MCD: this randomly popped into my head and started pissing me off, so I had to write it down. *makes so much sense*


What if... everyone made a wish?

What would they wish for?

What trials?


But what if... that wish was tainted?

What would be the consequences?

What burdens?


What if that tainted wish...

...came true?

Matthew made a wish.

He came upon the shard by accident. Kumajiro had waddled up to him with the piece of it in his mouth.

At first he was worried, but once he'd made sure that the bear had been alright, he'd studied the shard.

It glowed unnaturally. It was an odd purple color, seemingly turning darker. Or was that just the light?

It talked.

'I am a youkai, trapped in this jewel forever. But since you have found me, I will grant you a wish.'

Matthew wished that he wasn't invisible.

And it worked.


"A-America? England? France?" he whimpered, beaten and broken as the three advanced on him. Their faces were dark and sour, contorted with anger and pain.

"How could you?" America hissed, Texas no longer on his face. "How could you go against me? I thought you were my brother."

"And I thought you were my son!" England shouted angrily. "On what grounds do you have to make such accusations against the Queen and my country, and all of those threats? I barely stopped my generals from starting a war!" he cried, emerald eyes shining with unshed tears. Betrayal shone even brighter.

"Oui, Matthew." France spat, tone sober and unhappy. "You were always a good child. What 'appened?"

"I don't know what you're-" Canada tried to explain, but his voice died as he remembered.

"You know, you shouldn't trust that jewel. It's got this weird feeling about it."

"Why? How do you know it won't hurt me?"

"Because... wait, who are you again?"

"I'm Matthew, Canada! Really, Kumajiro? I wish I wasn't so invisible and forgettable to everyone!"

'Your wish... has been granted...'

Canada blinked. There they were, staring down at him expectantly, waiting for an answer.

Something snapped.

His eyes narrowed in disgust and he stood up, glaring at them without hesitation. He threw off his fluffy coat and rolled his neck around, cracking it.

"You want to know what happened? You happened." he spat and the three reeled back in shock. "You happened," an accusing finger pointed at France, "you happened," it moved toward England, "and you happened." finally it pointed to America. The three blinked in varying states of confusion.

"You let me go, just like that. You hardly fought for me, and didn't even care when I was gone, you stupid whore!" he shouted at France, who took a step back. "You stole me away from my father and paired me up with this idiot, not even caring what I had to say about the matter!" he screamed at England, whose eyes widened. "And then, oho ho ho, you!" Canada rounded on America, who had gone slack-jawed. "It was you that had to be the obnoxious one. It was you that pressure me into doing complete bullshit because I just couldn't say fucking no. It was you who ruined my life because I happen to look a teensy bit like you, and suddenly everyone associates me with you! My best friend hates you and he sometimes beats me up because he mistakes me for you! Well guess what? I'm fucking tired of it!" Canada screamed to the heavens. He reached up and tore the goggles off of his head, throwing them to the ground and stomping on them until the glass nearly pierced his foot.

Breathing heavily and red-faced, Canada pushed past England and America with unexpected strength, ignoring the stutters and shocked stares digging into the back of his skull.

When Canada arrived home, he slammed the door so hard it nearly fell off of its hinges, successfully scaring the shit out of Kumajiro.

"C-canada! What's wrong?" he asked, uncertainly trotting up to his master. Canada didn't even glance at him and headed towards the phone, jabbing the numbers violently.

"Nothing!" he growled. Then a voice came on the other line.

"Hey, yeah, Russia. It's me, Canada. No, this is not a fucking prank call! Listen, get Cuba on the line after this, 'cos I'm calling some others. I've got some plans and I think you might be interested." Canada smirked sickly and Kumajiro's eyes widened as he scampered back into his master's room. "Call anyone who has a grudge against either France, America or England, and ask 'em for a favor."

"No one will ever forget me now." was the last thing the bear heard before it fainted in fear on the bed.


MCD: And that is how WWIII started. Wow, I am one sick mofo. And I'm thinking of more right now.

...shows you what kind of person I am :/