Nya hi there everyone! It's been a long time since I've submitted something, and since TeniPuri is starting up again, I've gotten into the TeiPuri mood, so I've decided to write some TeniPuri fanfic. X3 I hope you guys like it! It's been a while since I've written something, so please be kind. This is only like a little before-the-real-story type of chapter. It takes place some time before the events of my story. So if you want, you can skip this chapter and just go on to chapter 1.Ah, if you're wondering what my OC Tsukiyomi Yuu looks like, just go to my deviantArt. I have some drawings of her up there. My username is Lone-Wolf-Kai01, pretty much the same as on here.

Just Be Friends

Prologue/ Chapter 0

"Ne ne Ryo-chan I wonder if I can blow the world's biggest bubble." Said a raven-haired girl opening up a pack of gum. She was wearing an all black outfit consisting of a small jacket over a tube top, jean shorts and fingerless gloves. She had a black ribbon on her neck with a gold bell hanging off of it. She had long bangs that covered half of her face while the rest of her long hair was tied in two low ponytails. On her ponytails, she wore red ribbons tied neatly into bows. Her visible golden left eye shone in amusement as she gathered all the pieces of gum and placed them into her mouth, chewing happily as the sweet flavor overtook her.

"Tsuki-hime, I know you love sweets and gum, but do you really think that is such a good idea?" asked her friend sitting next to her who was busy caught up playing with his Himalayan cat. He had short dark hair with golden eyes similar to his friend. They were both currently sitting on the floor of his room enjoying each other's company like they usually do after she finishes her ice skating practice and he finishes his tennis practice.

"Hmmm…nope…I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to blow bubbles." She replied smiling

"You're still in your skating outfit. Won't that get ruined?" he said averting his gaze from his cat and onto her.

"Why would it get ruined?" she asked curiously, blowing a bubble and watching it pop.

"Well, you are blowing bubbles, which tend to pop, and when they do pop they tend to be sticky and difficult to remove from clothing and everything else" he stated

"You worry too much" she replied and started blowing another bubble, watching it grow

"I don't. I'm just pointing out the obvious" he replied, amazed at how big the bubble had grown, wondering why it hadn't popped yet. "Hey, where's Karupin?" he asked looking down at his empty lap. As soon as he looked down, he heard a big "meow" and a loud pop. He looked over to his friend and found her covered in pink gum. The gum stuck to the lower part of her long bangs, her ribbons, her two low ponytails and even her bell.

"not good" she said as she pulled on the gum stuck to her hair, trying to get it out.

"Mada mada dane" replied the boy as he grabbed her hands, keeping her from pulling her hair and hurting herself. She gave up pulling and walked across the room to a drawer, taking out some scissors in the process. Without another thought, she cut off the gum from her bangs and chopped off both her ponytails. She cut the ribbon holding the bell and inspected the damage.

"How depressing, the ribbons and even the bell are ruined. I can't take the gum off" she said sadly, looking at her items, still attempting to get the gum off

"You just chopped off your hair and all you're worried about is some ribbons and a bell?" asked her friend seemingly unfazed by the events that happened before him

"They're not just any ribbons and bell, they're special" she replied remembering the day she got them

It was a bright sunny day out and three children were enjoying their day. Two of them were boys while the third was a girl. One of the boys had a white cap on and seemed to be around four years old while the other was happily tossing an orange and seemed like he was around ten years old. The little girl with them had long hair that covered most of her face and even both her eyes. The three children were playing hide and go seek, running around and hiding from each other in a tall field of grass, occasionally bumping into each other and running away. Laughter could be heard throughout the whole time they played. After a few games, they decided to take a break under the shade of a tall orange tree.

"You know Tsuki-hime, it's not fair that you always win" pouted the boy with the cap.

"It's obvious she'll win every time Chibisuke. She's shorter than the both of us and runs off faster than the hyperactive kitten Karupin." Replied the elder boy taking a bite out of an orange, not even bothering to peel it.

"Ryoga, don't call me that. My name is Ryoma, not Chibisuke" replied the younger boy, glaring at his elder brother

"But you don't call Tsuki-hime by her name. I bet you don't even know her name." said Ryoga licking the orange juice off his hands

"You call her Tsuki-hime too!" retorted Ryoma

"because it's cute, just like her" replied Ryoga smiling. His comment made the girl sitting between them blush

"Mada mada dane" said Ryoma at the sight of the blushing girl. Ryoga took out some red ribbons and tied them to the girl's long hair,pushing back the long bangs that covered both her eyes

"Now you look even cuter" said Ryoga, content with his work and staring at the girl's eyes. Her left eye was the same golden color as his younger brother's while her right eye was a crimson red."You know you really shouldn't cover your eyes like that, they're really pretty." He said smiling. The girl blushed at his comment, quickly looking down and hiding her face from him.

"Mada mada dane. Complimenting her isn't going to help in beating her at hide and go seek." Said Ryoma

"True, but I'm not done yet" replied Ryoga as he got out a black ribbon with a silver bell dangling from it. He tied the ribbon around the girl's neck and took a step back to admire his work.

"What's with the bell Ryoga?" asked Ryoma, wondering what his brother was scheming

"Tsuki-hime has been a bad cat lately, and you know, they tie bells on a bad cat's neck so it won't be a threat anymore." Replied Ryoga

"I don't get it. You're just making stuff up" said Ryoma

"No, it's true, she keeps winning which is a threat to us, so with this bell she won't be a threat" said the boy taking out an orange and biting it

"So now she's a cat?" asked Ryoma looking at the girl next to him

"Maybe I should just explain it to you in a different way that you'll understand. The bell will jingle every time she moves, so even though we can't see her, we'll be able to hear her. No matter how far apart we are, I'll always know where she is" replied Ryoga smiling at his genius plan. The two younger children stayed silent for a moment, looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter, leaving the elder boy wondering what could be wrong with his logic

"So what you're saying is that it's special because the guy you like gave it to you" said Ryoma smirking at his comment

"That's not what I mean and you know it! They're special because they hold precious memories of our childhood together. The days the three of us spent together have always been the happiest days in my life" replied the girl blushing

"So the days the both of us spend together mean nothing?" asked Ryoma

"Ryo-chan! You know the days I spend with you are always the best! I'm always happy when I'm with you" said his friend blushing

"Mada mada dane" was his only reply.

X3 And that's the end of the pre story thing. I hope you liked it! Right now it might seem like Ryoma is the main, but it's actually going to be Fuji and Tezuka. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you continue to read this horrible story of mine.