A/N: This story is dedicated to Cenaholic, who gave me the inspiration to write a Rock/Cena story. I hope you like it, sweetie! I don't own any of the wrestlers involved. This story will contain m/m and male pregnancy, so if you don't like any of that stuff, then don't read this. Thank you. Also, this story is based off of real life events. I hope you all like it. R&R. Enjoy!

In Loving Memory


John gripped the steering wheel tight enough that his knuckles turned white. Glancing down at the radio's clock, he saw that it was ten thirteen in the morning. He had seventeen minutes to make it to his doctor's office. For the past few weeks, he had been feeling exhausted, beyond tired, and he even started throwing up a little. Dwayne insisted that he go to see their doctor. At first, John refused; he figured that it was just the usual stomach virus that came around in the community every year. But it lasted longer than the usual twenty four hours and, in the end, he gave into his fiancé's demands.

Which is why he was driving to the doctor's office, even though he was upset. It wasn't because of the appointment; he wasn't afraid of the doctors, especially the sweet Doctor Redding who was like an older sister to him. No, he was upset because of his meeting with Randy barely forty five minutes earlier.

John had first met Randy while they were still in high school, and they soon became best friends. However, as they got to know each other better, John discovered that his feelings for Randy transcended those of friendship. His feelings were so strong and strange and new and different that they scared him and he tried to ignore them. Apparently, Randy had other plans.

It was obvious that John was acting strange; he definitely wasn't his casual, relaxed self whenever his best friend was around. So that got Randy intrigued and, before John could even blink, the taller teen had him cornered, literally corner, in the boys' locker room after football practice and was asking him was the hell was going on. John sputtered and stammered and acted like a complete fool, but he wasn't so embarrassed that he failed to detect the knowing gaze in Randy's eyes or the smirk that spread across his face. Before he could call the other out on it though, Randy closed the gap between them with a kiss. Fierce, rough, and passionate; everything John thought it'd be and more.

The heat between them had been intense, exciting, and oh, so frighteningly new and different. But John didn't care. All he could care about was Randy and him and the fact that Randy had kissed him. Had they not been interrupted by Mike when he walked in, they probably would have continued. Mike, being his usual annoying self, decided to open his big mouth and point out how cute and sexy they were. That tore them apart and John shared a look with Randy before he smiled and said hello to his friend.

That was how it all started.

They had been sophomores back when they first began dating. John had been happy, happier than he had ever been before, but that changed senior year. Somewhere, most likely during the middle of their final year of high school, Randy had started changing. The pressures of graduating, going to college, working part time, being on the football team, and being openly gay were taking their toll on him and he was starting to crumble. Granted, John had the same pressures, but he was too laid back to get overly stressed about them. Until Randy started yelling at him for stupid stuff out of annoyance or anger. As long as it meant he could bitch, Randy would pick and choose anything John said or did and turn their conversations into World War III.

At first, John didn't know what to think or say when Randy got like that. Yes, he had known that Randy had a nasty temper as well as some psychological issues going on upstairs, but he had never acted that way towards John before. So John tried his best to shrug it off and to give Randy all of the support and love he needed to get him through whatever he was going through.

It didn't work. Not like John had hoped it would.

Instead, it got worse. Eventually, as graduation edged closer and closer to them, Randy started hitting John. How it actually started, John didn't care to remember. All he knew for sure was that, one day, Randy snapped and slapped John for saying…something the other didn't agree with. It had hurt a lot, considering the assault sent John stumbling into the kitchen cabinets behind him, but Randy was immediately sorry. And, like a fool, John forgave him for it. Randy had told him, had promised him that it would never happen again.

Almost a week later, it happened again, and John was forced to go to school was a cut lip and a black and blue eye. Mike wanted to know what had happened; aside from Randy, Mike was John's best friend and they had been through a lot together. But John shrugged it off and told him that he had gotten it while he had been wrestling with Randy. From the look of uncertainty on Mike's face, John figured the story appeared pretty sketchy, but he didn't care. Especially not when Randy walked up to them and wrapped his arms around John in a loving embrace. And especially when Randy had promised him, again, that he'd never lay a hand on John in such a manner ever again.

The hitting continued. Pushing and shoving was son involved into the equation. Punches started getting thrown and, on occasionally, Randy would kick him. Even their love making turned into incredibly rough sex and then, eventually, to outright rape. John couldn't stand it when Randy touched him; even the simplest, smallest, loving gesture made John flinch and cringe. As much as John wanted to leave Randy, and he knew that he should have left Randy, he couldn't. He loved him too damn much to let him go. It was selfish, but John didn't want to lose the one person he loved and cared for the most in the entire world. Besides, even if he did report any of the abuse to the police, John was eighteen and Randy was a few months younger than him. Why get them both into trouble?

