Back in a Tree

Note: I don't own Digimon or any of the characters. Sorry this took so long. I'm just afraid of ruining it so I had to make it perfect.

Guilmon opened his eyes slowly when he felt a beam of light fall upon his face. He yawned, then realized that Renamon was longer in his arms. He looked around frantically for a few seconds, then noticed Rika chuckling at him. "Rika! Where's Renamon?" Guilmon asked worriedly.

"Calm down, Guilmon. She woke up about an hour ago and left for the park. She's all right, thanks to you, dino-boy." Guilmon breathed out in relief, he was glad that Renamon had recovered.

"I need to go talk to her. Bye-bye, Rika." Guilmon waved and ran out the back door. Rika laughed and was about to do some things when she heard the doorbell ring. She ran over to the door and opened it. A troubled-looking Takato stood at the doorstep.

"Rika, have you seen Guilmon? He wasn't at his home this morning and some trees have been knocked down in the area." He said worriedly.

"Yeah, he just ran out the back door.. He stayed here the night with Renamon." Takato raised an eyebrow at what she said. "Not like that, goggle head, she had gotten hurt in a battle and he brought her here and stayed with her to make sure she was okay." Takato breathed out a sigh of relief, relieved that his partner wasn't deleted. Rika smiled inwardly, he was kind of cute when he was worried. "Hey, goggle head, you want to come in? It's been a long time since we just talked." Takato blushed and nodded.

"Sure." Rika smiled ushered him into the house.

* * * * *

"Renamon?" Guilmon asked, looking around her. He had been unable to find her. "Renamon!" He called out, hoping to catch the attention of the golden fox, but she did not reply. Guilmon sighed and he looked around some more, but he still did not find her. "Oh, Renamon. I guess she doesn't want to talk to me. She is probably mad at me for being so weak." Guilmon drooped his ears, and started walking back to his little home.

Renamon stared at Guilmon from the trees. She felt her heart fluttering with emotions when she looked him over, but she could not bring herself to go and talk with him. "Not right now, Guilmon. I will tell you sometime, but not right now." She had to admit to herself, she was afraid. Afraid to expose her emotions, leaving herself naked to the harsh reality, the reality that Guilmon might not return those feelings that she has buried within herself. She sighed sadly when she saw Guilmon lower his ears, he was depressed because of her. She had to fight down the urge just to yell out that she loved him. "Tonight. I will tell him tonight." She said to herself, trying to convince herself she really would. She sighed despondently then phased out of view.

* * * * *

Guilmon sniffed sadly as he sat in his home. The sun had sunk down below the horizon a few hours ago, but Guilmon didn't feel tired. The sky had been covered by a thick layer of clouds, so not a single star could be seen, and vision had been restricted, although Renamon could see almost perfectly. She sighed as she looked at Guilmon. She had faced many great challenges during her life, yet this one she just could not summon enough courage to face. She forced herself to take a step forward towards Guilmon's house, but then retreated a few steps back.

Guilmon sniffed again, then he noticed something in the air. He may not have great vision like Renamon, but his sense of smell was quite acute. He had smelt it just yesterday... "Renamon!" Guilmon gasped. He immediately stood up and walked out of his house. Renamon perked up when she saw Guilmon leave his home, and she immediately jumped into a tree farther back, but Guilmon had picked up the scent and was instantly under the tree. "Renamon?" Guilmon asked inquisitively, looking up at the fox.

Renamon tried to compose herself, and looked down at Guilmon. "H-hey, Guilmon." She said, trying not to stutter or blush, but failing in both. Come on, Renamon, keep control of yourself. She thought to herself angrily. Guilmon began climbing up the tree, a little more deftly this time, and sat down next to Renamon. He looked at her from head to toe, then blushed and looked away when he noticed Renamon looking at him strangely. It was all Renamon could do from pouncing on Guilmon and covering him with kisses.

"Renamon, I hope you're okay, and....I'm sorry." Guilmon frowned at his own weakness. Renamon was taken aback.

"Sorry? For what? You saved me, Guilmon. I should be thanking you." Renamon smiled.

"But you wouldn't of been hurt if I hadn't been so weak." Guilmon's frown grew larger. Renamon suddenly placed a paw on one of his, Guilmon was shocked.

"It's not like anyone of us has never been knocked down before. I choose to throw myself at that fireball, not you." She tightened her grip around Guilmon's paw. Guilmon looked at Renamon.

"Why did you throw yourself at the attack?" He asked. Renamon faltered for an answer, then looked away. It's now or never. Renamon thought to herself. She sighed and turned around back to Guilmon.

"Guilmon, I...I..." It was surprising how hard it was to say those few words. Renamon looked deep into Guilmon's golden eyes. "Guilmon, I..." She wasn't able to finish. She heard a loud crack, then another, then she had just enough time to jump off the breaking limb into the arms of Guilmon. Guilmon nearly dropped her in surprise, but was able to maintain his grip around her body. They both looked at each other, chuckled, then blushed and looked away, Guilmon still holding Renamon. This was perfect for both of them, they were both in close proximity with the one they loved. Then a question popped into Renamon's head.

"Guilmon? Why were you holding me this morning?" She asked. Guilmon chuckled nervously and blushed.

"Well, er, last night you started struggling, so I did the first thing that I thought of. You calmed down, but I kinda fell asleep with you in my arms." He said. Renamon looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks, Guilmon. I was having a really bad dream." She hugged him tightly, then realized what she was doing and tore herself off. Guilmon was sad that the hug had only lasted a few seconds, but those few seconds were precious. She looked up at the sky and said, "Hey, the clouds have cleared. The sky is beautiful." Guilmon looked up at the night sky, then back at Renamon. Not as beautiful as you. Guilmon thought. When he wouldn't give just to kiss her, even once.

"Renamon, what were you trying to say before? Before that branch broke?" Guilmon asked. Renamon blushed even harder and looked down.

"What I was trying to tell you, Guilmon, was that I..." She still couldn't bring herself to say it, so she decided to used her lips to tell him instead. She turned towards Guilmon suddenly and kissed him as passionately as she could. Surges of emotions ran though both of their bodies, but the kept kissing. After a bit, Renamon broke off the kiss and stared into Guilmon's eyes. "I love you, Guilmon. I have for a long time, but I was just to afraid to tell you." She then downcast her eyes, afraid to look at Guilmon's reaction. After a short silence, Renamon sighed. "I guess you don't feel the same way."

Renamon then felt something brush along her neck. She turned towards Guilmon and saw that he was smiling. He moved his head forward and nuzzled Renamon softly. "You're wrong, Renamon." He said softly. "I love you, too." Renamon smiled and embraced Guilmon tightly. She moved her head back and kissed Guilmon with even more passion, now that she know he truly loved her. They stayed that way, in the tree, under the starlit sky, holding each other, until the sun peaked oven the horizon.

Is it good? Did I make it worse? Click the review button and tell me, or send reviews to [email protected]. There may or may not be a next chapter, it all depends on if I can think of something.