The Ones You Love by Yinx
Samuel Declan Evans leaned against the counter as he watched his wife wash the dishes. He watched her slowly rinse a spaghetti pot. He sucked in his cheeks
"So we are really going to do this then" he asked softly his green eyes fixed on her face her bottom lip trembled on the verge of tears again.
Mercedes Cynthia Evans closed her eyes she felt tears run down her cheeks again. She turned off the faucet and wiped her hands on a dish towel turning away from him. "It's for the best Sam" she choked out as she wiped her tears away.
"Maybe I still... maybe we can" he started toward her but nineteen years of marriage meant she knew his move even with her back turned.
Mercedes stepped out his reach and turned around "I don't like this more than you do, Sam" she said with a false smile. Her brown eyes swimming with tears "but I can't live like this anymore". She stepped forward to embrace him but stopped herself if I do I'll never let go.
Sam sighed he glanced at her left hand. She had stopped wearing his ring for a week now but the slight color difference would be there for some time. He looked up into her face she was still the same beautiful girl he had met back in high school. She had given him three children and all the love and support he could ask for.
"We need to tell the children today Sam". She whispered bringing his attention back. Sam nodded slowly. "I'm serious, I'm moving out tomorrow" she sighed. They both heard the sound of the garage door opening; knowing that it was their children arriving home from school. "Are you ready Sam" Mercedes asked searching his vacant face.
"I have to be right" his full lips gave her a grimace.
"A DIVORCE" cried Sam and Mercedes eldest Simon "WHY"?
"Isn't obvious" the thirteen year old Nathan rolls his honeydews "They can't stand each other".
"Nathan that is not true…" Mercedes began as she searched her children's faces.
"Yeah well then why else would you fight all the time? It's been like this for a years now" the middle child said back.
"Your mother and I are sorry that you three had to hear that" Sam began his eyes went to his youngest and only girl Brianna. She played with the purple barrettes on the ends of her long dark braids. "We never meant for this to happen".
"Yet it did" Nathan sat back glaring at both of them.
"Shut up boy your father is talking" Mercedes snapped. The teen huffed but stayed quiet as mother continued.
"Well, we didn't sometimes something's are better apart" their mother said gently glancing at Sam's solemn face.
"No" Simon said quietly.
"Simon don't start" Mercedes warned; closing her eyes as if to block what she knew he was going to say.
"I'm sorry mom but no. You and dad love each right"? Mercedes and Sam glanced at each other. "Do you"?
"Yes Simon we do but…" Sam started.
"Then why not try to work it out like you always do".
"It's not that simple, Simon" Mercedes tried to smile.
"Yes it is" their son snapped back "Say it say I love you so everything can go back to normal".
"We can't Simon" Mercedes said softly reaching forward and taking his sixteen year old hand in hers. "Sometimes people fall out of love".
"No they don't you and dad love each other. Just say you're sorry and get on with it simple as that".
"I'm sorry but we can't Simon" Mercedes said softy trying to make him see reason "Sometimes, something's can't be fixed". She felt her husband her soon to be ex-husband's gaze.
Mercedes sighed leaning against the door of her new home. She could let the tears flow now. She headed for the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine. 'Hears drowning sorrows hopes and dreams' she mumbled taking a gulp. Her phone rang.
"Mercedes" Sam voice came from the other end.
Mercedes blinked taken back "Yes Sam".
"Did you make it your...your place I mean"? He asked her quietly.
"Yes, Sam I did… is that the reason you called" she smiled.
Sam bit his lip yes he want the say. "No, I was wondering if you could come over tomorrow morning and do Bree's hair".
"Sam I can't come over every morning for that" Mercedes said quietly as she smiled "You are going to have learn to do it".
"How" he tried to keep the whine out of his voice.
Mercedes chuckled "She'll tell you what she wants done. She's good at that remember". She thought back to Bree having her father on a short string.
"What if I don't do it right"?
Mercedes sighed "She'll tell you Bab... Sam practice makes perfect".
"Yes…" he had heard her slip of the tongue. "Okay thanks for the pep talk".
"No problem". They were both quiet listening to each breathing "Sam, I want us to be friends for the sake of the children. It doesn't matter what happened, we can at least be civil with each other."
"If it doesn't matter, Mercedes then why are we getting a divorce"?
Mercedes sighed she had walked right into it "Because you hurt me, and I don't think I can ever forgive you for doing so".
"I'm sorry, but how many times do I have to say it until you let it go? I'M SORRY…I'M FUCKIN' SORRY"!
"It's for the best Sam" Mercedes whispered.
"I wish you would stop saying that Mercedes".
One year later.
Sam bit his lip as he starred at the paper. He looked up at her. Mercedes looked away quickly. He sighed and signed his name.
"Well that's it, Mr. Evans you're divorce" the lawyer said. "Joint custody of the children, hope everything goes well". He shook their hands and left the couple alone.
"So how do you want to…the kids" Mercedes asked coming up to him.
"We can be a normal as possible, Cede" he gazed at her.
Mercedes nodded "Yes well could I have them this weekend"
"Yeah, I guess" he shrugged grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair.
"Thank you, Sam" she touched his arm lightly.
They walked out of the room in the hallway. Sam stepped in front stopping her. "This is a mistake Mercedes" he said firmly.
"The divorce it was a mistake, and if you take me back. I promise I'll be faithful to you and…"
"It's too late Sam for false promises, Samuel. We're divorce, we're done." She said feeling herself becoming emotional. "If we didn't have the children you would be out of my life for good." She glared at him then walked on. Seeing the line at the elevator she took the stairs. She felt her ex-husband's presence right behind her.
"If we had tried counseling like I wanted to" he began.
Mercedes scoffed "Counseling wouldn't have worked Samuel and you know that. Our relationship was-is too far gone."
"We can still give us a chance though. Simon right I still…"
"Whatever chance you had you blew, Sam. I'm done talking…"
"Then don't" Sam grabbed her waist turning her around and kissed her deeply. He felt her hit his chest with her fists but he pulled her closer. Mercedes starred at his closed eyes feeling him probe her mouth with his tongue. She was able to push away only for a second just to pinned against the cement wall.
"You have no right" she began but was stopped by another deep kiss this one coming with his tongue.
Sam pressed his groin against her stomach making sure she couldn't move. He cupped her face with both hands finally feeling her kiss him back with a soft whimper. His lips wandered to her chin then jaw line. "I love you Mercedes, and I'm truly sorry about what happened" he said in her ear before he bit the sensitive skin behind it making her moan "But you see you have been marked". Sam lips roamed over her face placing kisses as he went. He bit her again behind the other ear "Not once but twice. You are my woman, Mercedes Cynthia Evans" he kissed her mouth again. "I'm going to fight to get you back" he whispered letting her go and continued down the stairs without a look back.