
Chapter 2

I feel as though I've been falling for what felt like hours. Opening my eyes, I woke to see a place I hadn't been before. It was much like a muggle's office in one of those dramas about a high-ranking employee in a major company, it had that feeling of importance, but it was completely white. I'm starting to panic thinking that the reset went awry and start to get out of my seat when the door opens.

I look behind me to see who it is and I'm surprised to see a woman that looks so much Amelia Bones, she even had the monocle.

"Madam Bones?" I ask out of shock.

"Yes, Mr. Potter, I am Amelia Bones. I know it must be disconcerting to see someone who has been dead for 38 years, but I was chosen as someone who you respected in your lifetime and am now your guide in your next endeavour."

"Your going to help me sort my life out?" I ask thinking that she must have better things to do than help me.

"Yes Mr. … can I just call you Harry, you can just call Amelia as we're going to be here a while?" I nod in response, not trusting my voice. "Good, now Harry, just to let you know so you don't panic, your ritual did work perfectly and you aren't dead. We just decided to interfere in the process. It's not affecting it, it's just been paused for the time being so that I would be able to talk to you."

I sigh in relief knowing that I'm not dead and I'm going to be able to do what I set out to do. "So what did you want to talk to me about Mad… Amelia?"

She opens her desk draw and pulls out a very big file. "Harry, your life, as you know, has been FUBARed by most of the people that you believed to be friends, family and mentors, namely Dumbeldore, Molly, Ron and Ginny Weasley. You found out most of their manipulations in your time going through all of Dumbledore's notes and during the Weasleys' trial." She opens the file and flips through it to a certain page. "Read this page, Harry then you will know all of the things they fucked up in your life." She turns the file around so that I could read it.

Reset No. 00267

Name: Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin

Age at time before reset: 54 Years 2 Months 15 Days

Arranged reset date: October 31st 1994 (Aged 14 Years 3 Months)

Reasons for Reset

-Lifelong manipulations

-As a child, received physical, psychological and emotional abuse

-Placed in danger for 17 years directly by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

-Kept from achieving full potential for 30 years [Intelligence blocking, Magical Core Blocker (removed at age 31) and malnourishment for 17 years] by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Severus Tobias Snape, Molly Prewitt Weasley, Ronald Bilius Weasley and Ginevra Molly Weasley

-Kept from Soul Mates for 30 years, namely Hermione Jean Granger-Ravenclaw, Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass and Susan Katherine Bones.

-Knowledge kept from Lord Potter-Black-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin, which caused difficulties during the Second Blood War.

Powers, Abilities and Affinities

-Magical Power Rating (MPR): 40,062 (Mage+) (Most powerful being recorded*)

-Demonic abilities (BLOCKED**)

-Natural Occlumens (BLOCKED)

-Natural Legilimens (BLOCKED)

-Wandless Magic


-Resistance to control (eg Imperius Curse, Veela Allure) [Due to long-term subconscious possession (Horcrux: Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr.)]

-Resistance to Potions, Poisons (BLOCKED)

-Affinity for Parselmagic

-Affinity for Defence Against the Dark Arts

-Affinity for Dark Magic (Through extensive usage) (Immune to seduction from the Dark Arts) (Balanced by Light Magic)

-Affinity for Light Magic (Through extensive usage)

-Affinity for Potions (BLOCKED) (Poor Teacher: Severus Tobias Snape)

-Affinity for Charms (Through extensive usage)

-Affinity for Runes/Runic Magic (Through extensive usage)

-Affinity for Sex Magic/Rituals (Potter Family Magic)

*: Mage rating starts at 2,500

**: Demonic Abilities can only be blocked by Family Members and can only be unblocked by Family Member or through magical bonding with Soul Mate(s)

I'm stunned to say the least; I mean me being more powerful than Voldemort and Dumbledore combined and so many of my abilities being blocked, not to mention that I have Demonic abilities. "What the hell?" I ask intelligently.

"I know it was a bit of a shock to me as well, there haven't been any demons in hundreds of years. But it isn't a shock that they mixed with humans, they were known to rape humans at the time." Amelia added thoughtfully.

"I'm not going to turn into a full fledged demon and start raping innocent women, am I? I asked, truly scared of the consequences of my demon heritage.

"Oh no, it goes so far back in your bloodline that you'll only gain muscle tone, and certain other attributes." She said with an exaggerated tone and a wry smile.

"Is that the reason for the sex magic?"

"Yes, that is a part of it as well as the fact that due to all of your family's harems they have had due to the inherent lust factor the demonic aura has. It put all of their carnal activities to good use as well as the fact it made the women horny as hell."

