Chapter Six: The End

And that was really the end of his great summer working at the Ryuuzaki Resort, arguably the best summer of his young life. Naturally, taking Ryuuzaki's first kiss nearly cost him his life via deranged cousin and psycho uncle. Seriously. It was only thanks to a handy cutting board that Heiji was able to deflect the two kitchen knives thrown his way. On the plus side, he got to see Ryuuzaki spitting mad at someone. He hoped he never pissed her off enough for her to scold him the way she scolded Shouichirou and Benimitsu.

Shouichirou had called his father and told him what had happened, expecting Oyaji to do something about it, which was a mistake on Shouichirou's part. Oyaji was nothing if not proud of him. He even heard congratulations sent his way from the other end of phone and a proposition for marriage between him and Ryuuzaki that had both him and Shouichirou hanging up the phone angrily. Baka Oyaji!

Benimitsu couldn't get him to the train station fast enough. He almost got a ticket for speeding.

Neither Shouichirou nor Benimitsu could stop Ryuuzaki from seeing him off he was glad to say. She wished him well and told him that if he wanted to come back next summer, she could persuade her uncle. He told her he would like that. And just because he could, he kissed her again before he got on the train. He had to run from Benimitsu, but her laugh made it worth it.

As he watched her slip away as the train moved on, he had to wonder if he maybe shouldn't have kissed her. They could have spent a little more time together until the very end.

No, looking back on it, he wouldn't have changed one thing. He had no regrets when it came to this summer. Besides, even if her crazy uncle and cousin tried to kill him, he would be back next summer.

He guessed he would have to thank that Baka Oyaji when he got home. It had been one hell of a summer.

"So you're going back to America?"

"Yeah. Los Angeles this time. I'll call you when I get there."

"Okay. Have a nice flight, Ryoma-kun."

"I will."

"And have fun with your tennis. I-I'll be routing for you."

"Hey, I'll probably call you before I have any matches. Don't wish me luck yet."

"I don't know, Ryoma-kun. It is you."


"Do your best!"

"Heh. I always do. Talk to you later, Ryuuzaki."

"Talk to you later, Ryoma-kun."