Surprises: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters involved in this story. They belong to the Pokemon people.

Thank you, once more to all who reviewed. Seriously, I love getting the email notifications stating I have a new review. Makes my day.

Also, I re-read this story, and noticed in the very first line, I write fix instead of fic. Talk about epic fail. I apologize for all my spelling errors in my chapters (hopefully they're all minor enough that you guys don't mind), and will try to proofread this more carefully.

And now, for the exciting conclusion of SURPRISES

"It sounds like you did alright there, Ash." Cilan said, encouragingly. "A little mess up at the end, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, as they say."

"Nah," Iris interjected, "I bet'cha he blew it."

Ash sighed. "I don't know how to feel about it."

"Don't think about it too much. You'll just nitpick over all the little details." Cilan advised the lovestruck younger trainer. "Besides, now, you can focus on challenging Brycen, the icy warrior of domination!"

Ash titled his head. "Is that what they call him?"

Iris sweatdropped. "No one calls him that. Cilan is just being Cilan."

Ash rolled his eyes while Pikachu facepalmed. "Pikaa."

"But you're right, I do feel better about going in to my gym battle now!" Ash stated confidently, pumping his fist in to the air.

He began to run off to the Pokemon Center exit, but Iris yelled after him. "You know it's getting late, right? Gym's closed for the day."

Ash slowed slightly. "Of course. I was just taking an early victory lap."

Feeling obligated, Ash ran a lap around the whole Pokemon Center. And yes, he felt (and looked) like a huge idiot for doing so. And I didn't just admit I was wrong because...? He questioned himself in his mind.

"You're such a kid!" She exclaimed, laughing.

Cilan laughed as well. "But the wonderful enigma of love is maturing him slowly, much like a slow-roasted -"

Ash's stomach rumbled angrily. "Enough food talk, Cilan." He whined, "You're making me hungry."

Cilan sighed. "Metaphor? More like metaphorgotten on you."

"Actually," Iris piped in, "Since you used the word 'like,' it was really a simile."

"Can we just eat?" Ash asked, defeated, at his two rather odd companions.

Dawn was humming happily as she packed her backpack. Her Pokemon were helping her out, gathering things from around the room and bringing them to her. Her mom watched from the doorway. She had ordered an online flight ticket as soon as possible.

"So, what's the plan there, future Top Coordinator?" Johanna asked curiously.

"I surprise Ash by responding to his letter in person. Other than that...just be with him." Dawn answered, blushing.

Johanna just chuckled at her daughter. "You kids are adorable. Just don't forget about your goals." She waved her finger warningly.

Dawn looked shocked. "Mom, of course! No matter what, I'll be Top Coordinator someday. I just would love it that much more if I had a certain future-Pokemon master there with me."

Dawn finished packing everything away. Looking over to her night stand, she saw it was getting late, and her plane left first thing in the morning. "Ah, shoot, I need to get some sleep! Return, everyone!" She stated as she recalled her Pokemon, save for Piplup (who had taken to sharing the bed).

"So, how do you PLAN on getting to the airport tomorrow?" Johanna asked.

Dawn froze in fear. "I-I...I DON'T KNOW!" She rushed around her room panicking. "Maybe I can get a later flight? Ah, I could bike? No, I'd have to leave now! What should I-"

Johanna simply laughed at her daughter. "Relax, I can drive you. Just wanted to make sure you didn't get too far ahead of yourself."

Dawn rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Er...thanks mom."

"No problem dear. Now try and get some sleep." Johanna advised.


"We are preparing to land in Icirrus City. Please prepare for landing. Thank you for flying Starraptor Airlines!" The flight attendants voice rang out over the intercom.

Dawn looked out of her window Icirrus. I wonder how I'll find Ash here? She wondered to herself, No matter. I just hope he hasn't won the gym badge yet...I want to surprise him.

Not much longer afterwards, she was leaving the airport. "Piplup, come keep me company!" She called.

Piplup popped out of it's Pokeball. "Pip?" He asked.

"Piplup, I need you to help me keep an eye out for Ash. He can't see us yet." Dawn said mischievously.

"Piplup?" The small creature asked, scratching it's head with it's flipper.