"Ok, I never thought I'd hear you of all people say that, I mean you were so prim and proper and the head of the DMLE when you were alive." I said incredulously.

"Yes, well they never really tell those out of the Badger's Den, but the secret of the Hufflepuffs is that we are as randy as rabbits. We are termed as the Hufflesluts to all those who know of the secret. We work hard and we play hard."

That really brought me up short. I decided to change the subject. "So… um, how are we gonna go about changing my life?"

"Wait a moment, please I need to fetch something for you." She said with a glint in her eye, which Harry failed to notice.

'This is gonna take a lot of getting used to, I mean if I decide to go for all three of them, then that would I'm going to be with Susan as well. And if what Amelia told me is true, and Susan was the Queen of 'Puff… I got to know her on my time in the Wizengamot and got her to be my proxy for the seats along with Neville and Daphne… Daphne, she's going to be a part of it too along with Hermione. I know I'm going to see her soon, but I wanna see Hermione right now.'

"Ha-Harry is that you?" I know that voice. That sweet, angelic voice.

"Hermione?" I jump out of the chair I'm in to see the one person I did all of this for.

"HERMIONE!" I run over to her and wrap in up in my arms and hold on to her for dear life. I pull back; I see that doesn't look a day past 30. She has tears in her eyes and I know that I have too. She gives me the brightest smile I have ever seen from her and I just have to kiss those gorgeous lips. I duck my head and plant my lips on hers for the most passion filled kiss I have ever given.

She moans into my mouth and she kisses back without hesitation and moulds herself to my body.

Its two minutes later that we have to come up for air.

"Oh my god 'Mione I missed you so much. 24 years and now you're here…" I choke out through my tears of unbridled joy. "I spent 24 years to hold you in my arms again and tell you I love you, and I couldn't bloody do it all the way back in fourth year."

"I know Harry, I've been watching all this time, I didn't pass on so I could be with you so we could go on together, but we're gonna go back. Harry, we're going to back and make everything all better!" She exclaims through tears of her own and holding my face with both hands. She gives sweet peck on the lips filled with as much emotion as our first kiss.

"I know. And it's the greatest thing ever to happen to me." I said with my first smile in years.

Amelia clearing her throat brought us out of our revelry. "I'm really sorry to break this up, but we do need to get to business again." She said with a hint of tears in her eyes.

We go to sit in my vacated chair, and Hermione sits in my lap. "Of course, Amelia, I want to get this over with as soon as possible so I can get back to what I was doing with 'Mione quicker." I say eliciting a giggle from 'Mione, something I'd never heard her do before, but I want to hear every day for the rest of my existence.

"Yes, Harry, I am going to be giggling for however long you want me to."

"Mione, how did you hear that? I was only thinking that?" I asked with not a little bit of shock.

"Really? That's odd?" She turns to Amelia and asks inquisitively, "Amelia is this part of the soul bond we have?"

Amelia' smile brightened at that. "I knew you'd get it straight away, Hermione. Yes, due to your soul bond, you now have intricate knowledge of your partner's thoughts, you will be able to read each other's thoughts and now all of the abilities that you have read in your file have been unlocked and passed onto Hermione. Except for the Demonic abilities, to get those, you two, you're going to have to bond in the land of the living to unlock those and allow Hermione to receive them."

That piqued my interest. "Sorry Amelia, I forgot to ask about the Demonic stuff. What exactly do those abilities entail?"

"I was wondering when you would bring that up. Well, the first ability is that you'll have a greater resistance to spells, you will be able to phase, which is a magical transportation that is very difficult to ward against, and… well, due to the increased amount of sexual hormones, your body will develop to accommodate each other's lust." She informed us with her eyes glazing over slightly towards the end.

Hermione pitched in with her thoughts. "So we'll be able to get around quicker, be able to resist curses easier and because we'll be so horny, my tits and his cock will be of a greater size and we'll have better stamina and staying power?"

"Wow 'Mione, I'd say life's gonna be pretty great from hereon out. Wait is that why I've got more than one soul mate?" Getting a nod from Amelia, I turned back to Hermione, I ask, "'Mione are you okay with the fact that I'm going to be bonding with Daphne and Susan when we go back?"

Blushing, Hermione replied, "Yes, Harry, I'm more than okay with that. You'll find that the saying "It's Always The Quiet Ones"? Well that applies to me. My family has always been open… sexually."

That was something I NEVER thought I'd hear from my perfect little bookworm. "Wh-wh-what do you mean exactly 'Mione?"

