In a Tree

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon or any of the characters. That's the property of Fox.

"Pathetic. Renamon, finish him off." Rika smirked as she pulled out a card and slashed it through her D-Arc. Renamon felt her hand change quickly from her familiar paw to a large gun.

"No, don't! He just a baby!" Takato cried vainly. Rika just gave Takato a quick glance then returned her attention to the fight.

"Finish him, Renamon!" Renamon nodded and brought the gun up the side of Guimon's head.

"Guilmon!" Takato shouted, and not a second too late. Guilmon turned his head to Takato and the blast from Renamon's gun missed and sent her flying back.

"Ugh!" Renamon gasped as she was violently brought back to reality by the screeching of tires from the street. She had thinking about that battle again. She had been bothered by it for a few weeks now. Her thoughts drifted back to the next fight she and Guilmon had.

"Diamond Storm" Renamon shouted as gleaming white crystals sprang from nowhere in front of her. She spread her arms aggressively, showering Guilmon with them. What surprised her most, however, was that her attack just bounced harmlessly off of Guilmon's thick hide. He glanced up and her and pulled his head back, gathering energy for a pyro-sphere.

"How can I be the strongest if I can't even beat Guilmon?" Renamon said to no one in particular. She was resting in a tree in a secluded portion of Shinjuku Park. One leg was hanging lazily off the branch, while the other was drawn close to her body. A slight wind rippled across her soft fur. It was several months after Renamon and the others defeated the D-Reaper. Life had become as normal as possible again. Her mind wandered back to Guilmon. She shook her head forcefully, trying to throw the thought of Guilmon out of her head. "What is it about him that keeps making me think about him?" Renamon asked herself.

"Who are you talking about?" A sudden voice threw Renamon off balance and almost sent her off the branch.

"Terriermon! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Renamon growled, getting her balance back.

"Whoa. I snuck up on you? Aren't you all powerful, able to detect something miles away?" Terriermon giggled as he lowered himself down with his ears from a higher up branch.

"I...was just busy thinking, that's all." Renamon said gruffly. She looked away from the small digimon.

"Yeah, I know that, but who were you thinking about?" Terriermon asked.

"That's none of your business, you little fur ball." Renamon snorted.

"Ooooooh, I see what's going on around here. Renamon's in love!" Terriermon started laughing as if he just heard the funniest joke. Renamon's face turned to a deep crimson hue.

"What!? How dare you say such a thing. I am not in love!" Renamon snarled menacingly. It took a lot of willpower to keep her hand steady.

"Yep. You're hip deep in L-U-V!" said Terriermon stupidly, not knowing how to spell love. Renamon was just about to smack Terriermon off the tree when Henry appeared.

"There you are, Terriermon. We have to get going, it's almost dinner." Henry said impatiently. The sun was close to the horizon and the sky had turned a deep orange.

"He-Henry. I found out the funniest thing." Terriermon laughed as he jumped down from the tree. He was just about to tell Henry when he turned around and saw Renamon staring daggers at him, she looked like she was about to explode and would make Terriermon sorry for anything he said. "Uhh, it's a joke involving two Gazamon." He lied.

"Tell me on the way, okay buddy? See ya, Renamon, and tell Rika I said hi." Henry waved and left.

"How dare that little digimon suggest such a thing." But Renamon didn't feel angry, she felt somewhat different. She tried to be mad, but couldn't muster the strength. Her hands were shaking and she could still felt her face burning. "But...could he be right?" Renamon whispered to herself. She shook her head violently. "No, I can't be in love, especially with that red lizard. He's dumb and naive and..." She couldn't think of any other things wrong with him. She just shook off the thought and concentrated on the fading sunlight. She began to get drowsy and soon she was asleep, quietly dreaming.

It was back in the park, except this time there was no Takato or Rika, it was just Renamon and Guilmon wrestling on the ground, but it wasn't a fight, it almost seemed like they were....playing. Renamon finally got the upper hand and got Guilmon in a head lock. Guilmon swiveled his head slightly and smiled at Renamon, and she smiled back. Suddenly, Renamon felt her hand turn back into the Metalmamemon energy cannon.

"Renamon, I..." Guilmon started. Renamon brought Guilmon closer, feeling his body heat increasing. "I love you, Renamon." He said finally.

