AN/Disclaimer: This randomly came to me and I don't own nothing! (hah I can get away with that by sounding like I have bad grammer but that means I do own Alex Rider! Fine, I don't)

"Practicing my boy scout skills"

"What type of boy scout skills Tom?"

"Fire making"

"Why are you using my head?'

"Hair catches on fire very easily"

"Will you please put my hair out Tom?"

"But I haven't got that far in the Boy Scout handbook"

"Do it"


"Tom flip the page"

"Hey what do you know putting fires out is on the next page"

"So will you please put my head out?"

"But that's not as much fun"


"Fine I'll do it"



"You're not a real boy scout"

"I know"

"Then why was my hair on fire?"


"That's what I thought Tom"