Alternian Separation Act

No State may deny, modify, or substitute any of these codes at any time.

1. No being of Alternian descent over the age of eighteen (18) Earth years at such time this bill is passed will be permitted to remain on Earth.

2. Any being of Alternian descent below the age of eighteen (18) Earth years at the passing of this bill will be considered under the Protection of the United States, and will be permitted to remain for the duration of their lives, barring further legislation.

3. No Alternian "Lusi" will be permitted to remain on Earth. Instead, Alternian children too young (under 13 Earth years of age) to care for themselves will be assigned a Government employed caretaker until they reach a suitable age to care for themselves.

4. No Alternian will be permitted to live in any public complex or suburban neighborhood. Sufficient Government housing will be provided to house all beings of Alternian descent within any city limits.

5. Beings of Alternian descent are under the duress of all United States laws and regulations.

6. No Alternian will be permitted to walk the streets of any city from 6p.m. to 6a.m.

7. No Alternian may use any form of public transport. Each State will provide an alternative method of transport of Alternian citizens.

8. Private businesses may reserve the right to make their own policies regarding the employment, service, or housing of Alternian citizens. No Alternian may be employed in any government-funded occupation.

9. No being of Alternian descent may campaign for or hold any public office.

10. No Human-Alternian intermarriage/cohabitation will be tolerated, and may be punished by up to 3 years in (federal) prison and a fine not to exceed $10,000.

11. No Alternian will be permitted entrance to any Human theatre, hospital, park, or other civic feature.

12. All States may reserve the right to pass any additional legislation necessary to the protection of citizens and capitol.