chan!" A maniacal laugh had sounded from the pale teenager. He took out his brother's cell phone and called the number he knew by heart, but he was beaten into it.

Tsuna smirked. "Heya, Reborn," he called out. He could hear a snicker from the other side. "I knew you'll make it, dame-Tsuna. Come to my office, something interesting is happening."

That... was a code. Reborn wanted him for sex, and he happened to need one as well. "Okay. Should I buy a condom on my way there?" He asked as he stepped on his brother's arm, walking away from the room where he was detained.

"Won't be necessary. But get your favorite flavor if you want, since you'll be tasting it." Tsuna laughed as he made a 'slurp' noise with his lips. "Can't wait then. I'll get the strawberry flavor. See you later." Tsuna tossed the phone carelessly before running away as fast as he could.

"Kusajishi Nagi, I-"

Kyoya cut himself off as he saw the apartment empty.

Where was his woman? Why... how...?

The ex-Player took a deep breath before looking around the room, noting if something was out of the ordinary. No... there was nothing. Except for...

Nagi's cell phone.

The skylark took the indigo-colored phone from the porch and flipped it open. As usual, a picture of three people smiling greeted him. He scoffed. This kind of picture won't ever exist anymore, just as Sawada Tsunayoshi had ceased to exist...

But he saw the text. The same one he had sent to Yamamoto Takeshi as per Natsuhiko's orders. Why did he send it? He didn't know the reason, just following orders...

And then, there was another beep-sound from the young girl's cell phone. Kyoya's heart thumped loudly in his chest. Who is it...?

The skylark then opened the message and saw the image attached to it.

What he saw was gruesome. It was Nagi, covered in blood, stark naked with only a disciplinary member jacket wrapping her. But the place she was in... was decorated like it was her birthday. Kyoya seethed.

Happy birthday, Hibari Kyoya!


P.S: Why don't you come and stop me? Know that if you do, there is nothing you can do but call the current Player here!

Kyoya threw the phone to the wall before running to the school grounds, the most possible place for something that gruesome to happen.

Giotto was always a fast runner. He'd once gotten a medal in an annual sports meet held on Vongola University, beating even Knuckle. And this time, he was relying on his feet to take him to his desired place.

Nagi-chan... please be safe...

His heart was pounding louder and louder as he made his steps to his apartment building. But he didn't expect to see a blur of black and violet racing past him from the direction of his home.

Was that...?

"Hibari-kun!" Giotto called out, hoping that the teen would be able to hear him. The said blur stopped dead on its tracks, looking towards Giotto with a pair of steely blue-gray orbs. "Giotto Vongola..."

The blonde's head was racing. Hibari Kyoya was one of the suspects Nagi had jotted down for him. What if he was walking right to a trap? What if...?

"Hibari-kun..." Giotto said levelly as he walked towards the raven-haired teen, who looked like he was made of stone. "Hibari-kun, have you seen Nagi-chan?" Giotto asked carefully, his heart pounding. He wanted to believe. He wanted to believe that Hibari did nothing wrong. That his students had done nothing wrong.

"My woman..." Hibari uttered under his breath. "My woman is..." He clicked his tongue angrily before looking straight at Giotto's blazing amber eyes. "Come with me, Giotto Vongola. I'll be your temporary Maneuver." And then the teen grabbed him by his wrist and ran back to school.

"E-eh? What's going on, Hibari-kun?"

"This is not just about you winning for Sawada Tsunayoshi's sake anymore, Sensei." Hibari said as he ran, never once facing Giotto. "It's about whether or not you'll win this entire thing and save my woman. I'll be your Maneuver so you'll win and prevent the next murder. And honestly, I don't really care if Sawada Tsunayoshi gets his existence back or not." There was a moment of silence before Hibari uttered one more thing that made Giotto's heart clench.

"He's too broken to exist like a normal human being, anyways."

Regardless of what Giotto thinks or do... he couldn't help but feel that Hibari was saying the truth.

"Hey, Reborn." Tsuna stepped inside the chairman's office with a smile on his face. The brunet looked around to see the chairman leaned to the bookshelf just next to the coffee brewer. "I don't see Nagi anywhere, where is she?"

Reborn's obsidian eyes glinted dangerously before he kicked Tsuna's torso and made him fall to the ground. "You got some guts mentioning other people's name even when you know the very reason why I want you here." Before Tsuna could retort, the fedora-wearer pinned him on the ground with smirk on his face. "Oh give me some credit, Reborn." Tsuna retorted as he removed Reborn's fedora, a devilish smirk on his face. "I just escaped my brother's confines. Took a train from Tokyo. And then I can't find my pet... Of course I'll be rather gutsy..." A snort. "How do you escape, dame-Tsuna?"

Reborn's wet tongue caressed Tsuna's jaw carefully. "I kissed Onii on his lips," a small giggle escaped the brunet's soft lips. "He looked so surprised! You should have seen it, Reborn, it was priceless!" But as he was laughing, Reborn slapped him across his face before landing a bruising kiss on top of his lips.


The hitman had bitten the brunet's lower lip, leaving a trail of blood. "I was fine with you tasting Nagi..." another bite. "I was fine with you tasting Hibari..." a lick on his blood. "I was even fine with you tasting Giotto..." Reborn put his hand on top of Tsuna's neck, lightly strangling him. "But Natsuhiko? That's just too far... You know I hate him. And I despise the fact that you kissed him. What do you have to say for yourself?"

The little brunet looked surprised, but then he smirked devilishly as he put his hands on top of Reborn's neck. "Fuck me?"

Reborn smirked in return. He had come so far. From that stupid, no good, stuttering mess to a person worthy of his interest. Oh how Reborn wanted him. He wanted all of him. He didn't want others to see him. Others. Natsuhiko. Or even Nagi or Giotto...

Reborn slowly unbuttoned the brunet's clothes as he nibbled on Tsuna's neck, leaving various marks. Slowly... slowly... slowly...

"Whoa, you sure take things fast, Reborn..." Tsuna looked up to him as he made a slurp noise with his mouth. "And this brand's strawberry flavor is awesome. Maybe I should buy it again." Reborn looked down at his student and rolled his eyes. "Aren't you going to ask about the Game, Tsuna?"

But Tsuna was already unconscious, as he often do whenever Reborn used him for five consecutive rounds of sex and two oral sexes.

A smirk widened on his face as he picked the brunet up. He placed the little guy on the sofa before flipping his cell open. "Xanxus? Yeah, I'm with Tsuna already. Are the preparations done?"

There was a loud scream along with a sound of sandbag being punched. Xanxus then screamed a loud affirmation. Reborn grinned. "Great. We're heading over there. It's time for the Game's finale."

And Tsuna will finally be mine.

Next chapter will be the last chapter of Exist installment. After that will be the epilogue.

So all the Game pieces are coming to the last site. The Killer and the Victim are already there. The Player and the Maneuver are running over to save the Victim. The Bidders are also on their way to close the Game. Will Giotto and Hibari be able to make it on time? Or will it be too late for them to save Nagi?

And... who is the Killer?