A/N: What is Patricia about Eddie when she can't talk? My best guess. E/P. Spoilers for House of Silence/House of Klaxons, so don't read if you haven't seen it. Dialogue will probably be a little off. I'll try to keep it as close to the real thing as possible. One-shot.

Disclaimer: I don't own HOA, nor will I ever.

If Only You Could Hear Me

I watched the party going on, but had no inclination to join in. I couldn't make a sound, save for sighing. A lot of fun that would be. But, I didn't blame Nina (much). She didn't know what would happen.

Then, he walked in. Eddie. He scanned the room quickly, finding his target. Me. When he walked over, he had that small, but cautious smile, the one he wore when he wanted to be careful what he said to me.

"Are you ignoring me?" he asked. I went to stand, but he gave me that pleading look he was oh so good at. "Wait. Just hear me out. Please." I sighed as he sat down.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kept secrets," he dropped his voice, "about my dad. I should have been more honest with you. What do you say?" He smiled when I said nothing. "Permission to start yakking." I opened my mouth, trying desperately to form words. I'm sure I looked like a fish out of water. He sighed, giving me the 'you're impossible' look.

"You're ignoring me?" He gave a sarcastic chuckle. "Real mature." With that, he walked away. I could imagine him rolling his eyes. I wanted to call after him, but of course I couldn't. I slumped back against the couch, totally bummed. Thanks a lot, Nina, I thought bitterly.


I was leafing through one of the many magazines spread out on my bed, but not really reading them. My mind was elsewhere. More specifically, it was focused on an insanely irritating, but annoyingly adorable someone. Three guesses as to who.

But you know that old saying, speak of the devil and the devil shall appear? That proved true. After a small rap on the door, Eddie looked in slowly. When he saw I was alone, he walked in. I stood.

"Look, this is the last attempt I'm going to make, Patricia. Okay? I've apologized. I admitted I like you, which you know wasn't easy for me. And I genuinely believe somewhere, deep down, you like me too. Come on! You're killing me! What do I have to do to get a reaction out of you?" There was a slightly desperate side to his voice. I couldn't let him slip away! So, I did the only thing that I could think of that would effectively tell him how I felt.

Quickly, I pressed my lips to his. After the initial shock, he kissed me back. When we broke apart, he smiled.

"That'll work." With that, he kissed me again, but we were cut short by a familiar voice.

"Wow! Okay, walking into the room now" We pulled apart quickly.

"Great timing, Joy," Eddie said sarcastically. Joy smiled.

"You do know she's contagious." Looking confused, he looked back at me. Quickly, I pointed at my throat. He smiled, looking relieved. He game a small laugh.

"So that's why you weren't talking to me!" I gave a small smiled and nodded. Thank you, Joy! At least for now, it seemed like things might just work out.