Looking away sheepishly, she collected herself and calmly responded, "My parents were very open about their sexual escapades, which in turn made me very open to sexual acts. I have had many bi-sexual fantasies, some have even included my own mother and once or twice we have acted on those urges."

"Wow. I-I-I don't really…" I took a calming breath and continued. "None of that really matters. We have each other and I know that in our world incest isn't a problem, it's just… with Ron did you ever… do things which broached those bi-fantasies?"

"No, Ron was a complete tool, not to mention the fact that he was tiny and could barely get it up. He would never have enough stamina for some of my more… hopeful fantasies." She said with an impish grin.

I start grinning at the thoughts coming over the bond, but we needed to get back to the matter at hand so she could fulfil those fantasies. "'Mione we need to get back on track" I look back at Amelia and she had that glazed look again. "Amelia!"

That got her out of her daydream. "Huh, wha… Oh right, right, so Hermione's is okay with everything. Now I just got word that Neville and Luna have found you and because the time runs quicker you have had your funeral. It was quite a turnout. But what can you expect for the saviour of their world. I assume you don't want to know about it?" Getting a negative response, Amelia continued. "Now Neville and Luna have found your work and if the fates align they will come back with you, and they may be able to get Daphne and Susan to come with them as well. They may come back a bit later, so you may want to set a signal from them so you know if they are back."

"Mione what do you think the signal should be?"

"Well, Neville can just pull us aside in the Common Room, Luna can come up to us and ask if we want a Quibbler as that never happened, wait when are we going back, Harry?"

"We're going to end up in the morning of 31st October 1994." I asked remembering my rune sequences.

"Okay, we can get Luna to offer a Quibbler. Daphne and Susan can talk to me in either the closest Runes or Arithmancy class."

"That reminds me I need to change my subjects and get out of Divination." This gained a radiant smile from Hermione and a quick peck on the lips.

"Alright now that's sorted out, we can send you on your way. When you return, you will both wake up at midnight on the 31st of October 1994. So try to be quiet and go to the Room of Requirements before you unblock the Demonic Powers, as it will get very… hectic. And you can tell those who you believe you can truly trust, so Hermione's parents, Sirius, Remus, and you have to get Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks reinstated into the Black family and get Narcissa's marriage revoked. But here's the downside, Voldemort has to return in the Graveyard, but you can get Pettigrew while you're there."

I was very sceptical at those last requests, especially about letting Voldemort rise, but knowing I could capture Pettigrew and get Sirius free made it easier to swallow.

That's not the only thing I'm going to swallow love!

Mione! You cheeky minx!

"You really don't wanna do that while I'm around." Amelia deadpanned.

"Holy Shit! You can hear us when we do that?" Hermione blurted out.

"From time to time, I can do it but I promise it'll only be for something really important."

"Make sure you don't do it a lot. Is that all for the time being?" I really did not want her to do what I think she's going to do.

"I just need to know one thing about how you are going to go about things this time around and to tell you something about soul bonds." Amelia asked hoping they would do things and be able to do it with no large amount of trouble.

"I read a lot about the soul bonds effects on the witch or wizard, so would this be about when I finish the bond, we'll be legally married and classed s legal adults?" I asked hoping that's all we needed to hear from her.

"Y-yes, ho-how did you know?" She asked truly shocked.

"Well, I had just found out about the bonds and wanted to know everything about the bonds. But I really had no idea about the telepathy between the bon mates though.

"Now onto the traitors, I'm going to cripple Dumbledore, financially and politically… maybe physically too, Dark magic is good for stuff like that." I said with a wry grin and elicit a chuckle from Hermione and Amelia, "Snape, I'm gonna get him fired, get his mastery revoked by the education board, and then I'm gonna send him to some frozen tundra. He might like being in someplace that's as cold as his heart is. Ginny… I'm going destroy the bitch, socially and then physically. That bitch is going to really to regret thinking of taking 'Mione from me. Molly and Ron I'm gonna leave to 'Mione. All of those images of torture and death are making me feel she can handle it better than me." I said with a dark gleam in my eyes which was mirrored in 'Mione's who had an image of fried weasel.

"Excellent, I will, probably only contact you on matters of the Wizengamot and other legal matters. Now, if you'd traverse through that door to the side," A door appeared off to the side and opened revealing a shining bright light.

Hermione and myself vacated our chair. I took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and brought her hand up to my lips and kissed her knuckles. We started forward before I turned back, "Amelia are you coming with the others?" Receiving a reassuring smile and a nod from our guide and turned to 'Mione, "Well love get our new life on the road."

"Yes my love, lets hurry up so we can…" She reached up and licked my earlobe, which sent a pleasurable jolt up my spine. We ran to the light and our new past.