12 Days of Hetalia Christmas
On the first day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Italy: A big bowl of pasta just for me!
On the second day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: Ve~!
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me
On the third day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
France: The French maids!
France: Honhonhon! I only had to change one WORD of my verse!
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
On the fourth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Russia: A new lead pipe.
Germany: Russia, you're supposed to do a number.
Russia: I was, da? But I like me verse better. KolKolKol!
France: Three French maids!
Romano: Pervert!
France: Oh, you haven't even had a verse yet!
Romano: Shut-up!
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
On the fifth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Germany: 0_0…He did not just say that.
France: *high-fives Prussia*
Russia: A new lead pipe!
France: Three French maids.
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
Italy: Unless you guys want me to share….?
Germany: No, Italy, it's your pasta.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
China: Six Hello Kitties!
Prussia: Of course you'd want that devil cat with no mouth!
China: Shut up, aru!
Prussia: Can't. It's my line.
Russia: A new lead pipe!
Russia: Do you want me to hit him, China?
China: I do not want to be your friend, aru!
French: Three French maids!
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
England: Seven magic books.
French: Really? Magic Books? I was sure you would have gone with gentlemen.
England: Why would I do-? *realizes* I hate you.
China: Six Hello Kitties.
Russia: A new lead pipe.
French: Three French maids.
England: Of course you ruddy would, you twit.
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
Italy: You know, now that I think about it sounds kind of selfish…
On the eighth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Japan: Eight Countries on an island.
England: Sorry we had to strap you with that one, old chum and not a Japan joke.
Japan: No, it's fine! It's really is, England-san!
England: Seven magic books.
China: Six Hello Kitties.
Prussia: It even has Hell in the name! It's a demon cat, with no mouth!
Russia: A new lead pipe.
France: Three French maids.
French: I will also accept maids from other countries! *winks at the Italies*
Italies: *cower away*
Germany: *steps in front of them*
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Germany: And maybe a dead Frenchman.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
On the ninth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Spain: A kiss from my tomato!
England: His who?
Italy: He means Romano.
Romano: Ch-CHIGI! What's wrong with you.
Russia: He didn't do a number either, da?
Japan: Eight countries on an island.
England: Seven magic books
China: Six Hello kitties!
Russia: A new lead pipe.
France: Three French maids.
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Romano: I'll set the mafia after you for that one, Potato!
France: Seriously, when is your verse?
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
Italy: Are you sure that you guys don't want some, ve?
On the tenth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
America: Ten American Superheroes!
America: Like me!
England: Bloody-
Spain: A kiss from my tomato.
Romano: Stop singing it!
Japan: Eight countries on an island.
England: Seven magic books.
America: Is Avada Kadavra in those books, Iggy? *snickers*
England: It's about to ruddy be!
China: Six Hello Kitties.
Russia: A new lead pipe.
France: Three French maids!
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me!
One the eleventh day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Canada: A little attention.
Russia: I didn't hear anything.
China: Wasn't America's brother supposed to sing that line, aru?
Prussia: He did. I heard ya, Birdie!
Canada: Thank-you, Prussia.
America: Ten American Superheroes.
Spain: A kiss from my tomato!
Romano: Stop it!
France: When is your line! Do you even have one?
Japan: Eight countries on an island.
England: Seven magic books.
China: Six Hello Kitties.
Canada: 0/0
Russia: A new lead pipe.
France: Three French maids.
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta just for me.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my boss gave to me
Romano: Twelve types of bas*BLEEP*s
Romano: That's why I was 12.
France: So you did have a line.
Canada: A little attention.
America: Ten American Superheroes!
Spain: A kiss from my tomato.
Romano: It isn't gonna happen!
Japan: Eight countries on an island.
England: Seven magic books.
England: Say one word, America, I'll do it.
China: Six Hello Kitties.
Germany: *facepalm*
Canada: 0/0
Russia: A new lead pipe.
France: Three French maids.
Germany: Two noisy Italians.
Romano: *aims his gun*
Germany: You wouldn't dare.
Italy: And a big bowl of pasta JUST FOR ME!
Kai: And end! Here's my Christmas present everyone. The lyrics are bolded and talking is normal. By the way the 12 types of Bas*BLEEP*s are: Tomato, Potato, Potato #2, Hamburger, Anime, Potsticker, Tea, Wine, Piano, Vodka, Midget (This is Sealand), and Maple. (According to me anyway) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLDIAYS EVERYONE! Please review and Hetalia doesn't belong to me.