A/N: Hey guys! :D I'm back with yet another fanfic. Though the Prologue isn't long, the chapters will be. This story is a bit dark and sad, so read at your own risk lol. It is a Warriors Fanfic, though, it doesn't center around any of the Clans, but instead, a cat who calls herself, "Stray." So anyways, that's enough of my rambling, enjoy the story :D


No regrets 'cause I got nothin to lose
Ever stray!
So I'm gonna live my life as I choose
Until I fall..."

-Lyrics from "Wolf's Rain" opening theme


It was cold and damp the day I was born. Though, if you asked me what day I was born or where I came from, I wouldn't be able to answer you. I don't remember much about my past while I was young or where I came from. The only thing I do know is what I am and that I, myself, am the bane of my existence. Why am I such a downer you ask? Well, let me explain it to you simple and easy. The purpose of my existence was to suffer. Not enough of an explanation for you? Then, let's put it this way. I have no home, no family, no friends, nothing. I was born a stray cat.

I've been from place after place after place, trying to find myself and why it is that I exist.

Life has always been an "up-down-ride" for me. I never once had just a steady ride in life. At one point or another, I belonged to a group of strays within a twolegplace not far from where the sun sets beyond a large vast of water. My place was not there though. I had to leave and find somewhere else to live. I had to move on.

I've been caught by twolegs and taken to a place where many other cats slowly disappear from the metal cages they keep us in. I wasn't naïve. I knew what happened to the others, like me, who were unwanted. When my turn had come, I managed to get away and out an opening in the wall. Since then, I had been more careful about the twolegs.

So here I am now. Living within the streets of a twolegplace near some sort of forest. Every night my home is different. I move wherever I feel is more safe, secure. My name? I don't have a name. I have been many things by others. Though, there is only thing I refer to myself by. And that is Stray.