Disclaimer: Me own no thing of either show. BBC and SyFy have stolen the rights of both shows from my head, just to let you know about my unfortunate situation.
Author's note: I know, I know. This is the third Sanctuary/DW crossover I've written. But I just can't stop! I'm sure you can understand that. Oh and by the way, this takes place in the second season of Sanctuary, meaning that she doesn't know about Hollow Earth, and she isn't cut off from the government yet…just in case you're wondering.
The night was cold, dank, and dusty. The clouds above were threateningly heavy with rain. The moon was in hiding and none of its star companions were in sight. The streetlights shone with a grimy yellow glow, and instead of making the darkness appear brighter, it only made the shadows darker and more foreboding. Her boots clomped on the concrete, echoing throughout the empty street. The sound of rushing cars and police sirens could be heard in the distance, but they were so far off that it seemed like a different world. She was walking at a brisk pace, her footsteps matching her heartbeat. She knew she heard something just down that alleyway.
Suddenly, the sound of trash cans tumbling rang throughout. Her pace quickened.
When she arrived at the threshold of the alleyway, pitch black greeted her with a cold stare. But something was moving in those shadows. Something spry and deadly. And frightened. She grabbed her stun gun and flashlight from her belt. With a speedy click, a beam of light shot into the dark alley and shone directly on a rough scaly head.
It moved ever so slightly in response to the sudden light, sounding a guttural growl that rang deep in her bones. Walking slowly, she quietly made her way closer to the creature. It moved slightly again, but did not back away.
"Yes, that's right. There's no need to be afraid," she said gently to the beast in the gloom, slowly lowering her stun gun and still inching her way towards it.
But all of a sudden there was a shout from somewhere nearby, startling the creature and making it back out of the range of her flashlight. When she adjusted the beam, the beast was gone. She swept the area with the light, finding nothing but a few empty trash cans and a hand full of rubbish.
"Damn it!" she exclaimed. "Almost had it."
Another, shout suddenly ricocheted throughout the barren streets. Following that was an equally loud growl. She turned and headed as fast as she could towards the sounds, stun gun and flashlight still in hand.
Past a few dilapidated buildings, she found herself in another alleyway, better lit this time, watching as the beast faced down an odd looking man. The man didn't look very frightened. Sure there was fear in his eyes but he was controlling it, focusing his energy to calming down the creature instead.
Unfortunately, to no avail. The creature was fast closing in on him. Working hastily, she aimed her stun gun and fired. At the same time the beast's tail slammed against the ground, making her jump.
She missed.
The creature slashed at the man, snarling and displaying its amazing set of teeth. She aimed and fired again. This time she hit her target.
The beast fell in an instant. Beside it the man, staggered. He was bleeding from deep slices on his right shoulder and upper arm. She cursed and ran over to him. She hoped it wouldn't have come to this. This creature was easily frightened. Plus, the area was supposed to be secure. But she guessed there was no way they could've kept everyone back.
The man was now leaning against brick wall, slowly sliding down it leaving a dark red trail behind like a snail's slime track. As she came up next to the man, she quickly took off her radio from her belt.
"Henry? Henry, you there?" she spoke into it.
"Yeah, Doc. Only a minute or two away. Take down the beastie?" a male voice crackled back.
"Yes, unharmed. But unfortunately it managed to wound a man before I got to it. We need to transport him to the Sanctuary immediately," she replied hastily as she tore at the man's suit jacket to try to sop up the blood that poured out of his wounds.
"Okay. On it," responded the voice, signing off.
She clipped the radio back onto her belt, and focused her full attention to addressing the man's injuries. He had finished his slide down the wall, and was now laying slumped against it. His eyes were drooping, blood seeping through his light blue shirt.
"It's going to be okay. Just stay with me now," she said, pressing as hard as she could on the gashes, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. If this man died because she was startled by a twitch of a tail, there was no way that she was going to forgive herself.
The man struggled to lift his heavy eyelids, yet his stare was still focused directly on her.
"Who are you?" he managed to grunt out, his gaze intense despite his slow loss of consciousness.
"Doctor Helen Magnus and…," her voice trailing out as the man's eyes finally closed. "Sir? Sir, wake up. You need to stay with me. Sir?"
There was no response. Only silence.
"So is he going to be okay?" questioned Will, standing beside Magnus in the infirmary.
In front of them was the man, laying still unconsciousness on the bed. His skin was pale, and his eyes moved restless underneath his eyelids. It had been an hour or two since they had rushed him here, and now he was all patched up, his vitals beeping on the screen nearby.
"I think so. He lost a lot of blood, but it seems that his unique physiology is replacing it quickly enough," Magnus replied.
"Yeah, that's right. You said this dude had two hearts or something," commented Will.
"Yes, it's quite remarkable. I've never seen anything like it. A dual cardiovascular system. Not to mention the unusual anomalies in his blood and that fact that his DNA states that he's not even human. I've never seen an abnormal like him," said Magnus, a tone of strong fascination in her voice.
She had learned about the man's uncommon makeup when they had rushed him into the infirmary and hooked him up the machines, immediately noticing his double pulse. Afterward, when they tested his blood for any infections, it became strongly apparent that the man was not a normal citizen of the city. All of this sparking a keen note of interest in Magnus. Finding new abnormals was what she lived for. She couldn't wait for him to wake up and talk to him.
"You sound like Christmas has come early," noted Will with an amused smirk on his face.
"Stop mocking me," she replied with a smile, adjusting the IV.
Just at that moment a grunt sounded from the man. Magnus and Will both straightened up alert. The man was wakening. Another grunt sounded, and then suddenly his eyes flew open and he began to sit up.
"Woh, settle down. Your fine, just lay back down. You don't want to stress your wounds," stated Will going to the man and gently pushing him back to the bed.
"Where am I?" questioned the man, complying with Will's commands and laying down.
"You're in the Sanctuary. You're safe here. Do you remember what happened?" kindly asked Magnus. She noticed that the man was speaking with an English accent, but didn't think of it much.
"Uh…," began the man, eyes moving back and forth as he searched for the memory. "You shot that creature with some kind of tranquilizer, but not before it attacked me…I asked you who you were and you said you were…Doctor Helen Magnus. What was that creature by the way?"
"A Varanus lilaoensis. An off shoot of the komodo dragon. I'm sorry it attacked you. It's gets frightened very easily. It normally lives in isolated regions of the world, but it's this one recently lost its habitat and wound up the city," replied Magnus.
She gazed at the man with inspecting eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt, which they'd put on him because his other shirt was ruined with blood. She could see through the shirt to where the bandages lay wrapped around his injuries. The rest of him was adorned with pinstriped brown suit pants. They had taken off his converse shoes so he would be comfortable in the bed. Magnus half expected the man to be surprised, frightened, maybe even disgusted by her words, but instead a quirky smile appeared on his face.
"Brilliant," he muttered, staring up at the ceiling, thoughts obviously a million miles away.
In the corner of Magnus's eye, she could see Will with a questioning expression on. The man's reaction was strange, but they couldn't judge just yet. They barely knew anything about him.
"Okay…mind telling us your name?" questioned Will, almost as if in response to her thoughts.
"Oh…you can call me John Smith," replied the man, turning to face Will, his strange smile still engraved on his face. "And you are?"
"I'm Doctor Will Zimmerman."
"Hmm….'Zimmerman.' Interesting last name…Never met a Zimmerman before…or at least in recent memory," muttered John Smith, wincing a bit as he moved to get comfortable.
"Are you alright? Your wounds were pretty nasty," questioned Will.
"No, I'm fine. Just stings a bit."
"Yes, I noticed you're healing quite rapidly. I'm guessing that its part of you unusual physiology. Am I right?" said Magnus.
The man's smile faded a bit, his eyes glancing up at the screen displaying his vitals. His double pulse making it beep every second or two. She could almost see the gears working in his mind. Fascinating.
