A/N: Hey everyone! After several years, I've decided to come back to this story and revise it a bit… My English wasn't as assured then as it is now, and considering the fact that there are two more trilogies I've written that sometimes need some context, I preferred to come back here and smoothen things out a bit. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars or any of its affiliate characters and settings. I only own Tani Kenobi, my OC, as well as the plot surrounding her.

Some typography choices:

- italic will be: either people talking through radio or coms; or people conversing in their minds;

- bold will be Force visions;

- underlined will be Wookiee speech.

1. The Living Force

"You should try to remain calm, Tani. This is going to happen fast, your senses must be at their maximum."

"Yes, Master Jinn," the young woman breathed, one hand on her blaster gun. She could hear them; sense their presence through the Force. They were coming after her, the smuggler and renegade.

Stormtroopers. She hated them with a passion, those filthy little clones from a filthy little bounty hunter. She wished for nothing more than ripping their heads off.

A snarl appeared on the woman's lips, making her blue eyes light up with fiery fury. Her red hair, framing her seething face, made her look like a fire-demon.

"Don't think things like that, Tani. These are not proper thoughts for a Jedi-to-be." Her Master's grave voice sent shivers down her spine. He always creeped her out when he did that, when he chastised her so abruptly.

She heard him chuckle through their mind-bond. "Your father said exactly the same thing when he was my Padawan."

"Did he survive the experience?"

"You know that better than anyone, young one."

"Wait for me in the next room, they are coming." She felt him leave the corners of her mind he usually touched when conversing with her, and she clicked the safety off her blaster.

"Come on, morons, let me show you how a Kenobi fights!"