A/N Well, it's finally over. Guardians has come to an end. What a ride. Thank you fir all support, and shout outs to:

Crimson Banner for: Name, Rank, and Specialization for Specialist Jack Adams

Sniperspotter123 for: OC Airman 1st Class Jessica Newell

Sgt. Sporky for: Constructive Criticism

ShiningShadow1965: For a review of every single chapter

DJ The Brony for: Insight to your own battle experience.

All of My Readers for: Allowing me to share my story with you.

Moore looked at the castle, shining in the night. A vast array of precious gems had been added to the castle, giving it a spark unlike Moore had ever seen before. He looked to the left, seeing several other ponies smiling in fancy outfits, each chatting excitedly about the gala. He sighed, looking up to the moon. A single moon, just like Earth. He had never really taken the time to notice that. It wasn't that he didn't care, it was just that he never had the time to notice. In front of the door leading to the castle were decorative portraits of each of the soldiers. Underneath each were words thanking each soldier, respectively. He allowed himself a slight smile as he watched Royal Guards, out of uniform, enter the Gala and get swarmed by ponies thanking them. They had earned it. This gala was the very first to have a special purpose: To celebrate the end of the war, and honor the veterans who fought in it. As opposed to the funeral, which honored the fallen. The day of the funeral had become a worldwide holiday. The ponies were going to call it Memorial Day. How ironic. Moore took a deep breath in, and let it go as he tried to calm himself down. Anxiety was building up inside of him, although he couldn't find out why.

"Don't worry John. You'll be fine." He heard from behind. Looking back, he saw Derek with a hand on his shoulder. He smiled and nodded, giving his shoulder a pat. Moore nodded, and looked back to the entrance. With one final exhale, he stepped forward. Instantly there was a faint cheering, which erupted into full blown applause. Ponies everywhere chanted the slogan of the Rangers, showing their thanks. Moore smiled and continued to walk forward, throwing his fist into the air. The ponies cheered even harder, and some began to shout the slogan of the Air Force as Newell stepped in. This was the first time Moore had seen her since the funeral. She had on a blue dress, along with a small tiara of daffodils in her hair. She smiled and waved as several ponies cheered for her as well.

"I feel like a hero right now." He heard Jack say. He chuckles.

"You are one Jack. get used to it." He says with a smile. Jack nods and turns to a group of ponies shouting his name, and waves. Moore looks over to the front of the castle, where a winding staircase ascends to a large glass window, depicting him leading the soldiers to battle. A plane is depicted above them, and n a cloud is Hank, standing and watching over the others. Moore smiles. This was all so much of an honor, and each pony's cheers only made him more humbled. Most would be full of pride right now, but not him. Not of them were. They were grateful for all of this, but they knew that the real heroes were those that were gone. Especially the ponies that had trusted complete strangers and aliens in hope they could save their homes.


As things progressed, each soldier managed to find the pony that they had come to know in Equestria. Moore smiled as he shared a fast embrace with Twilight, who was wearing a remarkable dress. She pulled away and asked what he thought. Moore just smiled and shook his head. He was at a loss for words. This was breathtaking. A large flash of white light began to form at the top of the stairs, and the light bounces off of the chandeliers, giving the entire castle a rainbow like aura.

"Staff Sergeant Moore. Corporal Barns. Specialist Adams. Sergeant Connors. Airman First Class Newell. Corporal Hans." He hears an authoritative voice say. Looking to the top of the stairway, he sees Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. Both of them are smiling, and staring proudly over the soldiers. Moore gets down onto one knee, bowing his head. His men quickly do the same.

"Princesses." He says. Celestia tells them to rise, and they comply. Moore brings his arms behind his back, and Princess Luna steps forward. The room becomes deathly quiet, and the princess closes her eyes. She gives a satisfactory sigh and observes each of the soldiers. Next to him, Twilight whispers her congratulations, while he notices Jack rubbing Fluttershy's mane. He chuckles and looks back to the Princesses.

"We would like to personally thank each, and every single one of you. For your courage, your determination, and most of all, your sacrifices." The princess began. Moore nods. Ponies around the room give their agreeing statements, and Princess Luna continues.

"You led the charge to free our kingdom, when nopony else could. You endured every painful blow on that battlefield, taking every strike that Mercutio threw at you. Yet, never did you back down. Never did you fall back, instead you led with the heart of a champion. Leading troops into the most hazardous of missions, and putting your lives on the line for the sake of a race that was not your own." She said. Moore nodded and looked behind him. His men carried the same proud smiles, taking in every single word that the Princess said. She smiled and looked over to Celestia, who nodded. Turning back to the soldiers and the crowd, she began again.

"Had it not been for you, we may never have won this war. Your determination and bravery caused hundreds of thousands of ponies to stand and fight against Mercutio's forces. We know you had to endure the tragic loss of one of your own, Private Hank Daniels." She said. Her expression had changed to a frown upon mention of Hank, as the soldiers'. Moore shook his head, and Twilight placed a hoof on his hand.

"It's okay." She said reassuringly. Moore sighed, looking down to the ground. Hank had been so young, and despite what so many said, he had so much potential. Everything was supposed to be okay for him, the kid. An unsung mission of the leaders was to get the youngest home safely, and Moore had failed. But still, he had to remember that he knew the risks. He had know what had been on the line, but fought anyway. Twilight, the Princess, everyone was right. It was going to be okay. Moore nodded and looked back up to the Princess. A smile had returned to her face, and she began once more.

"We cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. But we would like to start by declaring all of you heroes. And honoring this day as one of celebration for what you have done." She said. She was about to continue, but just then, doors burst open, and a stallion, apparently panicked, ran through the doors. He quickly sprinted up to the Princesses, and heaved out a long heavy breath.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! I... It's very bad news! The Manticores have gone insane! They've attacked a camp of innocent civilians! And they're moving in on Fillydelphia!" He shouts. A collected gasp is heard from the crowd as they begin to chatter nervously, and Princess Celestia appears deeply troubled. Moore turns to face his men, and smiles mischievously. They all smile and nod.

2 Hours Later...

Moore strapped his battle glove on, giving it a hard pat as he watched Newell hop into her fighter jet. Beside him, Frank fed a belt into his LMG, placing grenades into his side pouches. Moore smiled and looked over to a group of SRTF soldiers. In the front was Rainbow Dash, placing on her helmet. She looked over to him, and gave a nod. Moore gave a thumbs up and reached down to grab his newly reconstructed M4. Twilight had worked all week, and finally fixed it.

"Be careful out there okay?" He heard Twilight say. Moore turned to face her, still in her dress for the Gala. She was genuinely concerned, and he could understand why. He rubbed her mane and nodded. Stepping forward, he turned to face his men and ponies. They stared at him with anticipation.

"Men, Ponies. There is a town out there being terrorized by beasts ready to kill and maim you without any thought. They are getting closer by the minute, and are going to try to kill innocent ponies. I'm not going to let that happen. Who's with me?" He asked. They all shouted in unison, pumping fists hooves, and weapons into the air. Moore smiled, and ordered the carriers to get moving. One carrier stopped in front of him, and he walked inside. Moore brought his first bullet into the chamber as he prepared to charge into battle one last time.

The End