"Yep," John Smith replied, exaggerating the 'p' sound.
"It's alright, Mr. Smith. You are safe here. We deal with your kind every day," kindly responded Magnus.
John Smith's eyebrows furrowed, and he sat up a bit, wincing as he did so. "You do?"
"You're not alone Mr. Smith. Working with people with…unusual physiology is what we do," interjected Will in his calm psychiatrist voice.
"This facility is a safe haven, a sanctuary, if you will, for beings such as yourself, whom we call abnormals," explained Magnus, also in a calm voice.
The two were both treading very lightly. The truth could be hard to take in sometimes, and the last thing they wanted was John Smith stressing his injuries and break the stitches, especially when they didn't have any match for his blood type to give him a transfusion if he needed one.
"'Abnormals'?" questioned the man, sitting up even more, his eye brows almost touching.
Oh how to put this lightly… "Abnormals are…creatures, most of the time sentient beings, that fill in the spaces in the evolutionary chain, or sometimes even making up their own chain. There are millions of creatures that mainstream science has yet to understand. Most of the time, these creatures, abnormals, are hunted and/or misunderstood. We offer them a place to live away from the world, until the world is ready to believe and accept them, no matter who or what they are, and at the same time we try to also understand their place in the ecosystems of the world. This is the Sanctuary," informed Magnus.
A look of relief and understanding swept across John Smith's face, and then slowly but surely the quirky smile came back, making his eyes shine with admiration and interest. Again, his reaction was unexpected, making Magnus perplexity and fascination grow.
"Brilliant," he murmured for the second time. "Brilliant, simply magnificent. But…I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm not an abnormal."
"Then what are you?" asked Will, an eyebrow rising in another questioning expression.
"Well…I rather not say. I'm really not supposed to be here. This is not where I belong…and the wrong phrase at the wrong time in the wrong place could mean trouble…And lately I've been trying to cut back on my trouble-making. A bad habit that I can never seem to quit doing no matter how much I try…"
It was Magnus's turn to furrow her eyebrows. What did John Smith mean by that? He was turning out to be a very curious man, and her intrigue was achieving levels that hadn't been reached in years.
"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying," stated Magnus.
"Thought as much. Most people don't. Normally it's a bad thing. Miscommunication can be a bothersome, but in this case, not so much. Anyways…I appreciate you for patching me up and all…but I really can't stay…must get home before I mess anything up," replied John Smith moving to get off the bed.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Mr. Smith. In this situation I'm technically your doctor and you are my patient. And as your doctor, I'm telling you that you need rest. Moving around too much may cause your stitches to break and I can't let you do that," pleaded Magnus, trying to push him back down on the bed.
"No really I shouldn't be here," urged the man, resisting her helping hand and attempting to stand up. "I would try to explain…but beside it being a tad more than I want to get in right now, I have no idea how it was effect things. Though, normally I couldn't care less about that little tid-bit, but…I guess you can say that I'm starting to learn my lessons."
"Mr. Smith, please," began Magnus, pushing pass his perplexing babble and trying to stop him from getting to his feet. "You're wounds-"
"I'll heal up. Don't worry. This body hasn't failed me yet. And thank you again, but I can't stay here. You must understand that. Not only is me being here just plain wrong, but trouble also has a habit of following me no matter what I do," replied John Smith, cutting off her.
And with that, he got to his feet. But he didn't stay that way for long. He couldn't seem to find his balance and almost toppled over if it wasn't for his quick reflexes. He ended up leaning heavily on a bed post until he gave up trying and sat back down.
"Let me guess…I lost a lot of blood right?" questioned John Smith, glancing up at Magnus with his face slightly pale.
She nodded. "It's replenishing itself quickly enough, but it will take time for you to completely heal. We have no blood match to give you a transfusion. In addition, if you break your stitches you'll lose even more. Now you see why I don't want you to leave just yet?"
John Smith nodded.
"Yep, you're not going anywhere anytime soon, bud," added Will, patting the stranger's on the shoulder.