April 1, 2012
Hey everyone,
Well, I can't believe it's been three months already, but time has flown and Ask Altair! Has come to its close. No more questions will be accepted at this time, but I really want to thank everyone who participated. Even if your questions didn't get answered, thank you very much for reading and asking anyway! Altair and I really had some fun with those (although I must admit, I had to force him to answer a few of them. He's what you'd call extremely picky when it comes to his readers).
So, now it's time to pick the next writer! Who will pick up the quill following Altair? A poll is open at iguanablogger's profile (accessible at the top of the page), and I implore you all to head over there and vote for your favorite Assassin (or Templar)!
The poll will be open until April 18th at which time the next writer will be revealed. The poll will not close unless a minimum of forty-five people have voted.
Every vote counts, people. So get in there and give it a shot. I'm not sure when the next Ask fiction-letter will start. Hopefully the 18th, but I might hold it off till May. You know, to give us all a healthy break.
If you're an anonymous reader, you won't be able to vote in the poll. In that case, please leave a review with your choice. It shouldn't matter that you don't have a profile, your vote will be counted separately and added together on the 18th.
That's about it. I've had a great time. Thank you all for participating!
(And a short word from the Mentor, Altair ibn La Ahad):
"Safety and Peace, followers.
As I believe I opened with, I am both stunned and disturbed that so many of the future world would seek my advice. I have aided as best I can, and only ask that you continue to live as you see fit. Though I am flattered by the multitudes desiring my input, remember that no words will tell you what to do. Nothing I say can help you. You are the only ones who can choose your paths.
It has been an…interesting experience working with you all.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted."