Title: For Such A Time As This - Prologue

Rating: PG13 prolly eventually

Author: Angel - http://www.geocities.com/ninthsaturn

Summary: The ending of the Scorpion King changed and expanded upon. The O'Connells meet up with some strange people that look very familiar. Almost too familar.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Mummy or it's characters. But I would give a whole heck of a bunch to own Imhotep and Ardeth. ;-)


That bastard! Rick O'Connell thought when the High Priest of Osiris went down on one knee and implicated him as the only enemy that this giant bug had to worry about. Not that Rick had expected Imhotep to fight fairly, but the least he could do was be honest for once in his heaven forsaken life. But the ex-Legionnaire didn't really have time to stew about it, what with this huge and slightly more than very hideous perversion of what a human being was supposed to look like...

The Scorpion King looked down on O'Connell and advanced, taking the word of Imhotep. But Rick was used to situations like these, right? No sweat. Just kill the bad guy and save his family (not to mention the world--again) from the grasp of certain death.

Easier said than done. Each and every time he did it. A large tail was heading his way, so being the observant and quick-witted man he was, O'Connell ran. Like hell. He idly wondered what on earth the world was going to do against both this Scorpion King and Imhotep together. "Just great," Rick growled to himself, trying as hard as his body would allow to find a way out of this death trap.

But suddenly he wasn't alone with the priest and the beast. An almost blinding light filled the room and O'Connell had to stop himself from crashing into a huge pillar. All he needed was another stupid something to worry about. And yet curiosity stopped him where he was and he turned to behold whatever it was that chose now to interrupt the little party. "Ho-ly son of a cow," issued from his lips as he gazed.

In the center of the room and looking pleased with himself was...another Scorpion King. A man, fully human, with long hair and muscles bigger than Ardeth's. He was armed to the teeth with ancient weaponry and was poised ready to use it. To Rick's satisfaction Imhotep also looked unnerved by this recent turn of events. The newcomer ignored the giant bug version of himself and pointed at O'Connell, shouting something only God understood the meaning of.

Then both man and bug took off, the man towards him and the bug intercepting Imhotep. The priest's little ruse was up now and he, like Rick was now doing, ran towards the exit. But Rick was too concerned with his own safety to see about stopping the priest from escape. If the bug didn't kill him, he'd take care of it later. But then something stopped him again, dead in his tracks. The voice of an angel. His angel. "Riiick!"

O'Connell whipped around and gasped, seeing both Evelyn and Anck-su-namun trapped at another entrance together. His heart leapt at seeing his beloved alive and well, but now was so not the time for last minute rescues. "Evy!" he cried out, well aware of the fully human Scorpion King's proximity.

Imhotep was now backed against a wall, a look of fear written on his golden face. Rick smirked at that and dodged the Scorpion King's blow. "Anck-su-namun!" he could hear being called along with other Egyptian words. But Rick was busy at the moment and couldn't watch the priest and his little witch fight.

"Evy, get the hell out of here!" he shouted, but Evy was already on her way, dagger poised to fight this muscle bound maniac. She tossed the knife to her husband, nearly slicing his leg. Rick backed up and grabbed the dagger.

The Scorpion King smiled and stood before O'Connell in a very aggressive stance. His eyes almost seemed enraged with personal hatred. He briefly heard the strangled cry of Imhotep, a heart broken shout of his lover's name. "Come on," Rick encouraged the man before him, certain that this was it.

But before he could do anything a round of shots rang out from behind. Someone was firing a Thompson at the new Scorpion King. It knocked him back in time for someone to grab Rick and jerk him away. Then a figure ran past him as he was dragged out from the room of death. A woman he could see from the shape. "Evy," he breathed, knowing that his wife was now in grave peril. He tried to fight free of the man holding him, but the cold feeling of a gun pressed against his head stopped him.

His heart sank as they broke out into the daylight. How his wife was going to survive was beyond him. "Alex," he coughed as he was pushed to the ground roughly. "Stay and I will get your family," a voice said. It was Ardeth.

"You stupid son of a..." he began to say, pulling himself up to ask why the Med-Jai had endangered Evy. But Ardeth had already disappeared. Well, Rick wasn't about to just stay out here and let Evy fend for herself. He began for the temple once more, ready to lose his life to save his wife and child.

Two shadows began to emerge from the darkness of the entrance. "I'll get Alex," Evy assured the other...but then it was Evy who tumbled into the light. It didn't make sense. The other had gone back in.

"Rick," Evelyn said, pulling herself up. Her face was very worried and very bothered. "What on earth is going on? She told me to stay out here or I'd get shot. Rick, she sounded just like me!"

Before O'Connell could say anything to reassure his beloved that there was a logical explanation, a small voice cried out from the darkness. "Dads!"

Rick didn't hesitate to run inside, calling, "Alex!" as he did so. They met halfway, Jonathan and Ardeth... "What the hell did you do to your hair?" was the first thing that Rick could think to say.

The Med-Jai pointed a gun straight at Rick, his face grave and no nonsense. "Get your family and get out of here! Now!" When O'Connell hesitated the man sent a bullet flying past him into the wall. "Go!"

There was no getting past him without getting shot. That was certain. Rick's eyes grew hard as he picked his boy up and growled, "Let's go. Come on, Jonathan." Obviously there was not going to be a question and answer session any time soon.

The four of them exited and Evy widened her eyes as the sight of an old friend pointing a gun. "Ardeth, what are you doing?" she asked. Her eyes traveled him over in questioning.

Out in the sun the family could get a better look at their Med-Jai friend. There were some very noticeable changes to him. His hair was shorter and his clothes were very different, but the most obvious change of all was the tattoos on his face. They were gone. His eyes were fixed on the temple entrance, but he still held the small gun ready in case he needed it.

They didn't wait long before someone else began to emerge from the cave. Imhotep. The priest came forth, his eyes extremely annoyed and his back bent backwards slightly. There was a gun to his head. "Let's get the hell out of here," a female voice said.

Rick gaped when she stepped from behind the creature. Her - dark blue? - hair was cut at her chin and completely straight and her clothes were decidedly revealing in certain ways. A holster was at her hips and she carried herself with a commanding presence. Still pointing the gun at Imhotep, the near mirror image of his wife hissed, "In case you've all forgotten there are two very pissed off creatures of the underworld heading this way! Let's move!"

No questions asked at that little encouragement, they ran. Rick wasn't exactly sure where they were going, but all he could do was pray that these two strange people knew what they were doing. The angry screams from behind incited him to obey - for the time being - and run like there wasn't going to be a tomorrow.


Well, since my other story is nearly complete, I thought I'd go ahead and post this. Dunno how this is gonna be taken or if I'm gonna continue it, but I thought I'd put it forth to see if anyone thought it was interesting enough to merit more. I shall even endeavor to make my usually long chapters shorter. :O