"I want to surprise Ash. Just trust me on this one." Dawn said with a wink. "First things first, we need to head to the Pokemon Center and see if he's still saying there."

"Lup!" Piplup exclaimed excitedly.

"NO ITEMS! FOX ONLY! FINAL DESTINATION!" The Pokemon referee yelled.

"JOHNSON!" Brycen yelled at his employee, "FOCUS!"

Ash, Iris, and Cilan glanced at each other and sweatdropped.


Ash grinned. "PIKACHU, GO GET 'EM!"

"Yes, Ash Ketchum is staying here tonight. I think he and his friends were off to challenge Brycen's gym a few minutes ago. You may be able to catch them if you hurry." The local Nurse Joy told Dawn.

"Crap! Er...thanks Nurse Joy! Come on Piplup!" Dawn shouted, slightly panicked. She turned on the spot and dashed out of the Pokemon Center.

'Piplup!" Piplup yelled, running out after his trainer.

Dawn poked her head inside the gym stealthily, Piplup resting on her shoulder.

"Beartic! Use Brine on Tepig!" She heard the leader yell out.

Not much time... Dawn thought, ducking inside the gym and dashing into the girl's bathroom.

"Well Ash, this has been a great match. I'm down to my last Pokemon, Beartic. What's it gonna be for you?" Brycen asked from across the arena.

Ash paused. Both Pikachu and Tepig had been knocked out. He had to make this count. Who do I choose...?

Then, he heard something that sounded like an angel in his time of need:


Everyone whipped around, shocked. At the side of the battlefield, Dawn was standing there in her cheerleader outfit, cheering for Ash.

"What the french toast?" Cilan yelled.

"DAWN!" Ash yelled excitedly.

Without any hesitation, Ash and Dawn ran up to each other and embraced, making Dawn blush. After a few seconds, Ash pulled back. "Dawn, I'm so happy to see you...but what are you doing here?"

Dawn looked in to Ash's eyes and smiled. " said you missed me, right? Well, I missed you too." She blushed an even deeper red, and looked to the side. "Besides, you said you were going up for a badge, I thought you might want your cheering squad."

Ash hugged her tightly once more, taking her by surprise. She felt herself melt a little inside. "Thanks, Dawn. This means a lot to me." Ash whispered in her ear. She felt like a pile of goo in his arms.

"Er...this is heartwarming, really," Brycen yelled from the other side of the area, "but perhaps you two lovebirds can resume this after the battle?"

Ash and Dawn split apart, visibly embarrassed. But with renewed confidence, Ash whipped out a Pokeball, and turned his hat backwards. "You asked for it Brycen! SCRAGGY, I CHOOSE YOU!"

Iris shook her head at the display of young love. And she noticed Cilan crying. "Dude, are you crying right now?"

Cilan sniffled. "N-no, of course not."


Cilan sobbed. "It's so beautiful!"

Iris face-palmed.

Ash ended up winning the battle, and earning his 7th Unova League Gym Badge. Afterwards, the quartet walked back to the Pokemon Center, with Dawn getting acquainted with Cilan and Iris. Once at the Center, Ash dropped his Pokemon off with Nurse Joy...but before she took them to get checked up, Pikachu whispered "Pika pi!" In Ash's ear. It gestured it's head towards Dawn, who was walking into the ladies room to get changed back in to her normal outfit.

"You...think I should?" Ash whispered to Pikachu.

Pikachu just nodded. As Nurse Joy carried him off, Pikachu winked at his trainer.

Feeling inspired and confident after the big victory, Ash walked up to Cilan and Iris. "Hey guys," he said, "Pikachu told me to take a walk with Dawn and talk. Can you guys wait here for my Pokemon?"

Cilan and Iris looked at each other and chuckled. "Of course, Ash! Don't come back until you've gotten to first base!" Iris told him, winking.

Ash blushed furiously. "W-what?"

Cilan waved it off. "Look Ash, just-"

Iris slapped a hand over his mouth. "NOPE! Ash, you got to figure this out for yourself. Besides, this should be easy! She must like you if she came all this wa-HEY DAWN!"

Dawn walked up behind them. "Hey guys, did I miss anything?"

Ash turned around and rubbed the back of his head. "Er, nothing. I was just thinking of getting some fresh to join me?"

