Kurt Hummel was going through his nightly moisturizing routine when his phone buzzed. The screen lit up with Finn's name. He flipped it open and started reading.

Finn: hey kurt

Kurt: hi finn. y are u texting me if ur upstairs?

Finn: umm… i dont feel like walking downstairs

Kurt: okay… whatever

Finn: i wanted to ask you something

Kurt: ok

Finn: theres this person who I really like. we've been friends for a while and I don't know what they think of me. what do u think

Kurt: why are u asking me? im no good at this stuff

Finn: just tell me

Kurt: um, u should tell them I guess

Finn: thx. what is ur perfect idea for a date?

Kurt: u dont like me, do u? we're brothers now. thats kinda creepy.

Finn: i dont like u

Kurt: i know i used to like u but im over that now


Kurt: ok then

Finn: i just wanna know what ur idea of a date would be like

Kurt: a romantic, candle lit dinner. or maybe a romance movie. or we could just go to the rocky horror picture show so we could shout out the lines. thats always fun.

Finn: wow

Kurt: do u think blaine would like dinner and a movie?

Finn: yea. do u like blaine?

Kurt: yup. u know that.

Finn: right.

Kurt: i wish he liked me back

Finn: mayb he does

Kurt: no. we flirt all the time, but he never makes a real move. i guess he doesnt like me. hes so oblivious

Finn: u should just ask him

Kurt: he'll say no and then i'll look like an idiot and then he really won't like me

Finn: come outside

Kurt: what?

Finn: just do it.

Kurt walked over to the window. He could see a shadowy figure waiting under his window. Why did Finn want him to come outside? He really hoped Finn didn't like him. That would be weird. Kurt pulled on jeans and a t-shirt.

"Coming," Kurt texted back to Finn.

He crept down the stairs and slipped out of the house. Kurt wasn't supposed to be out late at night, even if Finn was. Kurt thought this was totally unfair. He was away at Dalton most of the time, so it made no sense for his dad to want him home so much on the weekends. He would have preferred to be out with his friends. And Blaine.

"Hello?" Kurt said in a loud whisper. "Finn?"

Someone stepped into the light. And it wasn't Finn.

"Blaine?" Kurt said, shocked to see his friend outside his house so late at night. Blaine didn't answer him. Instead, he pulled Kurt into a kiss. Kurt was surprised at first, but he soon got more comfortable with it.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while," Blaine said after pulling away.

"Me too," Kurt confessed.

"I know," Blaine said, holding up Finn's phone. "For some reason, you had it at Dalton and I found it. I thought it was yours and I was going to return it, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to see if you liked me."

"You could have just asked."

"So could you."

"I love you," Kurt said.

"I love you, too," Blaine responded. They shared another kiss.

"Do you want to go inside? My dad will freak out, but you can't stay out here."

"Okay." They began walking towards the house, holding hands.

"So are we, like, boyfriends now?" Kurt asked.

"I do believe we are."

They walked in silence for a moment, and then Blaine said, "So, you liked Finn?"

"Long story."

"I've got time."

Kurt smiled and gazed at his boyfriend. Blaine smiled back. For this one moment in time, everything was perfect.