Renamon smiled and said, "I love you, too, Guilmon." She was about to kiss Guilmon on the snout when she stopped. She slowly raised her gun hand and brought it up to the side of Guilmon's head. Renamon's eye widened when she couldn't pull the gun down, as if it wasn't in her control anymore. "No, stop!" She cried, trying to push the gun down. Guilmon just stared at her with a content smile and sad eyes. "Guilmon!" She cried when she felt the gun fire.

"NO!" Renamon gasped as she woke up. She was breathing quickly and she felt a bit of moisture under her eyes. The day had faded and now it was very dark, the only light coming from the stars. She breath slowly normalized when she realized it was only a dream.

"Renamon, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked from below her. Renamon looked down and gasped at who she saw. It was Guilmon of all people. Renamon felt her heart beat a little bit quicker.

"Oh, Guilmon. Yeah, I'm fine. Um, how long have you been down there?" She asked suddenly.

"Oh, just for a few minutes. I wanted to make sure you didn't fall out of the tree." Guilmon blushed slightly. Renamon remained silent and blushed as well. "Do you mind if I go up there, too? I wanna be with someone." Guilmon asked timidly. Renamon stared at him, as if sizing him up, then nodded her head. Guilmon smiled and began and awkward climb up the tree. When he finally got to Renamon's branch, he sat himself clumsily on the branch, his feet swinging in the open air. "You looked like you were having a nightmare. Are you okay, Renamon?"

"Yeah, it was just...a bit disturbing, that's all." Renamon felt her eyes gradually drawn towards Guilmon. Her eyes traced over his well-muscled arms and his adorable face. Renamon felt her face burn when she saw Guilmon give her a quizzical look.

"What's wrong, Renamon?"

"Nothing." Renamon said shortly. The air was full of tension.

"We've really been through a lot, haven't we, Renamon. The Devas, the D-Reaper, all of that, and we made it through okay." Guilmon said, staring up at the sky.

"Hmm." Renamon acknowledged. There was a long silence.

"Whoa!" Guilmon cried suddenly as he almost lost his balance and wobbled on the branch uncertainly for a few seconds, then finally found his balance again. Renamon suddenly couldn't help herself and giggled softly. "Hey! That's not funny." He said playfully, and gave her a soft push, trying to make her lose her balance. She giggled some more and gave Guilmon a lighthearted push back. Then, unexpectedly, Guilmon dove at Renamon and tackled her off the branch. She let out a cry of surprise and closed her eyes, expecting to hit the ground, but it never came. She opened and eye and saw Guilmon holding her, his tail wrapped around the branch. He was grinning like crazy.

"Are you nuts?" She nearly yelled. Guilmon was about to respond when they heard a soft crack, then another. Suddenly, the entire branch gave way and they fell to the ground. Renamon grunted when she hit the ground, then let out a yelp as Guilmon fell on top of her.

"He he, oops." Guilmon smiled as he stood up. Guilmon gasped when he was tackled from behind by Renamon. They wrestled and rolled along the ground for a few minutes, then Guilmon finally got the initiative and was able to pin Renamon down. They stared at each other for a while, then Renamon's lips started to curl into a smile. At first she started giggling, then she lost control and began to laugh uncontrollably. Guilmon started laugh too and they laughed together for a long time. Slowly, their laughter turned into chuckles and eventually they were just breathing hard, Guilmon still pinning Renamon down. Their eyes looked and they stared lustfully at each other for a bit, then Guilmon slowly started to lower his head towards Renamon's.

Renamon saw Guilmon lowering his head and her heart began to race. This was the moment she was waiting for. Her body shivered in a mix of fear for what could happen to Guilmon and her anticipation of the kiss, but it never came. Guilmon had stopped, and was looking wide eyed into the eyes of Renamon. He could see pain behind those eyes, a fear of what could happen if this continued. He tore his gaze from her and stood up.

"I...uh...have to get going. Bye, Renamon." He said quickly and ran off into the night. Renamon pulled herself up to a sitting position and watched the rapidly fading image of Guilmon. She felt in her heart a pain she had never felt before, the pain of rejection. While Guilmon never said that he wasn't interested in her, that look in his face said that he was disgusted with her.

Questions? Comments? Send your emails to [email protected] to voice your opinion. Second Chapter should be coming soon.