(A few grammar errors were pointed out by some readers, so I re-read the story and corrected the erros. If you still find any mistakes in the story, please let me know. 20/07/13)

Lean on Me… or Him

After a successful case Dean decided they should go to a bar. Castiel helped them on the case, so he also went along. As soon as they arrived, they ordered some alcoholic drinks; well a lot of drinks, and Dean made Castiel try some. An hour later Castiel decided Dean had drunk enough and it was time to go back to the motel. Dean was too drunk to drive, so Castiel just zapped them to the motel room. Dean only accepted to leave his baby because Sam stood in the bar and he would return with the Impala later.

When they got in the room, Dean was unusually happy. Castiel wondered how the drinks could have that effect on him, especially when he drank as much as Dean and it seemed the drinks had no effect on him.

Dean was a bit dizzy too. For a few moments he lost his balance, but fortunately Castiel grabbed him before he fell on the floor.

"Dean, are you alright?" Castiel asked, putting Dean straight up again.

Dean looked up into Castiel's eyes for a moment before he answered. "No."

"Is there something you need?"

An odd sensation invaded Dean; a feeling that seemed to be asleep, that Dean had buried deep inside him. And it surely wasn't the effect of the drinks.

"Actually, I do." An urge took control of him and, with an impulse, he kissed Castiel.

The angel was surprised by the touch of Dean's soft lips. Castiel didn't react, but Dean kept kissing him every time more desperately.

Although it felt good, Castiel thought it had only been the effect of the alcohol. "Dean…" Castiel pushed Dean back, touching gently on his shoulder. "You're drunk."

Dean licked his bottom lip tasting the remains of Castiel's saliva. "So? It doesn't mean I don't want this…" he whispered close to Castiel's mouth.

A second later his lips were locked on the angel's again. Dean raised a hand to Castiel's dark hair, grabbing it and pressing Castiel's mouth to his, deepening the kiss. Castiel could taste the alcohol in Dean's warm tongue as it navigated all over his mouth, sending a lustful heat wave through his body. Castiel's fears were replaced by desire and instinctively he placed his hands on Dean's chest, clutching gently his jacket.

Dean slid his hand under Castiel's jacket, touching him. Dean pulled the angel closer and leaded him to the edge of the bed. As fire ignited from their bodies and clothes fell on the ground. When they were completely naked, Dean lied down with Castiel on the bed. He touched all over the angel's body, making him moan softly. They were breathless but that didn't stop Dean from kissing Castiel from his mouth to his chest, as Castiel trailed a hand down Dean's back. Spreading Castiel's legs, Dean soon got inside the angel gently.

Castiel carved his nails on Dean's back as pain turned into pleasure. "Dean…" he whispered lustfully.

Dean kissed him again and he started to get in and out of Castiel. Heat and desire spread through their bodies and Dean bit his lip, looking at Castiel as his blue eyes got brighter. "Cas…" he moaned.

What a beautiful view, Castiel thought as his grace moved wildly inside of him, trying to find a way to unleash its power. Fortunately Castiel was able to control it enough not to harm Dean.

At every movement, Dean was getting harder and closer to ecstasy. Hard breathings, fast heartbeat, bodies moving out of control… Heat and pleasure surrounded them and bound them together perfectly. Seconds later Dean lost control and his thrill passed to Castiel, as he came followed by Castiel. They expressing the overwhelming pleasure they felt with moan while Dean held Castiel by his hips.

He stood still, looking at Castiel until the light from his grace extinguish from his eyes. Then he lay down next to the angel, trying to catch his breath.

"I love you." The true words escaped from Castiel's lips without his knowledge, as if they had life of their own.

Dean turned to the angel and smiled. Touching softly on Castiel's face, Dean kissed him passionately. With no other place he'd rather be, Castiel passed the night at Dean's side.

In the morning Dean woke up with a terrible headache. He figured it was the effect of the drinks he had taken at the bar, but he didn't really remember what had happened the rest of the night. It was at that moment he noticed he wasn't alone in the bed. He felt the other body's heat. He opened his eyes and saw Castiel next to him. Plus, he had a hand on the angel's belly. What the hell? Dean sat up violently, in fear. Ignoring the pain in his head he tried to remember what had happened, but nothing came to his mind.

"Dean…" Castiel softly called, seeing Dean tense. He could see something was wrong.

Dean swallowed hard. "It was a mistake…" he said, not turning to Castiel. "what happened last night."

"What?" Castiel said almost like a whisper, not believing.

"It shouldn't have happened," he said firmly. "So please forget about it." Dean took a deep breath and then walked to the bathroom.

Castiel, unable to speak after those heartbreaking words, just looked at Dean as he walked.

Dean took a shower. While the hot water ran over his body, flashbacks of last night came to his mind. Dean was freaking out, but like he said to Castiel, he had to forget about it.

When he got out of the bathroom Castiel was no longer there.

I hope you liked it. I'd like to know what you thought and what you expect for the next chapter.

Happy New Year!