January 4th, 2012

Hey everyone!

Before we get started, I'd just like to lay down some guidelines:

1) Feel free to ask Altair anything, but please keep in mind that this letter is for all audiences. Try to keep it as G-rated as you can.

2) All questions must be dated either using actual years, or the Assassin's Creed timeline. This is so that the editor knows which Altair you are addressing (ie, the young, arrogant apprentice, the new husband, the wise mentor, etc).

3) Please try to sign your letters with a name. It doesn't even have to be your name, if you're shy. Any name is better than nothing.

4) Concerning pairings: tread lightly.

5) Replies to questions will hopefully come Sundays and Wednesdays. Ask Altair will be updated at least once a week.

6) Please try to keep your questions as detailed as possible; You have to give the man something to work with. Vague questions such as "what's your favorite color" or "what's your favorite animal" will most likely be ignored for lack of sustenance.

7) Have fun!

We look forward to receiving your letters!

(Oh, and don't forget everyone- Altair's birthday is January 11th!)