That's what his thinking had been prior to Phoebe.

Phoebe Leona Cena was the extremely unexpected, yet not unwelcome, surprise that John found out about three weeks after graduation. Honest to God, he had no idea that he could even get pregnant. Yes, there had been scientific studies and surveys done that showed that men, in rare circumstances and under the most dire and rare conditions, could, in fact, conceive children. The revelations cause great uproar and concern, but what could be done about it? In the early years of the nineteen hundreds, woman only had their periods a three or four times a year; they evolved to the point where they got their periods once a month. Why couldn't men evolve as well?

Conception was dangerous though. Extremely dangerous. While scientists and doctors were doing everything in their power to make conception and delivery as safe as possible, most carriers – which is the nickname dubbed to men who could conceive, as a lot of people thought the term 'mother' wouldn't rightfully apply – died before reaching nine months. Even if the carriers didn't die, most babies were miscarried or still born. Hope for a successful conception and delivery was very low for John, even more so considering his horrific relationship with Randy. John dreaded telling Randy. He told Mike first and, together, they told his parents. And then, he told Randy. Randy's reaction was a lot worse than John's parents' had been. At least his parents hadn't tried to kill him.

Randy tried to. He didn't want a child; he didn't want to be with a freak like John. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. With Mike by his side, giving him courage and strength, he broke up with Randy and left his house, determined to never see him again. Which would have worked out had Randy gone away to college and left John alone while he attended the local community college (what was the point of going away for school when he'd so many medical issues to deal with?). But Randy didn't leave for college. Instead, he got a full time job and started working, which meant that John saw him more often than he liked.

As John started getting into the groove of things at the local community college, he met Dwayne, an older man who had caught John's attention on the first day of classes. They soon became friends and John felt stirrings for him; Dwayne was very nice, funny, and good looking, so, naturally, he'd be attracted to him. However, before things could kick off with Dwayne, Randy visited him at his house and they talked for a few hours about, well, everything. Randy apologized for being an asshole and for everything he had said and done to John that caused him pain or hurt him in anyway. And he was thrilled to be a father; he was just scared at first at the notion, but after he was able to digest what John had told him, he had come to terms with it and was more than willing to give their relationship another try.

So that's what they did. And before John knew it, his nine months were up and Phoebe had arrived. She was the most beautiful thing John had ever laid eyes on. Although she had Randy's dark hair, her eyes were John's. It left him speechless and, at the time, he thought that life couldn't get better.

But not long after Phoebe had been born, Randy started acting like he used to and John found himself dreading his decision to take him back. Thankfully, he wasn't alone in this. Not only did he have his family and Mike, but he had Dwayne, who had expressed his feelings for John not long after he left Randy. He was hesitant to go into a relationship though, since he had just ended things for good with Randy, but Mike, with the help of Dave, Mike's boyfriend and a friend of Dwayne's, he decided to go for it.

And they had been together for a little over two years now. John was so happy to have found someone like Dwayne; someone who honest to God loved him and Phoebe and wanted them to be happy and protected and loved. Dwayne managed to do all of that and more. Unfortunately, Randy went after John for custody of Phoebe and it was decided that Randy would get her every other weekend.

Finally, he pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office and turned the car off. Leaning back in his seat, John sighed and closed his eyes. He had just picked up Phoebe from Randy's and they had gotten into it…again. It seemed that, recently, they kept getting into arguments over nothing and it was wearing on John. Randy just wanted to bicker and fight and, as much as Ted, Randy's roommate, tried to get him to stop, he just kept ragging on John. Randy even threatened to kill him and had done so in front of Phoebe, which upset her which in turn upset John.

With Phoebe in his arms, John placed her in her car seat and left Randy and Ted's apartment and made his way to his parent's house. They were watching her while John went to the doctor's. Granted, they usually watched her when John had work, but they were even more ready to do so today because of the doctor's appointment. If John was sick, they didn't want to give him a lot of grief and John was thankful for that. He had taken off work to go to this appointment, but he'd pick Phoebe up when he was done and they'd go home. Thank God he had graduated from the community college or else he'd be busier than hell with work and assignments and there'd be no way he could take Phoebe after his appointment. But he was more than happy to get his baby girl. He missed her already.

Taking the keys out of the ignition, John opened his car door and locked the car before stepping out. A wave of nausea crept over him and he nearly lost his breakfast. Luck was on his side though, and he managed to keep it down. Feeling like crap, he closed his car door and made his way to the doctor's office, anxious to see what the hell was going on with him.