A/N This chapter along chapters two to seven have been rewritten. Because after re-reading them I felt they could be improved. Especially in the length of time since this was originally posted, I feel I have been able to write stronger stories, so felt it only right I update this one.

Some of the later chapters were originally short, I have tried to extend them. However, I don't think they've gotten hugely longer.

October 1969

Murdock's Huey was just being finished loading up when Hannibal, Face and B.A. walked over. Murdock was flying them near the border with the North for a three-day mission. In those three days Murdock wasn't allowed to leave the base. This told him that it was a very high-risk mission if he needed to stick around. Especially when he usually ran other missions while the team were off base.

As Hannibal passed Murdock, he heard Hannibal muttering his plan under his breath. This again told Murdock how high risk the upcoming mission was. If Hannibal was going over his plan again. Last night he heard Face and B.A. doing the same.

There were two things Murdock was unhappy with. The first being that he had to sit around and do nothing while his friends were in constant danger. Secondly, he wasn't aloud to have a co-pilot or at the very least a door gunner. All because it was so high-risk what they were about to do, the leaders on base didn't want to risk more lives than they had to. Face seemed to be reading Murdock's thoughts when he caught the pilot staring at the Huey.

"Seems a bit harsh. Making you go and come back without a co-pilot," said Face. Flickering his gaze from the Huey to Murdock.

Murdock tore his gaze from the Huey and looked at Face shrugging. "Ah, well Facey that's the price for being considered the best pilot on base. They think you are very good at flying a bird without any help. Even if you're injured."

"At the very least they could have given you a door gunner!" protested Face hotly. The thought of Murdock flying alone and unprotected did not sit well with him. Not. One. Bit.

"I have to agree with you there Faceguy, but who am I to disobey orders?" smirked Murdock, trying to keep the situation light. He didn't want his best friend worrying about him and taking his mind off the mission. That would not end well.

Face just patted Murdock on the shoulder as he climbed into the bird. There was nothing else he could say. As Murdock got into the pilot seat he didn't see the sympathetic glance he received from B.A., not even Face or Hannibal spotted it. Even though B.A. physically threatened Murdock about his flying every time he found himself seated in a helicopter with Murdock. He knew the risks the pilot would be taking for this mission. Murdock had the team acting as door gunners on the way to the LZ, but on the way back he would be completely alone.

Thirty minutes into the flight the team were nearing the LZ. The flight had been uneventful, but that only worried the team more. They knew the VC were on the ground, they just worried that when Murdock returned he would come under attack. Murdock seemed to sense this concerned attitude from the team.

"Don't worry guys, I'm taking a different route back," commented Murdock. His gaze never leaving the sky in front of him. He was known for careless flying on occasion, along with daredevil moves. This time however, he didn't want to take any risks. Something he was sure B.A. was very grateful for. Though it was tempting to get the bigger man riled up. It always brought a smile to his face hearing his friend come up with new and interesting ways to kill and or torture him with.

Murdock's comment only slightly calmed the tense feeling the team had. However, their uneventful flight was about to become a very eventful one.

All around the Huey could be heard the whizzing of bullets. Murdock began swerving the chopper sharply left and right, trying to make sure they didn't get hit. He also began rapidly talking into his radio, telling the base that he was under heavy fire.

"Am I still going to land the team sir?" asked Murdock into the radio. Behind him his friends were clinging desperately to the rigging around them. The grip in their hands so tight it actually hurt.

"That is a roger Captain. You are to land the team at the planned LZ for the mission to go ahead," came the reply. Face and B.A. looked at each other. They knew things were going to get a lot worse for Murdock on the return journey. If there was a return journey for their friend.

"You okay Captain?" asked Hannibal, leaning forward only to be flung back when the chopper sharply banked right. The team only saw the back on Murdock's helmet nod, as the pilot continued towards the LZ.

"You guys are gonna have to get out of the chopper fast so I can take off quick. Otherwise…" Murdock didn't need to continue for the team to know what he was going to say. They knew, that if they didn't get out quick there was no guarantee that Murdock would be able to take off before getting hit. Face climbed into the cockpit, along the way making sure he had a tight hold of something. Murdock threw him a quick glance, before looking down at the jungle below. Trying to avoid where the bullets were coming from.

"Stupid damn Generals! They're making us land in a hot spot!" exclaimed Face angrily. He glanced over at Murdock who only gave him a small, tight-lipped smile. Which did not encourage Face at all. Because when Murdock gave him one of those smiles it generally meant something bad was going to happen. With Murdock suffering the consequences.

Wide eyed he stared at his friend, "Murdock –"

"Don't Face." Interrupted Murdock as he strained with the controls. "It's an occupational hazard for a pilot. You guys just gotta get the mission done and hope I'm the one whose gonna be picking you up." Murdock's calm voice made Face gape in shock and of not knowing what to say. When suddenly there was a loud bang. Murdock briefly looked around and then back to the controls.

"We've been hit bad gentlemen. It has been a pleasure flying with you," commented Murdock in a tone that somehow mixed seriousness and humour together. "Grab the parachutes and get out!" The humour had bled from the pilot's voice, highlighting to the others that the situation was deadly serious. Especially as Murdock had never had them bail out before.

Hannibal staggered up to the cockpit and leaning over Murdock's seat, he said seriously. "We're not leaving you Murdock."

B.A. had joined Hannibal and added, "Yeah fool. I may gripe you about your flying, but I ain't letting you go down alone."

Face turned to Murdock and calmly stated, "We're a team. We all go out or not at all."

Murdock gave them a half-hearted smile and responded quietly, "You gotta stick with your unit." Hannibal, Face and B.A. each put a hand on Murdock's shoulder in reply. They all quickly removed their hands when Murdock lurched forward to pull up on the controls, to make sure they landed as safely as possible. Hannibal and B.A. hastily made their way back to their seats, while Murdock started muttering words to a song he knew. One, the others knew, he sang to keep himself calm and they weren't in any hurry to stop him.

Everyone braised for the crash they knew was coming.

Suddenly they all lurched forward in their seats as they hit the ground. They all sat in silence for a moment. The only sound was the distant gunfire, along with the creaking and groaning of the downed Huey.

Face, Hannibal and B.A. got out of the chopper as Murdock shut down the controls, then joined the others. As they surveyed the wreckage they knew they were dammed lucky to be standing without a scratch on them. Which they all knew was down to Murdock's flying that saved them. Especially as Murdock had managed to land in a small clearing in the thick jungle. They all shuddered thinking of the deadlier situation they would have been, with branches getting caught in the rotors had the clearing not been there.

"Well looking at the map we're a mile and a half from the LZ," commented Murdock. It went without saying that Murdock would now be joining them for the mission. Which actually wasn't the first time. This had happened twice before when other choppers had been shot down. Although not in such of a hostile situation as now. Also, as Murdock's presence would be missed they knew a replacement pilot would be sent out, to pick them up at the prearranged place.

At the snap of a twig they all crouched low to the ground, and in the trees they saw the unmistakable VC uniform. Murdock turned to Face with a grimace, and then murmured. "This does not look good."