Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story.

A/N: My first fanfic...please be gentile...:P...and of course...please review. Sorry if my grammar is bad...it's been years since i've read, writen or spoken english...


1. Arguments.

''Come in.'' Dumbledore said, from behind his oak desk.

''Headmaster.''she greated.

''Cybil, what can I do for you?''

''Well, you know how for years now, I wish to leave this post. There aren't many students who posess the inner eye you know, it is a bit frustrating, besides, that way I may be able to profecise as I whant to. Also with that half breed , I belive you have done a big mistake. Dark war is coming, I saw it in my cristal ball. This year will be full of death.''

As every year, before school term, Cybil Trelawney, was sitting in front of the headmaster, requesting her release fron the Divination teacher post, and as every year she would be refused.

''My dear Cybil, you know you are the best we have. Firenze is here just to cover the classes that you can not. You know that I belive you to be the best. Please reconsider your choice.''

''Well, if you put it that way...'' the bat-like woman said, standing and heading for the door, ''...I belive I can stay one more year, but next year it is necessary for me to leave. I have seen in my cristal ball the fate has a very big plan for me, and it is impossibe for me to imply it remaining here.''

''As you wish, next year...''

Dumbledore stopped talking and leaped from his chair. Cybil Trelawney was looking at him, but she was not seeing him, her eyes had become white, and her head had tilted backwards an angle or two. Dumbledore, of course, knew this posittion well enough, she was about to say a prophecy.

Fifteen minutes later, he was once again sitting in his chair, behind the desk, looking at a peace of parchment.

After a knock on the door, he lifted his eyes to see the Transfiguration professor enter his office.

''You whanted to see me, Albus?''

''Yes. I just finished a pleasant conversation with Cybil.''

''Not again...same as every year...'' McGonagall said rowling her eyes.

''Yes...but there is something else as well..'' Dumbledore said, handing the parchment to the other oprofessor.

''Oh...my...are you sure...is this real?''

''As sure as I am about the prophecy regarding Harry.''

''Do you know what it means?'' McGonagall asked, sitting in the chair facing the headmaster.

''I think I do...Have you sent the letters yet?''

''What does this have to do with that?''she asked, looking puzzled.

''You will understand.''

Hermione jumped off the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. She was sweating and panting. She felt like she couldn't breath. She had had a weird frightening nightmare, but she couldn't remember what it was about exactly. She just knew that it was terrifying, and it involved...Voldemort, and a baby...her baby. She was thinking about poor Harry, if she was like this after one nightmare, how would he feel like after having a nightmare like that every night.

Hermione lifted herself off the floor, and headed for the bathroom. She got in the shower, and allowed the hot water to wip her cold body. After that, she got dressed, and went to the kitchen. Sleep was a bit of a problem now. It was 5:30 in the morning, and in just a few hours she would be on her way to Hogwarts. Her last trip to the school.

Hermione tried to calm herself with a glass of water, she needeed to talk to Harry, or even Dumbledore, but what exactly would she tell them? She couldn't remember the dream, not all of it.

'It was just a nightmare, get a hold of yourself.' One thing she thought she remembered..something to do with Malfoy...Why would she be dreaming of Malfoy?...This is just crazy. She shook her head, and headed for her room to make sure she had everything she neaded...for the twentyeth time in the past two days. One week prior she had recived her letter, and found that she had been made Head Girl. A bit unusual for the letter to have arived this late, but she was happy... not that she thought she wouldn't be given the post.

Draco threw the covers off, and tried to calm himself. Was that a dream, or a vizion? He couldn't tell. And what had Granger to do with it? He knew he had seer blood, but he had never seen something like that. He needed to talk to someone...but who? He couldn't talk to his father...no...his mother maybe? He knew his mother wasn't too much disturbed with his father beeing a Death Eater, but would she help him...or spill everything to Lucius? He didn't know. He couldn't risk it. Maybe Dumbledore? Would that old cot belive him?

Draco shook his head and looked at the clock. 5:30. He growned and headed for the shower.

As usual, on first September, King's Cross was packed with students and parents. Hermione had just bid her parents goodbye and walked trough the barrier, to the platform 9 3/4. On the other side she was greated by a flash of dark hair and two strong arms lifting her in a bonecrushing hug.


