Reviews for Exist
Tsu-choian chapter 1 . 8/29/2019
I like ur story ! ()
Aloop chapter 18 . 6/29/2019
omg i wanna now so bad!
Guest chapter 18 . 4/10/2018
Is the killer Sasagawa Ryohei?
Royalty Scans chapter 2 . 4/18/2017
аге уоu friggin serious?
Royalty Scans chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
НоІу Мотнея fuсkїи sнїт
Elo chapter 5 . 11/27/2016
Oh f#ck, its the f#cking b#st#rd that looks as if his face was copied from a horror movie _
sqilaine chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
What the HELL
Nina-Chan202 chapter 18 . 2/21/2016
I really was suspecting Hibari to be the killer but after that szene with Chrome you got me confused :,D
and the last sentence makes it so damn obvious as for who our 2nd killer is xDD
I really am curious :D will Nagi survive?

I read this whole fic on one evening and holy shit, I never read such a twisted and creepy story ~
real good work! u
Shugugaku chapter 18 . 1/8/2016
It was so hot
I love R27
Please update soon
It's very interesting to read with all the twists and turns !
And obviously reborn's obsession with Tsuna
Shadow22739 chapter 18 . 1/3/2016
Oh, this story is so cool! I never read one like this one before, it's awesome! I hope you will still continue it, I'll defenitly be waiting for updates! -
A196 chapter 13 . 1/1/2015
Nice story no matter how ashamed you feel! I have never read such a scary and addictive story, you have really outdone yourself. Keep writing, you have a skill! :D
Anna'Ea chapter 18 . 11/19/2014
Oh mon dieu plus qu'un chapitre !
Pour une fan de r27 et de fic tordu je dois dire que j'adore cette fic donc j'attend avec impassiance ton prochain chapitre !
Assasin8 chapter 18 . 10/20/2014
Ok, VERY, VERY amazing story! I didn't start reading the story with the thought that it would be like this, but you've seriously done a fantastic job! Clearly suspense and mystery are your forte, because that's been the atmosphere that you've kept up from chapter 1. You're really good at keeping this hidden until just the right moment, and the reveals are played to their full effect! Also, the format of the story definitely works for it. The switches between points of view are practically flawless, and gathering the clues in the notes at the end make things a lot easier to understand. The setup is like that of a detective show (which I can definitely appreciate as a Detective Conan fan), you set up all the clues and make it possible for us to piece everything together ourselves. I also have to praise you for focusing on Giotto throughout this. He's the one we can follow and relate to, since for the most part, he knows just about as much as we do about what's going on. (It's a common trick, but you pulled it off well) the way you've built up Tsuna's back story with flashbacks and hinting works perfectly. Reborn being portrayed as a downright obsessive psychopath is really interesting, and the game itself is just awesome! I'm really surprised that I found this story so intriguing, and I can't wait for the conclusion!
Crazy chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Is this something like the anime 'Another' ?
DapplexD chapter 18 . 12/12/2013
i'm so excited for the last chapter! :) looking forward to your next update! all my guesses recently have been wrong :( except for yamamoto xD How can Ryohei be the Killer though :\ oh my. can't wait till you update! :)
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