Name - Rose POV

The moment I stepped in platform nine and three quarters for the first time, enthusiasm filled me completely. Not that I was not already excited of course, I had read Hogwarts, A Historymore than ten times, and wanted to enter the Express from the first moment I heard of Hogwarts for the first time, when I was small. I remember my father telling stories of when he, mum and uncle Harry were at Hogwarts. I also remember dreaming about the first day I would set foot in that magical place that has enchanted me ever since. But really being about to embark there, was totally different.

I almost jumped off Albus when I saw him coming to the platform with the rest of the Potter clan. He has been my best friend since always. We fantasized together on the day we were going into Hogwarts since we learned to talk.

- Heeey. Calm down Rose, you'll kill my brother like that. - I heard James say.

Well, for him it's easy, right? He is already at Hogwarts! I remember one day geting a letter from James when we were all having lunch at grandparents' Weasleys house, where he wrote proudly that he had entered into Gryffindor.

I let out of Albus without being able to wipe the smile from my face.

- Albus, it's today! - I began to hopping around him, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

He laughed, though he seems to have a worried face.

- Yeah. And you're already with your uniform and everything!

I smiled even more proud to wear my uniform.

- If you don't get into Gryffindor, I'll disown you. - I heard my father say - But no pressure.

My eyes bulged with fear, as I turned to face my father.

- Ron! - rebuked my mother.

I heard Lily and Hugo laugh, but I wasn't liking the joke at all, and began to get really worried. And if I didn't get into Gryffindor? I glanced at Albus and I noticed that he was concerned, with the same face as me.

- He is not serious. - assured my mother and aunt Ginny, but I really didn't believe them.

I saw my daddy waving to uncle Harry in the direction of my back.

- Look who it is! - I heard my father say, as I was certifying for the thousandth time that I had brought all that was needed in the trunk - So that's little Scorpius.

The penny dropped when I heard his name for the first time. Sure I have heard of the Malfoys, more than once from my family, I had read about them in numerous books about the Wizarding War. What happens is that I had never heard the name of their son, not only once in all my eleven years. It was always the son of the Malfoys, junior ferret, or oxygenated blond son.

I refused to turn my head to look at him, after all, my father told me to stay away, to have better grades than him and never talk to him. That would certainly be an easy task for me, it was anything special besides ignoring a boy among the many who would be at Hogwarts.

But I must admit that the name floated in my head for a long time.

More time that I would like to admit.

A/N: Okay, then this is the first of forty two planed chapters for now D: I hope you enjoy *-* I have high expectations for this long fic. :D

So, if you liked it review or something, just for me to know that you're following :D I'll update soon.