So it's Christmas break and I suddenly have time to write again. I had a few ideas come to mind, but none that practically wrote themselves like this one did. Any grammatical errors are my own (sorry I'm and engineer, I work with numbers typically not words. Letters, Greek and English yes, but not words).

Timeline/ Backstory: Everything up too Season 2 episode 10 has happened, after that never did. They never meet up at the Alpine and Sam is still undercover.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rookie Blue or sadly Ben Bass, if you know how I can acquire the rights to him please let me know.

It was a normal day for Andy McNally. Well as normal as a day working the beat in the middle of another heat wave in Toronto could get. So far she helped her partner Oliver Shaw take in three guys whom had clearly forgot to taken their medication that day. One of which was claiming to be an escaped slave that had used the Underground Railroad to find his way north. Besides him being a hundred years late and a very large white man, she was pretty sure his claim had not merit. None the less, Andy hoped once he had calmed down he would find his way back south.

As they were on their way back to the station with Toby, which is what he yelled his name was, her minded started to wonder. Andy thought back to two summers before, her Rookie year. During that heat wave her and her partner at the time, Sam Swarek, had brought in about the same amount of crazies. She let her thoughts drift off to Sam, wondering when he was going to come back.

Sam had been gone undercover for nine months. Andy still had no clue if he had ever received her message the night he left. In which, she had told him she intended to come over and when she did arrive that night he was not there. He's house was locked up and dark. She figured that he was probably down at the penny drinking with Oliver and Jerry, but when she finally made it there Traci had told her that he had not been there. Andy decided to head home and ask him about it tomorrow during shift. When she had ran into parade the next morning late as usually, Sam was not there either and she had been paired with Oliver. Oliver then gently informed her that she had missed the announcement that Sam had left already for Boyd's new project.

Ever since then Andy had been paired with Oliver and left to live what little life she had left. While she was happy, she still missed him and wondered what would happen when he came back, never if. Andy knew she had to keep her thoughts about him positive or else she wouldn't be able to keep going every day.

The slamming of the driver side door pulled Andy out of her thoughts. Oliver knowing she was distracted grabbed Toby from the back seat and headed for booking.

"Get to work on the paper work, would you McNally." Shaw called after her as he passed the perp off to Officer Andrews.

Andy had just gotten started in the paper work when Shaw made it back to her. She was pretty sure he was just about to ask her what she wanted as an afternoon snack, when Best ordered them back on the streets stating that there was too much going down out there to be sitting around inside.

Once they were outside Oliver turned to her, "So Dicky's Taco Shack good for you?" Andy let out a laugh and nodded. She knew her partner too well. He could not seem to go more than two hours without food. They headed towards Highland heights park where Dicky tended to park his mobile Taco shack on sunny days.

Ten minutes later the duo parked and Shaw started to walk to the mobile kitchen. Andy stayed by the car watching the area around her, not having any hunger pains that her partner normal complained about. As she watched the inhabited of the park she noticed nothing out of the ordering until her eyes fell upon what looked like a couple arguing.

The man had the woman's arm and seemed to be holding it tight enough to leave a bruise. The woman looked extremely fearful of the older man. Andy slowly started to make her way over weary of what could happen. Domestic disturbance often could get ugly, and if these two were starting to have it out here in the middle of a crowded park with children around this could get really ugly.

Andy was about ten feet away from them when the man started to pull the woman towards what she could only assume was his car.

"Is there a problem, sir?" Andy called out to the man. He froze in his tracks and loosened the grip on the woman enough for her to free herself and move towards Andy.

"No, officer," he glanced down at her name tag, "McNally. There's no problem. My girlfriend and I were just about to leave, right honey?" The woman still fearful looked at him before looking back at Andy.

The woman stayed quiet, but gave Andy a look that knew that was nowhere near the truth. "I don't think that's what this woman wants." She started as the woman inched her way farther away from the man. "Why don't you head on home and I'll give your girlfriend a ride home?" Andy suggested.

The man looked like he was about to start arguing with her when he spotted something behind her. Andy glanced back to see Oliver walking towards them.

"Everything alright?" Shaw asked has he approached.

"Yeah everything's fine. I was just leaving." The man answered as he turned and started to walk away.

Andy turned back to the woman and asked if she would like a ride home. The woman nodded and Andy led her back to the squad car. After she was safely in the back Oliver turned to her, "Sammy never finds out about this." He ordered.

"Why?" She questioned.

"That was Jamie Brennan."

Reviews are like crack for me. the more I have them the more I want them, so the more I write for them. :) Let me know what you think, the good, the bad, and well if you even want to see more.

Also if you notice this story takes place during the summer, even though it's winter out cause I live in Texas and while winter technically starts in thirty minutes I'm still wearing my normal T-Shirts and Blue jeans with flip flops.