Pchooo~ This one is kinda late. But uh, yeah, I made it some what more interesting than the others? Anyway, hope you guys like it! As always, reviews are more than welcome. See you next chapter, or if you read my other fic I Am Dave's Disturbed Nightmare, I'll probably see you there first. Enjoy!

Vriska and I walked hand in hand, her small on was so cold in my hand so I rubbed my thumb along the back of her hand, in an attempt to warm it. It was strange, but it felt completely natural to do so – nothing weird about it, and she didn't seem to mind either.

She spoke, but the words only barely sunk in. I was ridiculously caught up in the moment. Like a fairy tale. My mind began to wander; perhaps this is what we would tell our kids? Perhaps I'm jumping ahead of myself… either way – it was a nice thought to entertain.

The group walked ahead; Aradia and Sollux a little off to the side, holding hands and talking about something. Leading the group, Kanaya and Rose, also holding hands and attracting some not so pleasant looks – which they brushed off with good nature of course, because heaven forbid they be rude. They occasionally kissed each other's hands, and Rose kissed Kanaya's bare shoulder gently. Then there was Karkat who was ranting about something to Terezi, and Terezi was ignoring Karkat and casually… brushing her hand… against Dave's. And Dave was brushing back and oh my god.

I gripped Vriska's hand tightly and looked her in the eyes; her blue eyes were wide with alarm. "John, what's wrong?" She asked in a curiously concerned manner.

"Dave…" I began my voice a low whisper. I realized we had stopped walking, the canoodling slipping out of view. "He's fornicating with Karkat's long-time love interest!" I choked; my voice came out squeaky and frightened.

Vriska raised an eyebrow at me and walked ahead quickly, dragging me along. As we got closer, we slowed and lingered behind. "Oh." Vriska remarked, rather bored. "Haven't they told anyone?"

Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. I pushed my glasses back up my nose and tilted my head at her. "Told anyone what?"

"Dave and Terezi are dating." She said, again sounding unimpressed beyond all reason.

"Dave and Terezi are dating?" I yelped loudly.

Now, have you ever been in an exam, and it's dead quiet and your stomach decides to demonstrate the mating call of a humpback whale? Then everyone looks at you? And you feel super awkward? Cause they're staring? And judging? Yeah. That's happening like, right now. But with a touch more screaming.

From out of the silence erupted a volcano of rage, coming from two people in particular – The first was Terezi, who looked at Vriska (or past her, whatever) with a blinding rage in of fire in her eyes. "What have you done?" The raven haired girl screeched.

The other fit of rage was coming from Karkat. "YOU'RE DATING THAT WANKER?" He bellowed, his usually barely noticeable Irish accent, coming out like Shrek. And then Dave started up.

"Hey, ass fuck, I'm not a wanker. Clearly I'm not a wanker if I'm dating Terezi." A small shadow of a smirk crept to his lips. "We have other ways of solving thatkind of problem." This earned a cry of protest from Terezi; something about the apartment rules. That only earned a growl from Karkat.

"Way to respect her, asshole!"

"I am. I'm just defending myself."

"Karkat can you just calm down!" Terezi said, exasperated.

Kanaya looked as if she was about to blow her top, the stares we were attracting was not pleasant. Rose was similarly annoyed; she drummed her fingers on her arm as she glared daggers at me and Dave alternatively. Vriska looked nervous beside me, as Terezi redirected her attention to her.

"I can't believe you told!" She cried, marching over, pointing at Terezi and missing, pointing at me instead. Gently, I took her hand and redirected it.

"Wrong person" I murmured.

She turned her head towards me and frowned. "Thank you." Redirecting her attention once more, she glared at Vriska. "Why would you do that? Look what you've done!" She said, gesturing to Dave who was being reprimanded by Rose, and Karkat who was being soothed by Kanaya (who looked absolutely terrible).

Vriska flipped her fringe out of her face and frowned, deep lines disfiguring her otherwise pristine face. "I didn't mean to."

Terezi scoffed and shook her head at the taller girl. "Like hell you didn't!" She then turned to me, a scowl on her face. "And you couldn't keep your mouth shut?" A sigh of frustration came from Vriska and she gripped my hand tighter.

"Terezi, calm the fuck down. You're only making it worse. I know you're fucking blind and everything and you can't tell, but Kanaya is practically on the verge of tears and Rose is gonna rip your throat out." Vriska muttered, loud enough for the two of us to hear.

From the corner of my mind, I realized how harsh it sounded, but it never actually occurred to me. Terezi took it in stride and turned away, going over and apologizing to Kanaya.

"Thank you, everyone." Rose's stern voice called out over the loud, heated chatter. That chatter was no more. It was as if Rose took her knitting needles and embedded it into the Chatter's eyes. "We will continue onto the venue, if anyone wishes to leave, now is the time."

"In other wordth, if you're gonna be a pain the ath all night, you better pith off." Sollux clarified. How he knew what she meant, I will never know. But I didn't argue, just let it be. Everyone exchanged nervous looks with each other, but no one left.

The air was filled with tension. Terezi walked beside Vriska, Dave walked beside me. Karkat walked by Kanaya's side, apologizing to her once more. Vriska and I didn't hold hands again, we simply walked, heads down.

The night ended rather sadly. Kanaya thanked us all for coming after dinner and we all went our separate ways. Karkat and I returned how to our apartment and not a word was said about tonight's chain of events.

The next few days were sure to be some interesting ones.