Hello everyone! For those who don't know me, I am TheWordMasterOfFiction (Please just call me Wordy), and I currently write the SSB series Stars of Destiny. However, I've noticed something over the past two months that I've been on here. There is a veeeeeeeeeeery small amount of poetry on this site-and that makes me sad. Poetry is a challenge to write-it doesn't always have to rhyme- but it's even harder to think of ways to connect certain things into poetry.

So today, I'm going to test something. Below, you will find three poems for three basic Brawl characters- Mario, Peach, and Luigi. Notice that they all pretty much follow a pattern, and really aren't very long or wordy. My challenge is this: read the poems and come up with your own for the three Brawlers I will list each week at the bottom of the page. Once you come up with one, either post it into the review section of this fanfic, or PM it to me. Each week, I will select three (one for each character) and post them on here for all to see and enjoy. This will continue until we run out of characters-and in the case that nobody submits for a character, I will make one instead.

So, read these three and get some ideas: the template I used and the three characters are below. Good luck, and WRITE ON!

He is the beginning.

The starter, the first one, the one to rise into greatness.

He takes his place at the top of the roster, being the balancer of the fighting scales.

Although not swift or strong, he has an inner power that impresses many.

He holds no grudges, being a fair sport and a kind man.

They call him "Nintendo's Golden Boy", but when he has the Smash Ball- run!

For his fiery waves are the difference between a win and a loss.

His girlfriend is as sweet as a peach, and he shall always be there to rescue her.

Because nothing gets between him and his love.

For he is the beginning-and the end

He is Mario.

She is love.

The pretty, the fierce, the romantic.

She stands alongside her true love, countering his fierceness with her sweetness.

She is considered weak by other who don't understand- but she fights her hardest.

Kindness is her middle name, and she holds no hatred in her heart.

They call her "Stuck-Up", but are silenced once she holds the Smash Ball

For her dance causes fruit to fall from the heavens-and leaves her enemies vulnerable to attack.

Although most of her time is spent being kidnapped, she is unafraid.

Because deep down she knows that her true love will always come to rescue her.

For she is love-pure and unconfined.

She is Peach.

He is the underdog.

The fearful, the clown, the small.

He is a fan's favorite, although he fights the same as his brother.

Quick on his feet, he is not the strongest of characters.

His friends are outcasts too, and his brother shall always have his back.

They call him "Mario's Shadow"-yet they run when the Smash Ball is his

For once he begins to dance, their minds unravel into puddles of glop.

He always there to help his brother- although he's not afraid to stick it alone.

Because he knows that when the time comes, he will be there to rise up.

For he is the underdog.

He is Luigi.

So, have any ideas yet?

Here's the template to get you started:

He/She is (personality trait)

Three words that best describe the character

How they stand among players

Fighting style/ Speed and strength

Relationship with other fighters (DO NOT USE NAMES!)

They call him/her "Something mean" (I.e.: Peach "stuck up") yet (something they do when you have the Smash Ball)

Final Smash attack and effect

Connection to certain character(s)

Because (reason for connection-try to tie this into the personality trait)

For he/she is (repeat personality trait)

He/She is (Character name)

So, the characters for next week are... BOWSER, WARIO and DONKEY KONG!

This should be interesting-I can think up a couple for these ones. So, please remember to either PM or post your poem in the review section by next Thursday-I'll be posting Friday! See if you can recruit others to help too- the more people that participate the better this will get!

Good luck!