Reviews for For Such A Time As This
Iaveina chapter 7 . 10/2/2006
-Iaveina groans- I'd love just to read this whole story now, as I LOVE it so much...but I have school in the morning and I should have been in bed an hour ago...oops?

P I'll continue tomorrow!
Lula1 chapter 17 . 10/30/2002
Hey...where have I been? I didn't even know that you posted this last chapter...geez...must have been in the twilight zone or

I loved the ending! Wonderful...heartwarming...a and funny...very well intermixed...

Izzy is too funny...not too happy that Jonathan got a gift and he didn'

Great story, Angela...I'm sorry to see it ending...but oh've got another one up your sleeve...I just know it...

Marcher chapter 17 . 10/30/2002
Awww! Big cheesey grins and fuzzy feelings all through the good-byes! So sad to this story end, but it was a great read...and the chopper was cool! My favourite had to be jealous Rick considering how difficult it would be to kick Ardeth's pretty boy butt! Thanks for a fun ride! :D
Deana chapter 17 . 10/27/2002
WOO HOO! I loved the end! Awesome story, Angela! WOO HOO! The last line was especially cool. "Uh uh. The future's ours." Great job! ;)
Deana chapter 16 . 10/26/2002
LOL Evy with blue hair. I still think that is so funny. Way cool. Great chap! Post the last one! QUICK! ;)
Lula1 chapter 16 . 10/26/2002
Well finally! LOL...I was wondering when the next chapter of this awesome story was coming...

Incredible action...excellent detailing...I love this story!

As always, Angela, you do such a magnificent job in projecting the images we see in your is as we are standing by our heroes and nemesis' alike...fighting along side you just imagine it? LOL)

Can't wait for the next chapter...

Marcher chapter 16 . 10/26/2002
WOW! So exciting...but so sad. You have such a knack for making me cry for Imhotep. Don't keep us waiting for the final showdown,please!
Deana chapter 15 . 9/9/2002
Oh my gosh! You obviously kept writing after I went to bed last night! WOO HOO! MORE! MORE! MORE! ;)
Lula1 chapter 15 . 9/9/2002
I love this story! At first I was a little then I realized that they made it back...great!

I thought that was really funny...where Rick is like "Imhotep has a why would Rick want to ride in anything Imhotep is loved that!

Can't wait for's wonderful...!
Marcher chapter 15 . 9/9/2002 the beginning of this chapter you had me questioning where I was up and I had go check the reviews to make sure...then I realized...hey, time machine! They can land where ever they want to! DOH!

Cool chapter. Rick even gets a second chance!:)
Karri chapter 14 . 8/26/2002
Very exciting chapter, Angela! I hope you whip out the next chapter. I'm anxious to see what happens now that the spell has been read.
Marcher chapter 14 . 8/25/2002
Oooooh, just love it! And what a place to end the chapter! I love Aaron, don't kill him!

Jonathan really watched quite a few movies, didn't he? hehehe, very funny. Oh, and it was nice to see that Rick wasn't dead...yet.
lareinemargot chapter 14 . 8/24/2002
nice job- as always- what else can I say?

Blessed Be,

Deana chapter 14 . 8/24/2002
Ack! You finally wrote the battle, and I was snoozing away! LOL! Cool scene! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love seeing Ardeth in action! YAY! Write more! ;) LOL your note was funny! ;)
Lula1 chapter 14 . 8/24/2002
Oh such action! It was just awesome...!

I think that was great that Rick was very pleased to find out that Imhotep had hidden Alex. I just wonder what smart little quips Alex would have for Mathayus if he were there...just can hear it, Alex smarting off to him...LOL

Oh and, what a dirty dog! I mean scorpion..LOL!

Thats not fair fighting, at least I don't think so. Rick's hands tied behind his back and Mathayus whupping up on him...what's the matter with him? Does he think he "might lose" if Rick

was untied...? That part makes me want to jack-slap that ole Scorpion King...LOL What a jerk!

I sure hope that Ardeth and Co. get back to the proper time to help and defeat the Scorpion King before the Anubis warriors do Rick in...

Oooooh! The suspense is killing me! Please, some more soon, huh!

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