''Sorry Mione, I've missed you.'' Harry Potter said setting her back on her feet, but not letting her go.

''Where are the others?'' Hermione asked, seeing that neither Ron, nor Ginny was with him.

''They should be here any minute now.''

''Were'nt you supposed to be at the Burrow?''

''I was...but about a month ago...Remus took me to Grimauld Place.''


''Um...training.'' Harry said, scraching the back of his head ,and looking at his feet.

Hermione was a little dissapointed, she knew he was lying. Why couldn't he tell her? He usually did tell her everything. 'Should I tell him about the dream?' Maybe.

''Ok...let's find a compartment. I have something to tell you.''

''Sure Mione, let's go.''

The train wasn't full yet, regarding they had at least thirty minutes to go. They walked to the back of the train, settled in one of the compartments, and Hermione casted a mufiato spell on them, so no one could hear them.

''What's wrong Mione?'' Harry asked, seeing her somewhat concerned.

''Have you had any dreams this summer? About Voldemort I mean.'' Hermione asked, taking the seat besides Harry, and facing him.

''Um...yea...yeah I had..One mostly.'' Harry answered looking at his hands and playing with the hem of his shirt.

''What was it about?''

''Don't really remember it...I know I saw Malfoy though..and...and you with... a baby...your baby...I think..''

When Harry looked up to meet her eyes, he panicked. Hermione's eyes were wide, and you could read the terror on her face.

''Hermione...what's wrong?'' Harry was terrified. What could have scared her like that?..Wait...Why did she asked about dreams in the first place?


''Mione, please talk to me...what's wrong?''

Hermione hadn't blinked. He tried to snap her out of it, he placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her.

''Mione, for Merlin's sake..what's wrong?''

''You think that that baby was mine?'' She asked, still looking at one point on the wall and not blinking.

''Mione..it was just a dream...that doesn't mean that something is going to happen...besides you don't even know what my dream was about...''

''I think I do.''

''What?'' Harry looked at her a little puzzled. How would she know. It's impossible.

''Mione it was a dream anyway...''

''Harry..how many dreams have you had about Voldemort..and you were able to say that they were just dreams?'' Hermione asked, now looking in his eyes.

''Um,...I think there were...a few...''

''Harry..you know as well as I do that every dream hat you had had turned out to be true.''

''Mione..anyway..you don't have a baby...and that could be years from now...And how is it that you know what my dream was about?''

''Well...I...I kinda...had the same dream this morning...'' Hermione said, looking at her hands.


''Harry...I know that something is going to happen...I'm sure...I don't know when...but I'm sure ...''

''Mione...don't worry now...I'm sure that if something happens it will be years from now. I'll be with you. Nothing will happen to you. I'll never allow it. You know that.'' Harry said, pulling Hermione, who had started to cry, in his arms, and caressing her hair and back.

''I know Harry...thank you. Do you think we should talk to Dumbledore?''

''If you whant to...we will...But I'm sure everything will be ok. If we see something, or hear something, wrong, we will go strait to him.''

''Ok...Don't tell Ron thouh.''

''What's going on?''

The compartment door swung open, and revealed a somewhat irritated Ron.

Seeing him, both Harry and Hermione, parted and looked embarased.

''Nothing.'' Hermione said.

''Nothing?...I certanly saw something. You were in his arms, and you're crying. Why?'' Ron asked, his face slowly gaining the same color as his hair.

''I'm not feeling ok...''

''So you had to throw yourself in Harry's arms?'' Ron shouted.

''Ron..we are not having this argument now...what the hell is wrong with you? What's your problem?'' Hermione shouted, shooting up from her seat.

An angry Hermione was a dangerous Hermione.

''Umm...sorry...nothing...I'm sorry.'' Ron said, suddenly palling and stepping backwards.

''Thought so. Now...If you need something I'll be in the Heads compartment. I won't be able to stay with you during the ride. Rules say that the Heads have their own compartment.''

''Wow...congratulation Mione...I knew you could do it.'' Ron smiled, and aproached her for a hug, but seeing a death glare on her face, he changed his mind and took the seat facing Harry.

''Thank you...I'll see you later... Bye.''

She waved to Harry, and left.