Thanks for the reviews everyone! ^^ I've been busy but here's a new chapter! Please tell me what you think in reviews again xD

This is what she looks like at the end of the chapter: tinypic dot com/r/4izwp4/5

"Seriously Jessica! Stay still!" Wendy complained.

"Sorry." she mumbled quietly. Her best friend Wendy had come over to help her with her make up but she was unable to stop fidgeting.

"What kind of guy is he anyway?" her other friend Fujiko asked.

"Ummm... A doctor."

"Seriously?" both squeled.

"Y-yes. He's really kind and handsome."

"Heh, I always thought that was your type!" Fujiko laughed.

"Me too! Don't you worry Jessica, we'll make you look amazing!" Wendy said as she ran to her wardrobe.

"Yeah! What kind of restaurant is he taking you into?"

"The Silver Swan..."

Silence filled the room.

"The most expensive restaurant in the city?" Wendy yelled.

"Why didn't you tell us before!" Fujiko looked like she was about to faint.

"Sorry, I'm not thinking straight!" Jessica said, blushing.

"We can see that! Let's get to work!"

"Well, what do you think?" Fujiko asked all proud.

Jessica was speechless. Her deep ocean blue eyes looked beautiful with the make up. Her hair was flowing freely and slightly curled. A black sleeveless evening dress made her look sexy but they had also left her glasses on for a smarter look. She was wearing red earrings to match her lips and shoes which had little ribbons. The final touches were white pearls and a handbag.

"Is... is that really me?" Jessica wondered and spun in front of the mirror.

"It sure is! Is that enough to restore your confidence?" Wendy laughed.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"He's here!" the girls looked at each other and pushed Jessica to the door and then hid. Jessica lifted her hand on the knob then swallowed once before opening the door.

There he was. He looked absolutely stunning in a tuxedo, smiling and holding his hand out to her. She calmed down and lifted her hand on his.

"You look beautiful, Frau Pauling. Shall we go?"

"Yes, Mr Neumann."

They got into his car and headed for the Silver Swan.