A/N: Quick explaination about the chicken nuggets; it's something from a tumblr blog. Tavros thinks chicken nuggets are alive and in danger or something. I don't know how it started, but it's kind of funny. Go check them out - their url is familystuck.

"John, what the hell is that."

I, John Egbert, have just drawn a dick on my paper.

Upon realising this, I hastily add a pair of eyes and a mouth and show it to the angry teen sitting next to me.

"It's you! Haha!" I laugh nervously, trying to cover up my mindless doodle. John, you're so smooth. When did you get this smooth? It's shocking. You're like a brand new clam shell some four-year-old found on the beach.

Karkat just scowls at me, then continues his homework. I sigh.

"Because you can be a dick," I explain.

"Yeah, I got that. Shut up." He doesn't even look up from his paper.

We are currently lazing about my living room, him on the couch and me on the floor, studying together. Or attempting to. I just keep spacing out. It is currently six-thirty p.m. I look over at Karkat, wondering what he is thinking about. Probably punching someone in the face. Probably Sollux. Yep, sounds about right.

"Are you thinking about punching Sollux in the face?"



I pick up my pencil again, the accursed pencil that forced me to draw a penis on my now invalid math paper. You disappoint me, pencil. I disown you. With that, I throw my pencil across the room. Karkat gives me a shocked, yet ticked off look, which I ignore. I'm hungry.

"I'm hungry, KK." I complain.

"Go eat." He dismisses my complaint.

"If I could just go eat, I wouldn't be complaining." I roll onto my back and look up at him, twisting my neck in an uncomfortable, but duable way.

"Yes you would." He grumbles.

"That's not fair." I pout.

"What's your problem now, why can't you go eat?" He finally looks down at me.

"...I forgot to go shopping." I admit.

"What the fuck, John, I told you to go shopping yesterday! How're we supposed to eat?" He exclaims angrily.

Karkat is staying at my apartment for the time being because his room mate, Gamzee, is currently on a rampage and ready to kill anything in sight. I keep asking Karkat if we should try to help him, but his answer is always the same. 'He's beyond help.' It makes me kind of sad that I can't help out a friend, but I guess that's how life works sometimes.

"Taco Bell?" I suggest, smiling.

"Fuck Taco Bell. That shit's gross." He frowns. But he's always frowning. So he just frowns more.

"McDonalds?" I try again.

"Tavros cries whenever we eat McDonalds."

"Hey, I can't help that I love chicken nuggets. Arby's?"


"Jack in the Box?"


"In & Out Burger?"


"Oh my god, Karkat! Stop being so picky! I'm hungry and all I want to do is eat, so pick something or get out!"

He stares at me wide-eyed, not used to my yelling. But it's normal to get angry when you're hungry, so he should shut his mouth. Or, eyes. He blinks and recomposes himself, clearing his throat.

"Panda Express." He says.

"Panda Express?" I clarify.

"That's what I just fucking said, Panda Express."

"It's settled then, we'll go to Panda Express."


Never go to Panda Express with Karkat.