Author's note: Here we are, the last chapter. Thank you so much for all your kind comments, they make me extremely happy 3 I apologize for the delay, but as a consolation, this last update is not one chapter, but three of them! In addition to this chapter, there are two more side chapters located in the story Behind White Eyes. The 2nd side story, "Light Breath", takes place between chapter 6 and this chapter. It is nsfw, so you don't have to read it. The 3rd side chapter is about Mindfang and the Summoner, and somewhat mirrors some aspects of the story between Tavros and Vriska.

I hope you have enjoyed reading White Eyes as much as I have enjoyed writing it. My next work will very probably be about Dave and Jade - I don't know when it will be published though.

Thank you!

"So what, are you guys banging or something?" asked Dave when Tavros finally answered the door half-dressed.

"Wha- Whatever gives you that idea?", Tavros inquired, trying to look as calm as possible. But his voice was too high-pitched to hide anything from the coolkid, and he shifted nervously.

"Dude, she's wearing your shirt, and it sure looks like that's the only thing she's wearing." he explained, pointing at Vriska parading inside the hive behind Tavros.

"So that's where my shirt was…!" Tavros exclaimed, turning around to look at her. And lo and behold, she was wearing said buttoned-up shirt. She only giggled in reply. Dave carried on.

"Also, you're grinning so hard it hurts my cheekbones just to look at you. It's like your mouth is gonna tear all Joker-style or some shit."

"Like what?"

"Don't try to change the topic, I'm not letting you go before you spill the beans. Hell, I'll even make red bean paste with all the beans I'll make you spill."


His whole face took a blood orange tint.

"Woah, lighting some pretty sick fires on your face here. Was it that good?"

"Stop it Dave!" he cried.

"I bet you've been filling lots of bucket or however that shit works."

"Oh my god."

In the meantime, Vriska had finally put on her jeans – even though she kept wearing Tavros' shirt like it was a trophy. She went to meet them, and Tavros moved closer to her – or rather, escaped from the young human trying to make Japanese delicacies out of his embarrassment. But that wasn't so easy. Dave called out at him:

"Hey Tavros."


"Congrats on the troll sex!" he smirked with his thumb up.

The only response he got was an incoherent mess of vowels and consonants probably not meant to be associated that way. Vriska's grin probably didn't help either. Or maybe it was just because of her hand that had found its way in the back pocket of his trousers, who knows.

"Oh by the way, I came here to say bye, since I'm leaving approximately soon. My dream bubble is ready to leave, and I wanna resume searching for that guy asap." Dave explained.

"Oh, really? Good luck then!" smiled Tavros.

"It was pretty cool to hang out with you, even if your alien games are weird as hell."

"Come on, you were having fun too!" quipped Vriska, slapping him on the shoulder.

"Yeah sure whatever." he shrugged.

They exchanged one last farewell and after a nod, he flash stepped back to his dream bubble, and blasted off swiftly, leaving them on their own.

Tavros felt slightly bummed afterwards to lose some of his company, but Vriska reassured him they would probably meet other people sooner or later.

"Hum, that's true" he finally admitted, "And well, you're here so that's okay."

Weeks, then months passed for the two of them. Aradia came to visit quite often – and didn't forget to muse out loud about how "you guys are so close, I'm jealous" and also that "Vriska has gone all soft, how cute". To which they replied with nervous laughs and gritted teeth. They went to some other dream bubbles with her, and got to see some of the others, before going back to their own bubbles.

During that period, they went through another growth spurt, which was starting to cause some problems ("Fuck, your horns are getting stupidly big!"). Because of Tavros' imposing horns, they had to rearrange both of their hives: they enlarged doorways, and put most of the ornaments away to avoid breaking them. Even when they cuddled they had to be careful not to destroy half of the room in the process – what would it be if they were in the black quadrant? They both shuddered at the thought.

Tavros was fairly unhappy with his massive horns, and Vriska even caught him trying to saw them off ("what the hell were you thinking?"). He gave up when he realized they would go back to normal after sleeping anyway.


When Vriska recognized who owned the dream bubble that had just hit theirs, she almost fainted. But she was then reassured to see that he was alive, his blue pupils still behind his glasses. She called out to him, and he waved back. She turned to Tavros:

"Do you mind if I go talk to him for a little bit?"

He frowned very slightly, but nodded anyway:


She stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips.

"I won't be long." she said, smiling.

They went their separate ways, Vriska going to meet John, and Tavros going back to his dream hive. John greeted her cheerfully.

"It's nice to finally see you-"

The last word was barely audible – it corresponded to the moment he had noticed the whiteness of her eyes. She smiled sadly.

"Yeah… Some stuff happened since the last time we talked…"

"But how did this happen? Who did that? Was it Jack Noir?"

She looked at him, and finally answered 'yes'. That was a lie, of course. But she didn't want him to bear a grudge against Terezi – who was probably still alive. Jack Noir would be the perfect culprit – and well, it was because she had wanted to fight him that Terezi had killed her. That, among other reasons.

John frowned – he seemed upset by this. Vriska tried to change the conversation into a lighter-hearted subject.

"Ah, but it's okay, being dead isn't all that bad! I mean, I was able to change some of the things I had told you about!"

He seemed a bit confused. She carried on.

"You know, I told you that I had… killed someone. Well, many more people than that, but that's not the point."

"Ah, yes! Did you see him then?"

She smiled.

"He just left", she replied, pointing to where Tavros went.

John grinned, nudging her playfully.

"I see that it went well, you trollkiller!"

She gave him a look.

"That… probably wasn't a good idea to adapt this human nickname. My bad…" he immediately apologized. "What I meant to say was that you totally wooed him apparently!"

She smiled, and flipped her hair in a flashy way.

"Of course I did! Who do you think I am?"

"Ah, catch me, I'm swooning!" he replied jokingly, leaning back in a dramatic fashion. "I shouldn't have looked at you directly, ugh…!"

She chortled, and he also laughed. They chatted away for some more time. It was then time for him to wake up, so they hugged, and his bubble disappeared with a 'pop'.

Vriska walked back to Tavros' hive, where he was watching a movie on his husktop.

"I'm back" she said, going to lie down on the couch he sat on, settling her head on his lap. She closed her eyes.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Why wouldn't I be alright?"

"I don't know… You seem to like that John human a lot…" he frowned, looking away somewhat grumpily.

She blinked, before starting to grin.

"Are you jealous of him?"

He puffed his cheeks.


She chuckled at how cute he looked when he was trying to be jealous. Well, as "cute" as an almost 7 feet tall troll could get, anyway.

"You don't need to be." she whispered lovingly. She almost said something cheesy, but instead chose to convey it with a kiss.

"I'm not leaving anytime soon. Or ever."