Ironies and Things That go Bump in the Dark

Let's Get Off This Stupid Rock

Sakura scowled as Riddick and Johns had a nearly silent pissing contest to see who would look around the corner to check for monsters.

"If neither of you has enough balls, I'll do it." She sneered as she pushed her way between them and towards the doorway they were arguing about.

They had been scuttling through the ship for several minutes now but they had only managed to get turned around and confused about where they should exit.

She used her chakra sense to see if there were any just outside the door and found it deserted, she quickly ducked into the open hallway the cutting torch held in front of her both protecting and lighting her way.

"Looks clear." Sakura called back to the group of three. Riddick instantly appeared at her side as silent as a phantom while Johns and Fry followed sounding a little louder. Sakura winced as their steps reverberated on the metal of the floor. It sounded like someone banging pots and pans together to her sensitive ears. Probably alerted all of the monsters around as well.

Sakura turned to glare at them. "Why don't you idiots just yell that your here?" She asked rhetorically. They looked at her in surprise at her sudden outburst.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Johns demanded a sneer marring his face.

"You-are-making-enough-noise-to-wake-the-dead." Sakura said slowly and articulately making sure they couldn't mishear any of her words.

Fry gave her a glare that spoke of disappointment at her immaturity.

Sakura easily ignored it. She was around 3000 years old. Some stupid 20-something year old girl wasn't going to make her feel like she was acting immature.

"Come on. Let's go. And try to muffle your damn steps." Sakura sneered at the two noisy people, as she stalked away. Riddick gave a predatory grin and followed her as silent as a ghost.

John and Fry followed after their feet sounding softer but still too loud in the mostly silent ship.

They finally found the exit and quickly hooked up a lighted sled as a sort of shield against the light-phobic creatures. The creatures shrieked and clicked their anger as they stood just outside of the light waiting for one of the group to be stupid enough to step out of the ring of light.

Sakura glared out into the darkness letting her eyes adjust quickly. She watched as the monsters started to fight amongst themselves, too hungry to wait for the humans to step out of the safety of the light.

Sakura glanced at the other two. She would bet her immortality that at least one if not the both of them would die on the way back. She knew Riddick wouldn't die, he was too stubborn and strong to be killed by dumb beasts. Johns on the other hand was a cocky, rude, son-of-a-bitch; he would most-likely piss Riddick off enough for him to shove the idiot into the monster infested darkness. Fry was mostly if not all bravado. She was a coward who would sacrifice someone else so she could live. She had proved that back on the ship during the crash.

Sakura sighed and slung a rope over he shoulder and began to pull the sled with the light behind her. Johns cradled his rifle in his arms like it was a security blanket and Fry dropped back to watch Sakura pull the sled. Riddick was ahead and leading them onward toward the skift that would get them the hell off this piece of rock.

About an hour later they were all irritable and ready to kill one another, except for Riddick and Sakura who seemed to get along all while quietly contemplating throwing Johns and Fry out into the dark as bait so the monsters would leave them alone for a while.

The reached a canyon and looked down into it. Above them flocks of the great beasts tore into each other overhead. It looked almost like a battle, but no battle would be so unorganized or bloodthirsty. Great glops of blue blood rain down over the rocks making the ground treacherous to walk on.

Sakura glared at the path.

"We need to run through here. If we slow down the monsters will congregate on us." Riddick interrupted Sakura's quiet thought.

"That's what I was thinking." Sakura admitted looking at Riddick out of the corner of her eye.

"We run." Sakura ordered picking up the cell and easily sealing it in a scroll wondering why she hadn't done it before. 'Stupidity must be contagious' She decided.

"If you fall behind it's your own fault and you die." She finished callously looking at Johns and Fry in particular.

Just as they were about to enter the canyon the skies opened up and it began to pour. Sakura snarled in annoyance shoving her pink bangs out of her face.

They began to run, Riddick and Sakura leading and Johns and Fry trying to keep up. Blue globs of blood made the floor hazardous to walk on. Johns slipped and fell and then went scrabbling for his morphine shots instead of getting up and running. Fry hurried to his side trying to get him to move.

Riddick and Sakura ignored them. They weren't going to sacrifice their lives for two idiots that wouldn't do the same for them. There was a pool of light around the two that had been left behind, the flashlights being held by Fry as she tried to ward of the numerous beast that stalked around the edge of the circle of light.

There was a horrible screech and screams and both the lights suddenly went out and both humans screams were abruptly cut off as they died.

Riddick took a chance to spare a glance at Sakura to see how she reacted to two people dying not feet from her. Her face was stoney.

They ran the rest of the way. They slid and sloshed through the mud and blood but eventually rushed into the town. The light from a dim headlight lit the path lightly but the monsters stayed just feet away cautious of the predator-like prey. They ran right up to the ship and knocked sharply.

"Jack! Open the door!" Sakura yelled. There was a hiss as the air lock opened. Both Sakura and Riddick rushed into the ship and it was shut behind them.

"Here." Sakura said unsealing the cell and passing it to Riddick.

Riddick took it wordlessly and hooked it up.

Eight people stared at them.

"Where are Fry and Johns?" Paris demanded as much as a timid man could.

"Dead." Sakura said bluntly as Riddick headed for the controls.

"How?" Paris pressed.

"Do you really want to know?" Sakura asked raising a delicate pink eyebrow.

Paris fell quiet.

Imam nodded as he gathered his sons and sat in a circle and began to pray.

Everyone else milled around trying to find some seats. There was a good sized pile of food in the back of the ship, fruits of the ninken's efforts.

"What if a merchant ship picks us up?" Jack suddenly asked.

"We bull shit our way out of it." Sakura said bluntly. "I can put a genjutsu on Riddick so he looks like Johns or someone else and he'll be able to talk his way out of it."

There was silence even as Riddick said 'Good Night' to the creatures on the planet char-frying a bunch of the monsters by suddenly turning the lights on.

Several hours everyone was asleep and Sakura worked her way over to Riddick and kissed him full on the mouth and straddled him.

It was the start of a beautiful relationship and an even more beautiful team.

A/N: That's all folks. Please review and tell me what you think. Any feedback is welcome. And I hope you'll read some of my other stories too.

UPDATE: A lot of people have been asking for a sequel but I'm not sure I'm going to write one. I want to finish the other stories I have before I even think about a sequel. Sorry to all those who are disappointed that the story ends so soon. I love every single one of my readers and hope you will continue reading my stories.