Dawn's heart fluttered at the thought of alone time with Ash. "Sure, let's go!"

Cilan and Iris watched them leave.

"Think they'll tell each other?" Iris asked.

"If not, I'm going to be so frustrated from ALL THE UNRESOLVED TENSION!" Cilan yelled.

Ash and Dawn sat down on the slopes of Icirrus City. They watched some of the Pokemon flop around in the water pools at the lower levels of the city.

"You were right Ash, there are so many cool Pokemon here!" Dawn said, looking over at Ash excitedly.

"Yeah, I know, I found so many cool ones here." Ash replied.

They stopped for a second, and cool breeze blew across the Autumn sky. Dawn shivered. Without thinking, she scooted over next to Ash for warmth. Instinctively, Ash put an arm around her, making them both blush.

"Hey Dawn..." Ash began, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, what's up Ash?"

" long had you planned this?" He asked.

Dawn looked down at her feet. "Well...yesterday, after we talked, I got my last check for Pokemodeling...and I thought about talking to you and everything...and I just...really wanted to be near you again."

Ash smiled to himself. "Well, I'm glad you came. I really did miss you."

"I've missed you too." Dawn blushed, looking down so he wouldn't see.

After a brief pause, Ash asked. "Why though? I didn't know I meant that much to you."

Dawn gathered up all her courage. It's now or never...

She turned over, and cupped his left cheek with her right hand. "Ash, do you know how torn up I was when you left Sinnoh?"

Ash blushed at the sudden movement, and felt his stomach tighten. "I saw you crying...but I didn't-"

"Ash." Dawn said again. "You did so much for me on our trip. You taught me so much, and you were always there for me when I needed you."

"You did a lot for me too." Ash said, smiling warmly. "Cheering for me, putting on shows when I was're amazing Dawn."

"I think you're amazing too, Ash." Dawn replied, "That's why..."

She paused, trying to find the words to say. "That's why..."

Her and Ash's faces were merely inches apart, having slowly moved closer as they spoke. They stared in each other's eyes for a brief moment before they understood what was on each other's mind.

They closed the distance between themselves, joining in what was their first kiss. After a blissful few moments, they separated, and gazed in each other's eyes again. Ash laid down on the hill, in a state of ecstasy. Dawn laid her head on his chest.

"I really like you Dawn." Ash said, staring up in the clouds, with a goofy smile on his face.

Dawn snuggled into him closer. "I really like you too Ash."

Ash reached an arm down and wrapped it around her. After awhile, he spoke up. "Hey Dawn?"


"Will you be there?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"When I become a Pokemon Master. Will you be there?" He repeated.

Dawn climbed on top of him. "Only if you promise to be there when I become Top Coordinator."

Ash smiled. "I promise."

Dawn leaned in and kissed him once more. When pulling away, she answered, "Then I promise too."

Eight Years Later


Dawn and Buneary bowed proudly. They went on to the stage to accept the ribbon, but the judges all stepped back and one whispered to the Announcer. After a moment, the announcer stated: "Ladies and gentleman, we have a special treat! The Festival Ribbon this year will be presented to the Top Coordinator by member of the Unova League Champion, ASH KETCHUM!"

Ash strode down the arena with Pikachu on his shoulders to a chorus of cheers. He walked on stage and presented Dawn with her ribbon. She was in tears as she hugged him and asked, "Ash? What's this all about?"

Ash smiled and looked in her eyes. "Dawn, I promised...I promised I would be here. I wanted to make this moment special for you."

"Ash..." she responded. "I can't think of how this could get any more special."

Ash flashed a grin at her. "I can."

Dawn wiped her eyes, "Oh? How so?"

Ash took a step back. And cleared his throat. He reached his hand to the side. Knowingly, the announcer tossed him a microphone.

"Ash...what are you?"

Ash dropped to one knee. Dawn burst into tear, understanding what was going on. Indeed, Ash pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a ring.

"Dawn," he said in to the microphone, "these past eight years have been amazing. You have made me so happy. Will you ma-MMPH!"

He didn't get a chance to finish. Dawn promptly glomped him, and locked lips.

It was the best surprise he had ever given her.


I hope you all enjoyed this conclusion to my fic, Surprises. You've all been great.

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