Earth was strange.

And all the trolls who had survived Bec Noir's wrath knew that. They had never experienced anything like this after the scratch. It all seemed that things were going back to normal, before the game, even if they had to share a whole planet with another species.

Well, so far, there were only nine people on the planet; five trolls and four kids. Since they had to rebuild their planets, the original planet had been destroyed, along with everything on it.

Karkat stared up at the sky, breathing in the cool, crisp morning air. It seemed as if everything was at peace finally, and frankly, it scared Karkat. They were at peace before, until they took the wrong path, and started this whole game thing. And look where it got them. Would they destroy the peace again?

The sun had barely peeked out of the sky, when John sat down next to Karkat.

Karkat scowled, but ignored the pink monkey thing.

"Why are you out here all alone?" John asked Karkat silently.

"You're here right now, aren't you? So I'm not alone."

John faintly smiled. "Well why were you alone?"

Karkat sighed. He really didn't know why he was alone. All he knew was that he couldn't sleep in the stupid makeshift bed inside the cave they were hiding out in. But then again, he was hoping that it was all a dream, and that everything and everyone would come back, and they could just live in harmony again.

Karkat shook his head. "It's… stupid…" he mumbled, wanted to walk away from the awkwardness.

"You can tell me," John mumbled, picking at some dry grass.

Karkat's mouth twitched up slightly, and he sighed. "I was… wishing," he said. "I mean, I know it sounds pretty stupid, wishing, but I guess, sometimes I just want things to be back to the way they used to. Before this Earth. Before everyone I knew died, Before…"

"Before you met me?" John whispered.

Karkat sighed and looked down. "I don't regret meeting you. But… I guess since I did meet you, I kinda just planned out my death sentence, and for all my friends."

John gulped, but didn't say anything.

Tears pricked at Karkat's eyes. "But it's just… sometimes… I wish death had never even existed. That things could stay forever, and only the truly bad things would go. But you know… can't have everything, right?

"But every time I see my living friends, I always want to see the others there, laughing and joking around. Hell, sometimes I flinch whenever Gamzee fucking touches me…. I just… I want things… different…"

Red tears came out from Karkat's eyes, staining his cheeks.

John pulled Karkat into a hug, patting his back, and tracing small patterns along it.

Karkat sniffed. "Why?"

"Why what?" John murmured.

"Why can't wishes come true?"

John pondered over this, until he finally pet Karkat's hair, and cooed in his ear, "Because if everything goes our way, we'll have nothing to wish for."